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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #381
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    Re: My dream diary

    It also seems like you don't feel prepared, but as soon as you ask for assistance you are provided with what you need.

  2. #382
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    Re: My dream diary

    That pretty much sums up my life.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #383
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    The three witches.

    I had a very bad night in the sense that I kept waking up- at four, six, eight thirty and nine. It was a good night for dreaming because all those wakeups made me remember it. I say it because it was the same dream that I kept coming back to.

    In it I was a teacher, and my apprentices were three witches. I had a small cottage that had an attic, a main floor and a basement. I taught them in the attic, and when the lesson was finished, I sent them to the garden to gather some ingredients (for lunch or a potion, I'm not sure- maybe both) and while I was cooking I received (like a rote) the information that one of them was there to learn from me, but she had her underlying motives, and they were not good.
    I laughed to myself because I knew that because of this the 'misguided' one would be sent to a fool's errand- she would not find what she needed because she was not equipped to be able to use what she found for what she wanted.
    As the girls were outside I woke up, got up and eventually came back to bed, and then I went back to the dream. In it I was told how this related to my life, I talked to beings that were explaining some things to me, and I asked for help to deal with some things that were bothering me. I woke up again, and stayed in a semiconscious state until I finally got up around 9:30. ATM I have forgotten most of the information given but I know it's in my memory, and it'll come back when I need it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #384
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    Two dreams, one morning, similar theme.

    I am dating a man (I don't know this man IRL) and my father has allowed us to sleep together in his house (my house, although I'm not 'that' young). I find myself in bed with him and suddenly take a good look at him. I realize I really don't feel attracted to him and wonder how I'm going to get out of having sex with him, now that we're both in bed together and dad is 'out there'. I wake up trying to figure out how to get around this problem. I am so glad when I awake this is only a dream.
    I go back to sleep.
    Now I'm young, and am getting ready to go out on a date with (yet another) man. This man is very handsome (and I don't know him either). There is a lady helping me get ready, 'grooming' me. She is not my mother but is acting like one would be. There is one house in which my clothes are and another house that has the shower I'm going to take before getting dressed. The house with the shower belongs to another woman who has lent it to this lady to help me get ready.
    I have all the clothes ready (I believe it's a green dress, sort of) so we sneak next door, where I actually take that shower. When I get out of the shower and am drying myself, getting ready to go to the house with the clothes, the man arrives. I see him in the window and am amazed at how good looking he is. He sees me and sneaks into the house, where we commence to make out. (Don't worry, this is PG). At the moment we're kissing, the lady who owns the house walks in and sees us (me half naked) in our embrace and we jump. I'm getting ready to try to explain to the lady of the house why we're in her house in the state we're in, when the lady friend of hers walks in and they embrace and chat amiably and I know I'm not in trouble. I then wake up and once again, wonder what that was all about.
    ps. I don't know the ladies either. Everyone in both dreams (except my dad) is a dream character (or someone I don't remember, lol.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #385
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    Open-eyed passed out

    So I'm having a terrible night, waking up every two hours. At some point I get up and sit on the chair, not because of pain, but because of heat. I'm on fire.
    I sit in the darkness and stare at a light in the other side of the house. Since I can't sleep I decide that instead of going to sleep I'll just stare at it open-eyed until I pass out. It worked, for two hours anyway.
    I'm in a dream, in a party, when I begin to float. I go into the 'oh crap I'm floating' mode, which is a recurring theme. I see one woman (I think she's supposed to be a relative, but I can't remember who she is now) and I let her see me floating. She does not act shocked but doesn't want me to let anyone know what I can do.
    We're somewhere when I all of a sudden start floating again, and this time I don't care who sees it. People stare at me and ask me how long I've been floating, and how do I do it. I explain (previous dream memory here) that I've always been able to do it but I always suppress it because I'm afraid to float away into space, so I try to remain under a roof.
    Some people accuse me of being possessed, but there is a crucifix and I stare at it and float towards it, and it stays in place. (This is from dream memories I used to have as a child). This proves to them that this is not an 'evil' ability, it is just an ability.
    Then I find myself in a very small box with a man who is also floating. I am in this box with him and my son. The man is asking me if I want to keep my ability. I tell him yes, but there is something going on with the lighting in the box. I don't like the look of my son's lips and he adjusts the light and now he looks normal. Then we get out of the box and there is something going on, a mob scene, with something alarming going on, something that I recall having dreamed before (I have to see if I've written about it before) and I don't remember how it ends.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #386
    Summerlander Guest

    Re: My dream diary links to another dream! Have you heard of dream cartography?

  7. #387
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    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerlander View Post links to another dream! Have you heard of dream cartography?
    Somewhat, and I've thought of doing it- however, it may prove to be cumbersome, because it would take a long time, but I think it'd be worth it- I have a lot of interlocking dreams and recurrent scapes.
    Hmmm, sounds interesting.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #388
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was dreaming about something to do with my (paternal) grandmother. I think I was in the house, but it merged into my maternal grandmother's (back of her) house. At some point in the dream, I have my eyes closed and can see things that I can't see with my eyes open- In the periphery I can see a small gray alien- he's about two or three feet tall, and doesn't interact with me- he's in the shadows looking around. He's actually kind of cute, like a pixellated cartoon character of an alien.
    I try to look at him and lose the image, and I figure out I can only see him with my eyes closed. After a bit of this I do a few other things (I have forgotten most of them) and I woke up, realize I overslept, get up because I had things to do.
    When I get up I see someone walk to my room, but making no noise. I follow this figure and find there's no one in my room, and check on the young'un, who is still asleep.
    I decide I still wasn't awake yet, and was having walking hypnopomps. Or something.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #389
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    Re: My dream diary

    I had a series of dreams which finished on the beginning of a recurring theme- my father.
    In this dream he had come to tell me he was going to die soon. I asked him how come he was going to die for a second time, since he came back after being dead for two years. He looked confused and told me he didn't remember having died before, and I told him how it had been- he died, was gone for two (in waking reality three) years, and came back. No one asked him about it, but he was dead for quite a long time before coming back, and he didn't talk about it either. He said he didn't remember.
    Then in the end of the dream, he turned into an old man and someone else told me that it wasn't 'really' him.
    Now I was in some sort of a marketplace and I was looking at a list of people who were supposed to be in some sort of organization, or of some sort of privilege. I realized I knew some of these people, and my cousin was in the list too.
    I decided to not join the organization because I could get the 'magazines' for free, since I knew so many of the participants.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #390
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    Re: My dream diary

    I lay on the bed, and hear voices. I decide they're either self-aspects or spirits, I strain to listen to what they are saying, but have trouble hearing and understanding. I float off the bed and 'land' standing up (with my eyes closed) in the 'area' where my 'thoughts' would be, but I still don't understand.
    I then 'really' get up off the bed, and walk towards the back of the house, where there is a bathroom that points to a laundry room. This seems 'wrong' to me and I decide to close the door so that the bathroom and laundry room somehow become different spaces (has to do with a window on the door) so I do this, and then I start walking towards the front of the house, which is now my house growing up. As I walk by my parent's bedroom I see a couple of old people there, no one I know, and the lady is holding open a jewelry box, and the man is standing besides her with a flashlight in his hand. (It's daytime). I see them and start screaming at them "what are you doing in my house?" and they look at me startledly, and I decide they must be burglars and I start to run out the front door and into the neighborhood. I make a beeline to the house where the people I still know live, and as I'm running towards their door, I start to fly up towards the top gable where there is a lot of greenery.
    As I go into the greenery (it sort of pixellates as if I were going through it) it occurs to me that I am flying, and that this is a very weird way to travel, and I still don't realize I am dreaming, even as I wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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