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Thread: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    U.S.A wisconsin, where the cheese is good

    GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    Well here's the beginning of my journal for the mechanisms of my sub-conscious... i have nothing great to start with, but i did have something today i'd care to enter into this journal which seemed like a semi-dream type thingy. I just wanted to get a start on this thing i guess to make a mental note for myself to record these type of things when they happen to help give me better recall on dreams or something i dunno... I'm really not sure if anyone really cares about what i will write here, but I guess this is more for me than anyone else anyways so yea hehe.

    Well here's what happened. Around mid-day today i decided to make an OBE attempt, and i had some of the strongest sleep paralysis I've ever experienced which felt quite interesting. And somewhere in the middle of it all i had seen images that i would classify as a dream (or maybe not? It could have been an OBE cuz i dunno, i DID see my room, but for only like 5 seconds, and most of the contents were in their right places, except for i did not see myself sleeping on my bed. I didn't have any exit signs and i didn't recall exiting myself either). I was looking at my room from the opposite side of the room I was sleeping on, and I had a whole bunch of suitcases next to my bed because i had recently come back from a vacation except for one item that wasn't there when i went to bed.... i noticed a vacuum cleaner lying beside my bed that wasn't there earlier. And this vacuum cleaner actually had significance too, cuz when i went on vacation, it was with my best friend and his family, and i wanted to bring a vacuum cleaner along to blow up air mattresses i brought along for the trip, but we ended up not bringing it along because my friend's dad had a smaller electric air pump we used. I remember that i needed a vacuum cleaner at the end of the trip to clean out the tent, but i didn't bring it. the vacuum cleaner ended up being left at his house until I would see him again and bring it back to my house.

    This was actually a LOT longer than i had intended it to be hehe. The dream itself wasn't even close to long, but i felt the need to explain the significance of the vacuum cleaner and why my sub-conscious decided to make the vacuum cleaner appear next to my bed.
    if there was ever a time to make a signature, it would be now

  2. #2
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    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    It sounds like you did have an OBE and experienced reality fluctuations. You can look these up in Robert's Treatise which is in the Home section of the site (left tab). To get there do this:
    Home -> Out of Body Experiences (Section Widget on left of Homepage)-> OBE Articles-> Treatise on Astral Projection (Part I, Astral Vision) describes this.

    Besides the mechanical answer (reality fluctuations) I would say that your subby wants you to clean something up- belief systems? Expectations? You be the judge.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    U.S.A wisconsin, where the cheese is good

    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    really? it really all felt like just a very short dream or like hypnagogic imagery or somethin. i didn't feel like i exited, and i couldn't really see or feel myself at all either, my physical or my astral self. if this was an OBE then it's not much of what i thought it was gonna be, it felt just like any other dream
    if there was ever a time to make a signature, it would be now

  4. #4
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    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    Technically, without exit sensations it's a lucid dream but they are definitely related phenomena. There are fabulous experiences and more mundane or poorly recalled experiences.
    Last edited by Beekeeper; 9th July 2011 at 11:38 AM.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #5
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    U.S.A wisconsin, where the cheese is good

    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal


    Today i had quite a bit of variety to my dreams... i'm actually quite surprised at how many different things happened within them. btw, for those reading, i have something interesting in the last paragraph, so if you want, you don't have to read all of it if you don't want to, you can skip right to the last paragraph

    First off, i had dreamt i was chatting with somebody on this forum here... but it was on the computer and this website had some sort of instant message type thing... but the weird part about it was that i could hear the person's voice (I think because it's very hard to read things while dreaming, so my sub-conscious created a way for me to understand the conversation, which i talk a little bit about in my last paragraph) and i think it was a girl. I'm not quite sure what we talked about at all cuz this one was really vague for me...

    after i awoke from this dream i had attempted an OBE which i found the after affects to be quite strange.... i didn't find any success but something interesting happened... after i had woke up (after trying to for like 10 minutes cuz i felt the need to turn over again but couldn't lol), it was nearly impossible for me to stay awake, but the weird thing was.... i wasn't tired. I couldn't for the life of me stay awake, but the second i rest my head on the pillow again, i thought to myself "wow, i'm not even sleepy"

    anyways, when i finally did get to sleep again, i had a dream with many many random things in it. In fact it was so odd, that i couldn't believe it wouldn't make me lucid from it; there were obvious clues that i was dreaming, but for some strange reason, it's hard to notice them when you're in the dreamstate :/. It started off with somewhat of a false awakening, but i don't really remember waking up from my bed, i just began walking into my kitchen as i see my dad finish eating cereal and putting his bowl into the sink. I notice he's using this little kid bowl with a straw on the side to suck out the milk with, so i ask him why and he responds "oh just cuz..." so then i go to eat my cereal and i understood why he was using that... that was the only kind of bowl in the cupboard, and there were like 6 of em all different colors (when we only have one in our house). yea i thought it was weird... but for some reason, not weird enough to realize i was dreaming. After this i blacked out for awhile and found my self playing some weird space tunnel racing game that was hard to describe but reminded me of this one level in super mario galaxy. i ended up falling through a hole and dying which somehow warped me to my backyard, where i was greeted by a dog with one eye i knew as Butters, while listening to my ipod. for some strange reason i assumed this dog to be the neighbor's dog that used to get lost sometimes (which was actually a completely different dog). After awhile this dog went to go lie down and sleep by my garage. after listenming to my ipod, i noticed strange new songs on it that i never had before. Then i see 2 baby deer (fawns? is that what they're called?) have a race with each other to see which one could wake up the sleeping dog first. Then I was going on a golf outing with the characters from one of my video games called Final Fantasy X and i got to see what all of they're special weapons and stuff looked and felt like. I had a weird kind of connection with them as though each one of them were my close friends.... before we left, i noticed i had 3 putters in my golf bag, and one of em was like a really peachy color, and it was all bent and misshapen. after this i woke up in disbelief that all this craziness wasn't enough to convince myself that i was dreaming.

    I went back to sleep and realized something that i've wondered once before... i had a really really short dream that i was reading a book. but it was really strange trying to read it because all of the text was mixed around. i could read each word fine and everything, but the words didn't make any literal sense at all.. It would say something like "Dave was Dave and was shouldn't can happen in ever day once ahead" or something really weird like that... has any one else gotten this result when trying to read while dreaming?

    Also, do you suppose all this was a bit too long?
    if there was ever a time to make a signature, it would be now

  6. #6

    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by Guitarmaster72 View Post
    Also, do you suppose all this was a bit too long?
    What do you mean by this? Too long for what?
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2010
    U.S.A wisconsin, where the cheese is good

    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    i meant like too long of an explanation of it all, but i guess it wasn't
    if there was ever a time to make a signature, it would be now

  8. #8

    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    ahh, no don't worry about that.
    it's great that you have such detailed recall. some people do get put off from reading massive long posts, but i think if you break them up into paragraphs (as you have done) then it's easy enough to read...
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  9. #9
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    U.S.A wisconsin, where the cheese is good

    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal


    I can't recall exactly when this dream happened, whether it was through the night, or after i had woken up once, but I had 2 dreams; one of em a bit strange, one of em that could have been like real life.

    The one that seemed realistic that could've happened in real life was just me in my room playing Final Fantasy X (I keep having FFX related dreams... although i haven't played that game in a couple of weeks :/) and my dad who has also played and beaten the game was watching me play it. When i was powering up my characters on the sphere grid (that is if anyone here knows how the leveling system of that game works? probly not hehe) I was trying to make the decision of which character i should have learn this one ability. while decided i said "hmmm should i have her learn this, or have this guy learn that..." somewhat to myself but out loud, and my dad goes "What, you don't know what Zombie Attack does?" which i found odd, cuz i already had another character learn the move Zombie Attack, and i was showing my sister what it does one day, and i had overheard my dad say this EXACT THING in real life a few weeks back. (for those of you curious, although probably not, Zombie Attack is a move that allows a character to attack with the effect of Zombie, when an enemy has Zombie, he is able to be hurt by healing effects)

    My second dream happened to be based off of the video game Zelda: Ocarina of Time which is a game I've been playing a lot lately in efforts of speedrunning it. My most favorite level in the whole game is the water level where you're able to wear special boots that let you sink in the water and run around and stuff on the bottom the water level. I dreamt I was Link in the water level but it wasn't the water level in the game, it had a different design to it than the actual game my sub-conscious created. What was weird about it tho is there were odd rooms that had people in it i could talk to, and it all seemed like a huuuge cube filled with water that went like 50 feet deep and the length and width were about the size of a football field.

    Anyone find it strange i keep having video game related dreams? hehe
    if there was ever a time to make a signature, it would be now

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: GM's (lucid) Dream Journal

    Not at all. Your dreams will reflect anything from your life and a virtual reality world is a kind of dreamscape anyway. If you do reality checks, make sure you do them during gaming too.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

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