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Thread: Sirius Dreams

  1. #1
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    Sirius Dreams

    With this post here I'm starting my dream journal online. Comments kindly appreciated!

    1. The Monkey King ( 2012-01-23 )

    I saw some kind of small creature, which I recognized as a monkey king. He was yellow with a mayan mask that changed shape as he talked, smiled and so on. He rode on a gigantic monkey, I guess it was his personal carrier. It kind of gave him a heightened status.
    Next I witnessed a black slender monkey wrestling a tiger. As I can up on them they both looked at me and the black monkey began to growl. I knew I had to defeat him, and so I began to wrestle him. It was all very non-violent and eventually I outmanouvered him to submission. Then I felt I had gained his respect, and the tigers to. I offered the monkey to the tiger as a token of my own respect to him, but he did'nt want him. I then knew I had to take the monkey to the monkey king to show that I'd won.
    Next I witnessed lanes or roads in the forrest on which there were workers chopping wood or something. A very muscular man came between them and started to roundhouse kick them, they couldnt resist as he was to good. He was a thaiboxing master and I either had to warn the monkey king about him ruinng the gentle flow in the forrest or the monkey king already knew.
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 20th February 2012 at 06:37 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    2. The Yellow Car ( No date )

    I was apparently patching up a car for a friend. I can't remember perfectly what had happened to him but either way I was helping him. There were several cars in the dream and one of them was a
    winnebago of some sort. The car i was fixing was yellow and I was working on the inside of it. Fixing it so that he could have it and be well. We were outside his fathers house and when he showed it to his father he was'nt impressed. I think it was because he had messed up several times and was unhappy that he would live in a car or something. I thought that it was better than to live on the streets anyway as I was wiring on something, perhaps a microwave oven.

    I read that cars can represent the physical body or life itself. In this case I think that the dream represents me working on figuring out my inner self. And that the yellow car is representing me and my spiritual development and the way I'm progressing and so on.
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 20th February 2012 at 06:37 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    3. The Golden/Yellow Shield ( 2012-02-10 )
    From what I can remember I was covered in this golden layer. Like a layer of gold leafs or bits taht covered my body like a shield. The more I think about it the more the gold have the colour yellow, but I dreamth it was gold anyway. There was a hole in the layer of gold that I saw my eyes in. I know it was me, but still I was the spectator. It felt as if I took cover in there but I dont know from what because there was no feeling of threat in the dream. I didnt feel much in the dream, it was only very symbolic. I then saw cockroaches crawl over the golden sheet, lots of them. They had the usuall brown color. I did not feel any threat from them either and i did not react positive or negative to anything. I was just quietly under the "shield" of gold, watching myself as the cockroaches crawled on it.

    From what I'v read about gold I cant help but feel that I am shielded by something. I just hope its a good thing that I am shielded.
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 20th February 2012 at 06:37 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    When I read the first part of your dream, I had the impression of a hermetic transformation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    When I read the first part of your dream, I had the impression of a hermetic transformation.
    Could you please explain what that is CFT?

  6. #6
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    Hermetics is spiritual alchemy, which deals with the transformation of the energy body to transmute the self (or evolve, if you like it better). We have a few threads on Hermetics in the Mysticism forum.
    Colors have meanings, and the idea of you(r body) covered in layers of gold and brown for some reason evoked ideas of amoris (which is yellow-gold) and the bugs made me think of something dead-, which in alchemy would be nigredo, the idea that something has to die to be transformed.
    Just stuff that came to me as I read your post.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    Hello, SiriusTraveler.

    You dreamt of a yellow vehicle and then a golden-yellow sheath over your body. Both are common terms for an energy body - Kurt uses the term "vehicle of consciousness" regularly when interpreting car dreams, and Annie Besant (IIRC) calls the energy body sheaths, emphasizing that they are layers encapsulating our truest nature ("lowest" body outside-most, "highest" body inside-most).

    The "yellow car dream" could indicate doing maintenance, and maybe also having some high expectations in one aspect of yourself of what you should be able to accomplish or do. This might surpass your current OOB/energy body abilities and the part "working on it" seems to be aware of it. This might be a higher/lower aspect being present in the same experience.

    The "yellow sheath dream" could be a message that you are well-protected. You are fully enclosed in a powerful, golden sheath. Bugs can't bother you. These bugs could represent negs or "astral wildlife" of the lowest sort, hence the brown color. Brown and muddy colors can mean negativity, as can the notion of vermin and "low life forms."

    In the rainbow color spectrum used to classify chakras as well yellow is the second-lowest color. Depending on how you count this might mean the astral body or the etheric body. I would tend to think the astral, as it is "twice removed" from the physical body.


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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    4. A Vivid Festival ( 2012-02-12 )

    This must be the most vivid/clear dream I'v had in many years. It began with me beeing in the camping area on a festival. The camping area was very strange. There were plateaus made of different 'stuff' that people were camping on. The 'stuff' could be anything. I remember waving at a girl there which seemed to be very fond of me, and she was sitting up on a plateau with another person. The landscape of the camping was very colorfull and I remember thinking that it was a very cool place, but very hard to describe.
    I walked a bit as I was heading somewhere away from the camping and saw a girl waving and blowing a kiss to me. I was happy she did, as I understood she still could have feelings for me. This was a girl I know in real life although in real life there is nothing between us. I walked a bit more thinking about her, sitting there up on the plateau when I suddently got the urge to try and jump as high as I could to see if I could touch the ceiling of some strange wall.
    Lo and behold, the wall was yellow (which is a reacurring color in my dreams as of late) and when I jumped I jumped with such force that I actually touched the celing. It made me suprised in the dream (not lucid) but I was glad I could do it.

    The dream continued and I met one of my ex-girlfriends and her friend. There is lots of bad memories connected to the both of them. My ex smiled and I got the strong feeling that we would meet/be together again. In real life I dont think we will be but in the dream it really felt like that. I spend some time with them before I walked away, heading somewhere else. Her friend came up from behind me and said a strange thing; "After all this time, with all the friends I have... you still feel like a mother to me". I could'nt really comprehend it but understood she needed comfort so I hugged her.

    The dream, shifted to another area of the festival where I met a friend who was really drunk, but happy. He said something I can't remeber. Something about me always beeing something... something. And he challenged me to a race on foot, as if I should disprove his statement. I accepted and he raced away. I followed and immediatelly came up to a hole in the ground where construction workers tried to patch it up. I had to take another way and headed into a ride like on Disneyland or something. This was a ride where one should walk his way through it and I saw a brick wall shifting shapes, and the ground was moving and shapeshifting. It amazed me... alot. I was totally blown away by the technology of the ride and when I came out I was still stunned by it, pausing the dream for a few seconds.

    I was heading back to the camping area where the girl that liked me was, I was thinking I could go see her. At least I think thats why I was heading back. I remember that it was hard to find her and I dont think I did but instead I burst into tears. The whole adventure made me cry in the dream because it was all so fantastic, or something like that.

    When I woke up I was really amazed by the clarity of the dream. And happy offcrource. The thing that striked me the most was the yellow wall. So much yellow nowadays.
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 20th February 2012 at 06:36 AM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    5. Killing People ( 2012-02-14 )

    In this dream I kept shooting people all the time. I had a buddy with me that followed me like in a videogame but died to a handgrenade tossed by me... that bounced back and hit him in the back. I did'nt seem to care about it and just got the feeling of 'oh darn, oh well.. '. He was black but I have no clue if that means anything. The other people i shot was bad people like in a videogame, but there were also good people which I accidentally shot. I had to try and focus on shooting the bad people. I found a minigun which was a better gun than the one I was having and then the dream ended.

    I have no clue what killing people means but the dream did'nt feel negative except for the fact that I was killing the good people.

    Edit: Found this about killing in dreams.
    "To dream about killing is not necessarily negative. It often means the dreamer is letting go of old habits and attitudes in order to go on to a new stage of life".
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 20th February 2012 at 06:36 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Sirius Dreams

    6. Space Marine ( 2012-02-18 )

    One of my hobies is panting Games Workshops miniatures. They have a race known as the Space Marines. The ultimate warriors of mankind, serving the God-Emperor. Anyway, in my dream I dreamt that I had painted a Space Marine in yellow colors, with an orange cape. he had gold decorations on his armor and bright yellow highlights. I really wanted to show it to my friends as I tought that they would be blown away by the looks of it. But I kept wondering if the colors really worked together. They seemed so odd together and I suddently became uncertain of the looks of it. The dream ended.

    Again, the color yellow. And gold. There is alot of those colors in my dreams lately. I keep thinking it has to do with my spiritual development.

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