Re: Vibrations in Body (Not during projection or meditation)
Hello bpusok,
Have have posted/described similar bodily vibrations in a post that pretty much no one answered effectively, so I will try to do so for you. First off I want to point out that dream and emotional vibrations are different. Now I want to point out that this is just observations that i have made on myself because I didn't get the answers either. AP, OBE, LD, and vivid dream vibrations are a standard occurrence caused be many factors such as meditative state, relaxation or SP. Other people in this forum will be able to provide you with a concise reasoning on that matter. However, when it comes to an emotion causing an entire body vibration, I would attribute this to an energy body response. A response to heal, tune and balance itself. I would also consider this a more advanced energy body at work as most people that know little of spirituality tend to store there emotions in their energy body. This also in a weakened state that does not show any symptoms. Consider yourself lucky that your sensitive and your energy body responds in a healing way.
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience" ~Chardin~