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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #441
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    Flight to THe Sun

    Back in this camplike environment- the past few dreams seem to be taking place there. This time there were many people I know, some from my old church and some from spiritual forums and such. We were all in different places but "were called" to go to the seashore to where the Sun was. We were going to receive some sort of basking experience. So many of us started walking, some running towards the shore. On the way there I remembered flying, so I took off successfully. Some others also took flight, maybe four of five of us amongst twenty people or so. When we got there we were told we should take our clothes off to feel the sun's rays, so I started doing this, and some said that the order had been rescinded, but some people stayed naked, I did. I figured since i was in the sky anyway, no one was going to control me. And the feeling was glorious.
    Then we flew back and I woke up. It was a beautiful scape, the sun in the dawn time, with all the colors.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #442
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    Re: My dream diary

    Seems like you've been encouraged to get a bit closer to Source (sun) to experience how this affects you.

  3. #443
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    Dreamstate lessons

    They started in chapters, I woke up and came back to the same one. There was no feeling of importance, yet I kept coming back to it.
    There was a warehouse and a space with a car in it. I worked on the car on the mechanical level, until whatever needed to be done with it was done. I left the scene and then had to come back to it. I was supposed to live whatever the victim of whatever crime had to do with this car went through. I did, and was done. Then I came back, and at the last part of the experience I was told that I wasn't done, because I was the car, and I was the victim of whatever the crime involving the car was, but I hadn't yet been the criminal that did the crime, that I was supposed to 'get into the mind of the criminal' or something like that. Then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #444
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    Re: My dream diary

    Interesting change of perspectives.

  5. #445
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    ETs again

    I 'wake up' in a helicopter or a similar flying vehicle. Then I go through hours of what seems like grueling torture. I have lost the nature of the torture, but I think it was mental torture combined with exhausting work, or something- like my mind got a workout. After many hours of this I couldn't take it anymore.
    Then I am taken somewhere where I am told a few things. Here is the list of things I remember being told/explained
    1-This is the last time we (me and others) will be abducted. 'They' are done.
    2-What they have done is tampered with us, but it is not clear exactly what they did. But basically the process is to take us unconsciously, to wake us up, to make us experience this series of things that seem almost too much, and then they make us unconscious again and put us back. They need us to be conscious for what they do, or it won't work, but they don't mean to hurt us. I am not sure if there was physical pain, but I have the vague feeling there was, and there was a reason for it.
    3-They are done. From now on, any 'alien abduction' scenario anyone talks about is self-generated or a lie. They were apparently done last night. Apparently there was a deadline and it was this morning. That's why last night was so grueling- all the 'training' had to be crammed in prior to this morning.
    4-I was allowed to stay awake longer so I would remember this-so I could record it.

    I woke up, kind of tired, was amazed it was only 6:30, and went back to sleep.
    Then I dreamed I was in some sort of encampment in some sort of restricted environment (in the dream, it was a Latter Day encampment, and they were not allowed to use any kind of modern technology. Until I went to the 'gift shop', where they took my credit card.
    I went back 'home' (to a Jetson's type of house) where my husband wanted me to go back and haggle with the man in the store, who had also made an advance at me when I was trying to pay.
    There was something else with my son which is a recurring theme which will stay personal.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #446
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    Re: My dream diary

    I had a hard time sleeping due to some pain in my arm. Because of this I awoke many times last night. I don't remember most of the early dreams, except that they were 'normal' processing type dreams, or repetition of ongoing themes.
    In around fourish I had this 'strange' one: We (me and another group of people, my hubby and my son) were in some sort of scape. Don't remember the details. We were told that for the next two hours reality would cease to exist, that there would be nothing at all- nothing would exist. We were tasked with destroying anything that manifested at all, and were given sticks (like baseball bats) and for the next 'two hours' we were suspended in a sort of grey nothingness, waiting to see if anything appeared. I don't remember seeing anything, and soon woke up again, rearranged myself again, and went to sleep, back to 'normal' dreams.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #447
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    Post Apocalyptic Scenario

    So I was living in some sort of a group home, with my daughter (I don't have a daughter) and I was pregnant. I went into labor and had a baby boy. In a few hours he grew to about the size of a six year old. While I was caring for my newborn son (breastfeeding and changing diapers) I saw one of the ladies in the group hit my daughter. I 'fired' her- threw her out of the house.
    Then I was walking down the street with my son and daughter, when the ground began to rumble. It was an earthquake. I ran to a protected place and when it was over I went into a building holding both children in my arms. (They were big). There were people in the building, and they were fearful of the people that lived in one apartment- the people that lived there were some sort of 'mob boss' situation- in charge of the place. I immediately had my children get food (like a ham and a chicken or something like that) and we went to the people in that apt. and knocked on their door.
    The woman that answered the door was about my age and the wife of the man in charge (that everyone was afraid of). I had my children offer the gifts, and the woman smiled and invited us in. The man asked us to live with them (this was my intention, to get the protection of the 'boss' of the place, and take my place as some sort of co-wife). The woman was overjoyed we were there (the man was out of sight, but welcomed and accepted us as part of his family)-because she had no children (or maybe couldn't have any) and they showed us how many pets (kitties and small dogs) they had for my children to play with.
    This was a kind-of nonlucid dream, except for the curiosity that I knew who I am now, but remembered my present life as something that happened a long time ago, in a forgotten time.
    Then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #448
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    Re Glass mouth

    This dream sort of happened for hours and hours, or so it seems.
    First, I was in some sort of "New Age" shop where you could buy and sell magical things. I took a statue I made when younger, and was painting it golden and making some sort of scape with it, and changing the top (putting a crown or some other type of headdress on it) when a glass I was holding broke (it was very thin, almost like a membrane). When this happened, broken glass began to come out of my mouth. It didn't hurt (didn't cut me) and the pieces were kind of beautiful (like crystals, but sharper) but it was concerning.
    I brought the figure to the shop people and they put it on a counter, and immediately my mouth started to pour broken glass again. I kind of vomited glass for a bit and then went back home.
    This went on for a while, every time I spoke or opened my mouth the glass would come out, for what seems to be hours.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #449
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    Re: My dream diary

    Today when I meditated last night's dream came back to me. Here it is:

    I was visiting an old friend I hadn't seen in a very long time. He was showing me his new house. It was a very peculiar house, which had three bodies of water. In one side it had a 'regular' concrete pool, and in the other side it had a canal that looked like it was swampy-brackish, and in the middle it was the interior of the house that had an inside patio that had a shallow pool full of reptiles.

    I was with him in front of the concrete pool, and outside next to it there was a monitor that showed the water on the other side of the house, so you could see both sides of the house from there. We then went inside the house and the dining room table was just next to the patio/pit, divided by a group of large glass jalousy windows that were open a crack. When I look at the pit I see many giant snakes, that look like mythological creatures (the body of a snake but the face of some sort of gargoyle, or like a chinese dragon- something 'other'). Then when I looked closer I realized that they were not snakes, that the snake bodies were hollow (like hollowed-out frames) and inside the 'snakes' were something that resembled komodo dragons, something huge and repulsive and horrible. The heads were also different than a regular lizard/dragon- the faces were something like a lion's head or a gargoyle (there were various kinds) but always the head was different than the creatures' bodies themselves. So I am very afraid of those creatures and I attempt to close the window completely and start turning the crank- but instead of closing the window it opened more, and (or course!) one of them jumped and landed on my lap- a big fat giant lizard creature with a grinning gargoyle/dragon face. I lose my cool and start to scream and my friend (the creature's owner) comes in and says that the creature never sits on people's laps, that he likes me and that he's harmless.
    So I sit there in quiet terror and wait for the creature to go away.

    Then I am suddenly in the other side of the house (like teleported) and I walk around the 'pier/walk' by the water, and am alarmed to see that there are people swimming in the water that I had judged to be murky/brackish, and I discover that it is my sister in law and her two kids snorkeling in it. I tell her to get out of that dark water and she says it's fine, they're having a good time.

    Then I wake up, earlier than the alarm.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #450
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    Re: My dream diary

    There was something about a wedding.
    My husband and I were getting married, and my son and my daughter were in the wedding party. After the wedding I told the minister that we had been married for twenty years, but hadn't had a proper wedding because we were poor when we were young.
    He seemed surprised by this.
    Later on we were in a hotel room, and 'we' didn't look like ourselves, but I knew who we were.
    ps. In our present life, we don't have a daughter.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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