Hallo Defectron
Regarding Area 51 --- I have read several OBE accounts of people trying to visit Area 51 OOB. Nobody, to my knowledge, has been successful. This leads me to speculate that perhaps there is some sort of psychic shield or discarnate guardians protecting that place (which btw would Not surprise me at ALL).


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by Korpo on Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:03 pm

Hello, greytraveller.

Certainly a possibility, I think it was in one of Monroe's books that he was somehow blocked from reaching the president or something similar on one occasion, IIRC. One has to wonder if that was an accurate perception of his or if he was assigning a certain symbolic interpretation to the psychic inaccessibility of such a person and took it literal.

On the other hand, many people report having a hard time getting to places they don't know or have a clear ident of. Since nobody who tried ever was to Area 51 nor knows what it looks like up close, they might have had no valid ident to get to the place.


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:59 pm

Well I'm not even sure if I made it to the real time zone or not. The place I landed in did look indestinguishable from a physical envornment one might see in our world, as there were no really strange objects about like there usually are in my projections and it was also very crisp and solid looking unlike dream images, but I have no way of verifying that it was a physical place, because if it was one, it was one that I'm not familiar with. It obviously wasn't area 51 though as it looked like a public place, probably some expensive hotel. Next time I'll probably try to call my guide again and try to talk with him/her/it to see if I can find out what that was about.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by Korpo on Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:20 pm

Hello, defectron.

I have had experiences that looked very real, and I think these occasions were astral. The quality of the light can be a clue at times, and sometimes I simply know where I was. Also in hindsight one such sequence was preceded or followed by "clues" - such as impossible spatial arrangements. The experience itself, however, would have been indistinguishable, mostly.


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:39 am

Had a new projection today, rolled out and went over to the door anomaly. The bathroom is back so it looks like I gotta take care of a few issues. When I looked in the mirror I saw that my third eye was back without me even needing to call on it. It didn't unnerve me this time like it did the last time I saw it, it felt normal to have it there. Anyway although I think I know at least one of the issues that needs sorting out since I let something fall out of balkance a bit recently I wasn't sure at the time so I asked what it was that needed to be purged. And here's where things got a little odd. I noticed in the reflection of the mirror my dead Aunt who I breifly saw in a previous projection was coming into the room behind me. I whirled around to look but she wasn't there. Now this is odd, I can't imagine what associated with my aunt would need purging. It is true when I first saw her in that projection I was a little apprehensive since I knew that if this was my real aunt and was somehow involved in the simulations she'd know all my secrets which didn't sit well with me at the time. But this is an issue that I've since made peace with and come to accept so its not that. It was then I tried asking some sort of cardboard stand sitting on top of a file cabinet which was in the bathroom for some reason what needed purging and the projection ended after that. The presence of the file cabinet may be another clue since you usually don't see those in bathrooms.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by CFTraveler on Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:47 am

Right away I think your Aunt may symbolize the fact that someone else may know your innermost thoughts. So maybe that's something you need to deal with. I guess you know what else she may mean, but that's what came to mind when I read your account.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by Korpo on Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:51 pm

Hello, defectron.

I wonder what you would have found if you had actually investigated the file cabinet regarding its contents.


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:31 pm

I wonder what you would have found if you had actually investigated the file cabinet regarding its contents.

yeah I know, I wish I had thought of that back then but at the time the file cabinet didn't seem that special to me. It wasn't until later I thought "Hey there was a file cabinet in that bathroom! What could it mean?"

Right away I think your Aunt may symbolize the fact that someone else may know your innermost thoughts. So maybe that's something you need to deal with.

Yeah that was an issue for me but I thought I had gotten past that. Though I did ask myself if I would be ok talking with dead relitives who could read my mind and even though it doesnt bother me as much I still think it makes me a little uncomfortable. So it might be part of this afterall.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:39 pm

Had a short blind projection today, from what I can tellt he bathroom is still there so I'm not done with it yet.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:22 am

Had an almost projection today. I was in a dream when I realized that I could project. I had an idea to try the method of flying into the sky to get to the astral so I blasted through the window flying outside. I then flew up into the nightsky and paused as I reached the tops of some big metal electrical towers that were going over some mountains. In the distance what looked like a huge insectoid alien skeliton was floating in the sky. It was all so big, black and intimidating I just decided to try going to the astral using the phasing method, so I went back down and began to phase intot he ground but took too long and woke up. I'm kinda regretting not following through with the sky method, I'll have to try that when I get another chance.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:31 am

Had some short projections today

First I had one where I tumbled out blind and went over tot he room anomaly. Funny thing is the room didn't seem to be properly sturctured this time. When I tried to touch the wall I just got a sort of tingly feeling simialer to when I phase but not as intense. After that I woke up. I had an almost projection later where I automatically began to floa tup out of my body, but unfortunately the surprise of this happening was great enough to wake me up.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:18 pm

Today I had an almost projection that started in a dream where I was in a bank that had been hit by a snowstorm. While I was waiting in line I realized that this was a dream and then tried to phase through the floor. That didn't work, possibly because the simulation blocked it so I tried the wall witht he same result. I then remembered that I could try flying intot he sky to get tot he astral so I began to run towards the door. When I did this a bunch of midgets who looked like oompa loompas from willy wonkas chocolate factory came out to try to stop me. I leapt intot he air and began to fly towards the window, but it just seemed really far away, I flew faster and hit it, smashing through it. I then flew intot he sky, for some reason it was summer out now even though there was a blizzard earlier so I took off most of my winter clothes as I was flying, but I had trouble with my coat, it was coming off really slowly and seemed to have the same effect as when I get stuck in a slow phase which woke me up before I could fly further.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:56 am

Had a really interesting projection just now

I rolled out of my body blind, on the wrong side of the bed too. I then got off and made my way over to the room anomaly. The bathroom was there but I didn't stick around this time. I then went downstairs and asked some questions to a picture on the wall regarding the nature of the simulation. The picture changed to look like one of my family, I'm assuming this is symbolic of interconnectedness given something that I hear later on. Anyway I then called my guide, at first nothing happened, but then a rather tall old woman ambeled up the stairs. I then asked her if she was my guide which she said was correct. I asked her some other questions, I don't remember the answer to all of them though. One I asked was if she was human, her response was something like "Don't I look like a human to you?" there was some reason I don't completely remember she gave to why she looked like quasimoto the last time we met. Anyway somehow we got on the subject of jesus. Apparantly she was a Christian woman, though since she was no longer in the physical she had the opportunity to actually meet Jesus saying something to the effect of "Yes he's real, I met him and he's just as real as anyone you might meet.". We then got onto the topic of how he got resurected. Both Kurt leland and The master of the key have said that the resurection was actually an obe. But I also said it is possible that he did physically get resurected too since I believe that our physical world is an illusion which can be manipulated by those who know how. The response she gave appeared to evade my question, though, now that I think of it, maybe it was a real answer. She said I was correct in my views on the physical universe and that the barrier "between here and there is not real". Essentially she said something to the effect that the only differences between the physical and the astral are those that we make, if we knew what we were doing more, there really wouldn't be a difference. What I mean by that being a real answer has to do with the meaning of what she said, the only difference between the physical and the astral is how we perceive it, everything is actually interconnected. So in effect both views on how he came back to life could be correct at the same time. One other thing I am interested in, is alternate universes. I brought this up, she confirmed that yes alternate universes are real, since we were on the subject of Jesus I asked "Can we go look at one of the alternate realitys where he never died?" she was like "sure lets go" we got in a flying car and were about to head out, but unfortuntely I ended up waking up before we could get there.

Interesting thing , a couple weeks ago I had a dream I didn't remember very well where someone told would go on a journey on thursday, thursday came and went but nothing happened, but this happened on a thursday, maybe the dream was referring to this.