Just wondering how practical it would be to travel in the RTZ all the way from mid Washington state all the way up to Anchorage Alaska? How should I go about doing this? I have a few different ways I might try this.

1. study google maps long enough to memorize how to fly there, and stay just under the clouds when flying
2. when I roll out of my body just keep a visual in my head of what the place looks like that I want to go to and create a shortcut in my room to sort of teleport there
3. since it's a certain person that I want to go see, maybe if I concentrate on how his energy feels I can teleport myself next to him.

By the way, I DO have his permission to do this...he actually asked me to try. Does anyone have any experience with long distance travel?
If I flew by plane it would cost me about 500 bucks and would take 3 hours, If I drove my car it would take 2 days and lord knows how much gas $. So I figured this might be better...for now

sweet dreams!
