December 22, 2007

Well this morning I had a short LD, probably lasted about 5 minutes.

At first I was having a ND that I was in my living room and my dad was there. When I looked at him, he looked a lot different so I knew I was dreaming. I put my hands together, about to rub them but I had faded out. My vision was blank but I could still feel my dream hands. I rubbed them and concentrated hard and I ended up on a street in the suburbs. It wasn't very clear so I said "increase lucidity" but then I realized that wasn't what I was supposed to say so I said "increase clarity" and it actually worked, everything especially the parked cars had a lot of detail on them. So I tried flying. I could, but I didn't have much control. I tried saying "increase control" but it didn't do much. So I just landed and kept walking. I saw some random person, so I thought I'd have a conversation with them. As I walked up to it (can't remember if it was a guy or girl), it just kept walking faster away from me. So I yelled out to it "hey wait" and it turned around but kept walking backwards away from me. I then said "hey let me talk to you" and I pulled out 5 dollars from thin air. Then it stopped and just as I was close the the person, they said "you act like you're ten years old" and immediately I woke up, not even enough time to put my hands together.

I find I become lucid more often when I'm sleeping in the morning, but it's really easy to wake up since I'm not as tired as I am when I'm first sleeping at night.