After a completely exhausting work day on Sunday I thought i would sleep like a rock, but there I was this morning, tired yet awake with insomnia again in the early morning hours. I had been lying there for over an hour with a song stuck in my head and thoughts of things that happened at work relentlessly running through my mind. I hate that I can't just turn my brain off and I believe its the source of my insomnia misery. Anyway, I got out of bed for a little bit, then went back to lie down with my Ipod and listen to Monroe's Super Sleep. I had never tried it before. The sounds were soothing and helped me to at least take a break from my mind every once in a while. I got the falling feeling a few times and had a few hypno images.

I listened to the whole 45 minutes of super sleep and when it turned off I was relaxed and comfortable, lying on my stomach, not thinking about anything...not intending to project....when the vibrations started.

I felt the vibrations but this time my ears did not hurt. I separated and floated up a little bit before being sucked down into my body. I realized what was happening so for an exit technique I chose to think about my living room, only the image of the living room I had in one of my childhood homes came to mind instead. This did the trick. I floated up to just above my real body, stopped, then turned 180 degrees so that my head was at my feet. I had no intention of doing this, I just allowed it to happen. I was completely awake and it felt like my real body during the turn as my right hand dragged along the velour blanket on my bed.

Without feeling additional movement I was floating next to the bed on my husband side, looking toward the wall behind the headboard. Things were sort of gray in tone and I noticed gray scribble markings on the wall. I was afraid to look at our bodies on the bed because I might get pulled back in, so I moved away from the bed a little closer to the same wall and that's when I could see better. I wanted to see if there where words or just scribble. It looked like a beige wall with multi-color crayons scribbles. I looked around the room and the side I was on mirrored the other side. The door was missing from our bedroom door and I went through it into our long dark hallway. It was as dark as it normally is and this made me think about the possibility of negs lurking in the shadows. To let go of that thought quickly I hollered out " Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh!!!!" As I flew quickly through the dark hallway toward the living room where a lamp was on. My voice sounded weird. Sort of evil or something. Throaty. Gritty. I don't know how else to describe it. Once in the living room I wanted to go outside so I floated toward the back door which is made up of small pane glass. As I went toward the door I held up my left hand to look at it. It looked normal. It didn't melt, but my fingers got shorter. I easily went through the glass and wood in the back door ad stopped to look. Where a palm tree normally is there was an empty in- ground pool made of bricks and something was inside it. It looked like maybe a blue ball and a white crumpled up tarp. That's where the experience ended as I was immediately back in my body again.

Sooo cool. I love this.