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Thread: Defectrons obe journal

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    Defectron, I was wondering if you ever felt like you came from another place, like another planet, before you incarnated here? This is what makes me ask
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  2. #42

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    That is certainly possible as when growing up I had more trouble adjusting to things then most other people had, so that could be why. There was also the vision of the alien world. Though I don't want to jump to any conclusions about that sort of thing before I get something more to go off of.

  3. #43

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    Had a pretty interesting projection today

    I came out and went over to the room anomaly, it was a closet again, I think I know what it is I gotta work through though.

    Anyway I then went outside and decided to try focusing on a person again to see if I could go to them. This time instead of doing that with my freind I tried to focus on the paranormal author Nick Redfern. I hovered intot he air, this time I floated up about 2-3 times higher then when I usually try this trick and shot off. I then turned myself around so I could see where I was going and crashed into some place that looked like a salon. I blacked out for a moment and when I came to I was in a place that looked like some sort of midieaval castle. The place was quite lucid looking almost like the physical world. I had been half expecting to see Nick in the realtime zone since he should be awake by now given that I think he lives in britain but it looks like this wasn't the case. I forget how I ran into him, but we began talking about paranormal stuff. Somehow we got on the subject of the "Cormons" which is the name that the witch he encounters in his book "three men hunting monsters" uses to call the entities that haunt the earth. I mention that one of my goals is to find out how the cormons work and to replicate their abilities, since I think that the abilities demonstrated by these beings (exterting direct influence over physical reality) is something humans can do too. Nick then went off on a tagent saying that long ago his father was killed by a supernatuarl beast called the "Krem", after that it becomes a little bit fuzzy what happened, but I think Nick kind of freaked out, me and some woman I didn't recognize both helped him out of the stone castle and he seemed to calm down after that. After this the projection ended.

    I think its unlikely Nicks story happened in the physical world as he no doubt would have written about something crazy like that in his books. There's a couple possibilities here

    1. This wasn't actually nick
    2. I met his dream self, sometimes ones mind doesn't work right in a dream and this could be an example of that happening to him
    3. The most unlikely possibility is it really did happen to him and he has some secret reason never to bring it up
    4. This was a version of him from a parralell world where things played out differently

    I looked up the word Krem but it doesn't seem to refer to anything special.

  4. #44

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    Today I came out and went downstairs. I had an idea to try to visit my past self to see if I could influence myself into doing anything differently and if so to se eif it would change anything. Howver when I tried making the jump nothing happened. Either I was being blocked or I needed to be in a higher body then the astral to do it.

    Anyone know if time traveling can be done in the regular astral body, or do you need access tot he mental body to pull that off?

    Anyway that projection pretty much ended there, i kinda recall coming out again but dont remember what happened with that.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    Hallo Defectron
    I believe that I have had some type of time travel OBE in the astral/etheric body. See my journal here for the OBE titled "Magickal History Book". It is on page 3 btw. Now whether I travelled back in time in this universe, or visited another parallel universe or was in a BST, well that is something that I am unable to answer.
    My (educated) guess is that time travel is much more likely in either an alternate/parallel universe or especially in a BST. Something about the "Grandfather Paradox" has always resonated true with me. Yet just about anything is possible.


  6. #46

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    My theory is that it might be possible to overwrite a current reality using astral time travel. I wanted to test that out by talking to my past self in a dream and telling him to move something from my room and put it in another room. But for whatever reason I wasn't able to get there.

    Anyway I had two projections today, the first was short and not very memorable. In the next one I came out and went to check on the room anomaly which was a closet again. I then jumped downstairs and was about to head outside to go try to do something. But then I stopped and asked a digital clock what was going on with the simulation. It uttered some unintelligable word and then displayed three words on its screen. The first word I don't remember, the second word was "lite" and the third word was "resume" I think the resume part may have meant for me to go back out and try what I was about to do, but the projection ended after that.

  7. #47

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    Today I had at least 6 AP's, maybe more

    Anyway in my first projection I came out blind but had no problem finding my way around. I checked the room anomaly which had a bunch of blankets and other stuff in it. I then went downstairs and asked various things the purpose of the simulation. I got the feeling I wasn't supposed to ask this right now though. So I went outside and tried jumping to wherever the simulation was, but went back to my body before I got there. I came back out but this time tried to go see an old freind I hadn't seen in awhile. I once again got intereupted mid jump and came back. This happened a number of different times as I tried to go to a number of different places. The last place I tried to go was my physical room, I touched down in a place that looked like my room, but on closer examination this was clearly another astral duplicate. I then knocked a bunch of stuff over for some reason and came out. I noticed some astral versions of my parent and asked them why I couldn't go anywhere. The astral version of my step dad then said I had to stay here and then made some dog noises. I tried to ask why but then went back to my body. I shouldve asked what I was supposed to do over here but didn't think to do so at the time. Next time I come out I'll have to find them and ask what it is I'm supposed to do.

  8. #48

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    This might relate to the toher days incident, I was half asleep but then I heard what sounded like a girl making dog noises in my ear.

  9. #49
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    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    I checked the room anomaly which had a bunch of blankets and other stuff in it
    Maybe something else needed to be un-cover-ed first.

  10. #50

    Re: Defectrons obe journal

    Had a really amazing projection today Actually multiple projections

    I came in and out a number of times, I don't remember exactly how many, most were kind of short. Oddly in many of these my body felt alot less tangible then usual.

    Anyway in one of the first ones I went over to the room anomaly and took korpos suggestion to look under the blankets. Oddly what was under them was a blue bra. Here's what dream moods had to say about bras

    Anyway I continued popping an and out of my body at some point I ran into the two guides who looked like my parents. I asked them what the deal was with this simulation, I can't remember what they said it was though now. After that I asked if it was ok for me to go out. The guide who looked like my mom said she was worried that I would get into trouble if I did. I said I wouldn't so she relented and said it would be ok if they went along. Anyway I popped back into my body but then came out again. I then found the guide who looked like my mom in another room. I asked her why she was worried about me getting into trouble. In response she said something that seems odd now but didn't particularly at the time. She said that the first time I saw her I got scared and ran away. I don't ever remember this happening though. An odd paralell is that in one of my early projections some children saw me flying, got scared and ran away. Anyway I skipped over that and began to ask her some questions. I asked her if she had ever been by area fifty one. She said she hadn't and didn't really plan to and that today we would only be going to a "restaurant" I doubt she meant a restaurant literally, I wonder what that could symbolize. I then asked about shape shifting in the physical mentioning that the other guide who looked like my step dad didn't know how to do this and if she knew how. She said she did but wondered why I wanted to know. I then said it was one of the reasons why I came here in the first place. She then began to tell a very interesting story. As she did so she transformed into a cat with multicolored eyes and continued her story speaking with her mind. She said that during the 17th century, she wasn't human, she was a cat and had been in a situation where she had to learn shape shifting. I forget most of her story though. I remember that at some point I went back to my body but then came back out, after doing so she continued her story, she had changed into a very attractive woman wearing a bathrobe. I forget why but she began to sing that song "don't tell mama" from cabaret after finishing her story while dancing with me. We both then landed on the bed as she straddled over me. I ran my hands over her slipping them inside her robe, I'd never touched breasts that big and perfect before. She then took off her robe and we had sex. That was the last part of the projection I remember.

    So yeah this was a very unusual projection, I wish I remembered more of my guides story and also what the simulation was about. Hopefully in a future projection we'll be able to go to wherever it was she was planning to take me.

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