Hi everyone!

I found this board through another board I frequent & someone mentioned this place & Robert Bruce. I was reading a thread on psychic defense.

My reason for asking is I'm hoping there is another already posted thread or some new info I can read about this because I am almost 99 percent sure now my problem involves both a person & potentially negs that are attached to him. My problem began severely the day I stopped speaking to this person because he exhibited strange psychological problems & followed me around after I repeatedly asked him to stop that behavior. He somehow mistook obsession for love & thought I was supposed to marry him? In any case he was pretty freaky in just real life.

I'm aware I have psychic abilities, mostly I focused on empathy for the roughly 30 years I've been around here on this plane. I am sensitive to entities, energies of people in particular especially if they are angry/negative towards me but never has it been sustained as it is now.

One guy in particular helped me loads by placing shielding around me but I'm still sensing some things penetrate. I am practicing shielding as he taught me & finally trying to control my energy field which seems to be helping. Unfortunately he was not able to trace the attacker as the stuff was coming from far away. My sensation isn't that something is right around me but rather it feels like tentacles poking at me (the guy mentioned sensing this) & usually prod my back area either well, now I realize, my back left shoulder is the first point of contact but also the back of my base of my neck which I think when it is targetting my throat (the back of my throat chakra.. I didn't know there were back entranceways!) & my heart chakra.

Symptoms before the shield the guy place around me for protection:
Tingling in my back left shoulder
Constriction in my throat -- causes a sensation of being choked -- my gut told me this was related to someone attempting to control my will & I confirmed it by looking up the chakra & it's meaning
Pressure like my head is being squeezed
Sometimes the burning begins in my back left shoulder then spreads to my chest
I used to think it was my heart but now I am realizing with shielding the pain begins from the point of contact in my back
At one point the pain in my chest was so bad I had to sleep to get away from it
I could feel constrictions/blockages in my chakras themselves (heart, throat, head mainly) but now that has eased with the shield (thank God!)

But anyways, I was wondering since I'm fairly sure now it is human/neg related.. & not just neg... is there anything that is effective? I know I cannot go in & just destroy this guy. Speaking to him has not helped (I actually told him directly once about my symptoms & said please stop feeling anything for me. Obviously that did not work)

& background on him: I met him at a local gym through someone I knew there. He's harmless with men (mostly guys at that place & I was one of the few girls that was a regular) but follows girls around & it's normal behavior & everyone knew it. I think I was the single one so he somehow thought he had a chance? He gave me items but I have since thrown them away due to other people's advice. He followed me around & I repeatedly told him I was not interested but he continued to follow me from room to room until I told him I could not know him at all. I have not seen him in 9 months now but the symptoms still persist.

What I thought was strange was my symptoms were during the day for once. Normally I have experienced what Robert Bruce describes at night before... & that stuff almost never stays around me. However, this past year I dealt not only with this guy but a strange neg that showed up at a house I was renting. I wonder now if that was related to him somehow as Bruce's book mentions negs will follow/attack whomever their host is thinking of. I am almost dead sure now this guy was probably following me or noticing me prior to me being introduced to him for probably 3 or so months because I experienced strange "empathic symptoms" during that time period that did not correspond to anyone I knew when I asked.

I also felt drained strangely when I was at that gym at night. The symptoms would begin & still are on a day schedule except for some stuff at night. I have also had nightmares of this guy because I can sense a presence & I think it is him OBE visiting me during sleep. I have had this thing try to actually get in my face like it is trying to kiss me.

It's like basically having an astral stalker. & it's aggravating, annoying, & I'm beyond frustrated. Is there anything I can do to make him go away permanently?

I am currently reading Robert's book on Psychic Self-Defense but I find most of the info for Neg attack itself & not so much for this kind of attack from a person. Does anyone have suggestions?

I am hoping to rescind some contracts & have been doing affirmations for over a month now. The shielding has been amazing & definitely is protecting my core energy though I think some is still getting through. I am working through core issues (though I did this work prior to this year on myself anyways) in hope that maybe I'll be able to remove any vulnerabilities.

I have found two other girls via similar forums who had the same thing. One of them it seems not long distance & the attackers were mainly people in her classes. The other one said she got lucky & he left her alone. I somehow am unlucky because it seems mine is still obsessing about me. & I'm unsure how to stop that. I have tried binding him also but that didn't work except for a day or so. I suspect a strong Neg is aiding him or encouraging him in doing this maybe to try to attach to me as a host ..? I don't know.

I was also informed by this guy that being psychic makes one vulnerable to this so I'm sure that isn't helping. Anyways I'd love to see if there are new suggestions I can use to permanently get rid of this problem. Thanks!