Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
but subliminal psychological doubt is harder to address.
that being the crux of the matter i feel ritualistic manifestation is more suited to me ; when you meditate on the outcome the process kind of "confluences" , i.e post-process your'e more or less inclined to wonder "well if this did come to pass how would other areas of life be affected" (i'm wondering if that too constitutes "doubt") - or if you have implicit absolute total faith in the process you might wonder if this'd be a life-changing event ; one for which you might not be ready for (innate fear of change) and if you don't engage in the procedure from the very core of your soul but instead perform perfunctorily a routine so as to satisfy/pacify yourself over the fact that your'e actively applying yourself towards obtaining needs and not just dawdling (again "doubt" is implicated) - so you see with ritualistic manifestation the chance that doubt is present and might amplify itself in the process or whatever the produce be and impart dissonance and counter-productivity is a serious concern ....something i couldn't articulate in the first post.
What i feel now is that before working on manifestation it's best to sort of "clear the area around the target" ..resolve or address subliminal psychological doubt before it "enters" the procedure and sabotage ensues.