Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1
    IA56 Guest

    IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have this dream, what do you think it want to tell me??

    I was up in air in a car and I was sitting in back seat, looking down to ground from the back window of
    the car. I saw a house and besided the house was a little bone fire and smoke ring´s coming upwards like indians sending smoke was grey thick smoke and the ring´s where perfect shaped and many ring´s going straight upward .....I was fashinated by the smoke ring´s and I was not afraid that did not
    understand what I was doing in the car flying like an airoplan??

    I´d like to have some input, please.


  2. #2
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Last night I did have this dream, what do you think it want to tell me??

    I was up in air in a car and I was sitting in back seat, looking down to ground from the back window of
    the car. I saw a house and besided the house was a little bone fire and smoke ring´s coming upwards like indians sending smoke was grey thick smoke and the ring´s where perfect shaped and many ring´s going straight upward .....I was fashinated by the smoke ring´s and I was not afraid that did not
    understand what I was doing in the car flying like an airoplan??

    I´d like to have some input, please.

    I would see both the house and car as images of your mind/body- and if the car was flying, it would seem (to me) that it is your higher mind while the house is your 'earthly self', which includes your body, of course (but also certain mental faculties, I think).
    The idea that you are sitting in the back seat would indicate that you don't feel you're in charge of your 'higher mind' or Higher Self- and/or that you see your mind and body as separate aspects of yourself, and perhaps the signals would be your body letting you know you need to integrate both, or to honor them equally.
    Of course, that's just my interpretation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    WoW...CFT...That is a good interpretation....I have intergrated many aspects of me...but I can understand that it is not compleated still....I do not feel I am in charge of my "higher mind" I have difficulties to see what it is....It is not so long ago when I was in a group to learn to know the different energies there nature, crystal, dead or deaseced ...the teacher for the group said we shall think of a friend or relative on the other side....and I did have difficultie to pick one...I did see a black door in my mind´s eye and a voice said....pick me....and after the group session I did think about it who it would have bean behind the black door...and I think it might have bean my higher self...or at least the one who did educate me during the psychopath beating time in 1981 whom did tell me about our indestructuble core and that we are not our bodies....

    Do you have any idea how to intergrate with my higher self ... but mind and body is very separate aspects of me...body is only a vechile for this time here and nothing more...the flesh-body...but off course the other bodies is more me that my is only this life personality, or am I wrong??


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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I see things a little differently- If you like, I could write up a little something about that and post it in a different forum and link it to here..... I don't want to derail your thread too much.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Please do that, thank´s again CFT


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    Re: IA´s dream diary....
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hello, IA.

    I would like to offer a similar interpretation. A car is often used as "vehicle of consciousness", an energy body. It would then be no surprise that it could fly really. Taking the backseat might at first be at odds with this, but this could be a hint that you have access to this energy body, but what you are shown is helped along by the support of another consciousness (the driver, whether seen or not). This would mean another consciousness would aid and stabilize your consciousness to experience this.

    You already decoded the symbolism of the fire and the smoke - because it reminded you of smoke signals. You place it in the context of communication. Fire has the connotation of energy transformation. You also take note of the shapes. It could be that the smoke rings themselves were thoughtforms, direct means of communicating information. You could see it taking place, identify roughly the process, but you could not read it yet as in deciphering the smoke signals.

    Adventures like this can serve the purpose of exposing you to things - here the environment, the energy body you were in, its senses. You already made use of these senses by the translation of the reality you perceived, recalled and conveyed. This might in good time lead to more detailed adventures with more content and a more detailed understanding, and also more of a feeling of being in charge/the driver yourself.


  8. #8
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you Oliver...You give me more help to focus on the feeling, as I already have started in another thread telling about the time with the "psychopath" when the inteligence had to step in and awake me to get out the hell of there to save both my son and me...
    This dream is clarely stating to me to stop being such a child and start more to become an adult.
    I am in the dream as a child...looking at the smoke ring´s and in awe for it...and no other thought at all in my wondering who is driving the car...why am I sitting on the back seat...who is the black energy who is trying to stimulate me sexually (this I did leave out in the dream, and this is also showing my childish mind..children do not have sex so I do ignore it too in the dream)
    I have a childish deep deep trust to be safe so I have not developed that side of me at all, I have bean beaten and abused thousend´s of time in this life....yet I am as trusting and forgetting all the bad thing´s what has happened to me...and yet I can read energy, but it is like I want to give a change to everyone???...This is an enigma to me too...WHY??!!
    I did get this as an aswere, I do have a deep feeling that I want everyone to be saved....EVERY-ONE no matter what they have done or who they are.....To stop this behaving and starting to put limit´s ....I got to know...EVERY-ONE will be only take´s different time....and that no-one can go only take´s different time to find the path to wake-up.

    So here I am needing much help to become adult in my "nothingness" too...because I am here to fully know what it is to be human.....I am very responsible child...yet need to become adult so to speak...

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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I did get this as an aswere, I do have a deep feeling that I want everyone to be saved....EVERY-ONE no matter what they have done or who they are.....To stop this behaving and starting to put limit´s ....I got to know...EVERY-ONE will be only take´s different time....and that no-one can go only take´s different time to find the path to wake-up.
    That's a beautiful thought- one that I agree with.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Yes and I believe it is one of the truth´s too.


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