Tonight I did a programming that was not even intended. But I already experienced things like this before (unprogrammed), so it makes a lot of sense to try it out. Moreover, as it seems, I seem to have yet another strong ally in the non-physical now. Well, probably.

As I already mentioned, I have the impression that sometimes in dreams, (past or current) friends or (dead/alive) relatives of mine try to 'wake me up' (=get me lucid). Here is one example I gave: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=23606
There are much more of these examples happening recently. People, friends and kinship, behaving strangely and forcing me to react. As you know me, I like to give fancy labels to concepts. So I call them the 'Awakeners', 'Prompters' or 'Lucidators' now.

First, some background: As a child and adolescent I had a granny I liked a lot. She came to visit us quite often for some days and we always had a lot of fun. She died in 1989. She was a strong, lively and resolute person. (I assume she still is). She had 7 children and thus left a lot of offspring (following multitudes of grand- and grand-grand-children up to now).

And she can do some 'magic' and uphold communications on this physical plane still, as it seems. My father (her son) told me two stories.

One was that he should get money from a kind of life insurance from her. He knew the exact amount (to the penny!) from her already when she was still alive. After her death, somehow it did not work as the money was not released or released differently. He later won some money in a lottery. It was the EXACT (to the penny!) amount he should have gotten anyway! Hardly a coincidence, if you ask me.

The second is this: Only recently (last Xmas eve) he told me of (what he called) a 'strange dream' when he was flying upwards and then saw his mother standing on a bridge. She beckoned him and commanded him (she could be very stern with her children!): "Not your time now! Go back! Immediately!". He obeyed without hesitation (... it's his mother, after all ). He then flew down again. Just before he woke up he saw his bedroom from above including his wife (my mother) lying there next to him. It was all pretty realistic. Well, you might have guessed already, if you ask me: That was a classical Astral Projection!

So this is what happened before tonight's dream: As told here elsewhere already (long story) I try to win a lottery now. As the first example showed, my granny might be capable at least to help with it. So I asked here in prayers if she could also do sth to help me.

Tonight, only VERY incidentally and just once, I also asked her if she could "also" pop up in my dreams and tell me sth like "hey [my name], this is a dream, get lucid!".

So, finally, here's the dream: I was on a boat on a river, where a class was taking place. The teacher was talking and we were also looking into our school books simultaneously. There were dialogues in those books (maybe it had to do with language and/or communication?). I don't know what the topic was about exactly.

We were sitting as a class on deck chairs (no tables). It was a sunny day. Someone gives me a friendly nudge from the left side. It is my granny. So she is my classmate and seat neighbour on the left. She does not talk, but she shows me the book and the page we are on. There is a dialogue further down on the page. I don't know (anymore) what it all was about, but one thing strikes me: There was my name in it (as one of the dialogue characters). I only tell her that I do not hope that the teacher is going to pick on me now because of this "coincidence" . My goodness, you might have guessed it, I failed again to get lucid.

My granny kept her word. She was there and even somehow addressed me with "my name". I have not yet analysed more of the possible symbolism that was in the class'room' situation, the book, the river and the boat, the deck chairs, the written dialogue with me in it. But it already is another truly amazing result for me.

There is always the question (like in all my programming dreams) how this comes about, but even more in this one: Is it really my Granny's soul/personage who heard my request and acted? Is it a projection of mine? Is it a helper/guide acting as my granny? My higher self? I can't be sure. But one thing is very sure, and that is my primary interest in doing this: Programming works for me! Not yet good enough to get lucid, but I'm working on it.
I will keep trying now. Next time I will again direct my request to my granny to come again into my dreams all the time and literally shake and jolt me awake. Maybe it works next time. And even if not, me (and gran) might have some fun along the way.