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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #391
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    Grandpa's house (Abuelito)

    I was back at my grandfather's house. It had been gutted and was redone, we were living in it, but there were other people visiting it (as if it were a museum). [This is a recurring theme].
    My husband told me he had redone the "game room" (we don't have one, just a game table in the back porch). When I walked in, it was a large industrial-looking room much like the packing plant that was part of my grandfather's farmhouse, and he had slapped some siding on it that didn't make it to the top and there were some couches and a new ping-pong table. Our 'usual' table was there, and possibly some game machines too. It was cool but cheap-looking, and not very well done.
    Also, the original house had a basement and the first floor was wood, and in this dream he had removed the (now rotten) wood floor and the floor was now what used to be the basement, hence the very tall ceiling.
    I was having trouble navigating the new 'look', but people were walking around touring the place, which was my house.
    It didn't bother me having all of them doing it either, I kept reminiscing with some 'town elders' about my favorite parts of the house (which is true and has been expressed in dream previous times).
    At some point I awoke very sad.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #392
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    Re: My dream diary

    Two dreams I remember:
    In the first one, I was in a house or room waiting to die, because it had been foretold (by me). Another woman (I suspect she was another version of me, she looked a bit like my avatar) came to the house and tried to convince me to get out of the house and I said that I'd prefer to die at home, not 'out there somewhere'. She then proceeded to eat an Alka-Seltzer tablet and started to gag and foam at the mouth. At this moment I Heimliched her and the tablet popped out. As I was Heimliching her I was thinking that perhaps this is what I had 'seen', and it was not my death, but her near/death. I was pondering this when I woke up as she started to come to. Nobody died and I woke up.

    Second dream, before wakeup time:
    We were on our way to some sort of outdoor activity. We were in some sort of camping place (with a lodge/dining room, similar to a summer camp). We were walking with some friends we know IRL and my friend S. asked me to go with her to the store to get groceries for dinner. As we walked in the store I noticed that there was only three items- turkey, some vegetables, and some liquid. I didn't want that, and I left the store without groceries.
    As we got back to where everyone was, we were walking to a place where everyone was, and we were talking about what we were going to do first. I was hungry so we decided to go to the 'dining room' (more like a mess hall) and in the 'restaurant' all that was available was turkey, mashed potatoes and some kind of dessert. I then realized that it was what was in the grocery store.
    We sat down to eat and watch some movie about how the ingredients were raised (like an agricultural video) and I was kind of angry because the rest of our group was sitting in a different room having a social time while we were somewhere else.
    I woke up, kind of frustrated.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #393
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was somewhere and was being left behind by my family. I ran to them and felt they were ignoring me. After we got home I started arguing with my husband and he didn't look at me or talk to me. My son also acted as if I weren't there at all. This went on for a long time in various places, to my increasing frustrations. I cried and screamed and no one acknowledged me.
    As I was waking up I had the thought that I had died and that's why everyone acted as if I wasn't there- because I wasn't. This made me realize how it must be for people who die unexpectedly- they probably should be told by a family member.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #394
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    Re: My dream diary

    Your dreams have been a little sad lately.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #395
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    Yes, I blame not feeling well for it.

    Last night I had a series of dreams, which may or may not come back to me-
    But somewhere in the middle of the night I awoke with astral sight (or remote viewing in the quality of etheric sight, a kind of grainy- night-vision quality sight) and I was watching everything crumble around me- an earthquake (I couldn't 'feel' it, like a vibration or shaking, but I could see everything around me shake and things topple down and kind of 'undo' themselves as they came down- and I was somewhere outside of a city or town that had buildings- sidewalks and buildings, and people running around- shaking and falling. I opened my eyes (it was dark) and some of it continued to go on (and fade), and then when I closed my eyes again, I could see and 'feel' (visually) it, and it slowly faded away. I thought of waking my husband, but thought better of it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #396

    Re: My dream diary

    ¡Hi, CF!

    A similar dream had my mother (89 years old), yesterday, at about 3:00 A.M. (Argentinian time). This time is accurate since she got awake and cannot sleep again.

    At dream events were: "She was looking through window of her house. She saw as all building collapse and at the same time ceilings (zinc made of) take flight as sequel of a strong wind (a detail what I forget to tell you when referring dream at that another forum). This events continues until horizon line becomes fully visible."

    What a curious combination: earthquake plus strong wind.

    My mother is not familiar with this thematics; that adds a bit of strangeness to dream.

    Another (and repeated at least once more time) dream on catastrophic context was about 30 years ago: Skies were in fire, and people get shelter in caves at hills neigbouring city.


    Last edited by -asalantu-; 9th September 2011 at 03:32 AM.

  7. #397
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    Very long dream

    We were in a similar place to where I went to college the first time (University), only it's location was different. I went to a dining room and my husband and son said "Go, we'll be right here". I went inside, got something and when I came back out they were not there. I thought "I guess it must have been sarcasm" and went to the building where I had my first class.

    It was a math class. I got through the class and went outside to the next class. I realized I didn't know where it was, so I asked people where the classroom was and they directed me to the building. I realized that this classroom was in another direction but in the same building, and I went in and took the class. So I get out of the class and head for the cafeteria to get a snack, and find disgusting roaches in the cafeteria. These were green, and I was told it was because the food they ate was very healthy, it was the cleanest healthiest cafeteria. I can't handle it and my appetite is ruined, so I head back to the next class, which I take (I remember taking notes, it was some sort of algebra).

    When I get out of this one there is a beach in the north side of the school and I see people are surfing. I want to jump in and bodysurf (something which I used to do when young, but haven't in years). I went as far as putting my feet in the nice warm water (it felt delicious) but fought the urge to jump in, because I had one more class and had no other clothes to change back into.

    I get back to the classroom, and this time I have learned that all my classes are in the same building (a Greco-Roman style) and I find my classroom. I went in and took the class, triumphantly. Then I woke up feeling quite self-satisfied.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #398
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    Re: My dream diary

    Sounds a lot like lower mental plane to me - University, algebra and maths act as standins for the kind of learning that is going on there.

  9. #399
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    Re: My dream diary

    Alien Abduction dream- I was in a large room with many other people, and we had all been abducted.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #400
    sleeper Guest

    Re: My dream diary

    were they conscious of the event? did you talk to them?

    was it like the scene from the movie 'war of the worlds?'

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