I woke in the middle of the night, recalling this one. While I could get myself to get up and go to the toilet after a while, I couldn't get myself to record it. I repeated some of the keypoints to myself and hoped I would recall them in the morning. In the morning I recalled the other AC instead, but I still asserted my hope that I would be prompted during the day to remember this one.

I was in the bathtub, listening to Wagner's Lohengrin, 2nd act. I felt more and more relaxed while trying to pay attention. In the opera, Elsa the Pure is accused of having killed her brother. Her accuser, however, is challenged by Lohengrin, the knight of the swan, who suddenly appeared. Now, in the beginning of the 2nd act we learn that the accuser was prompted by his wife, a master of intrigue. She convinces him it was evil witchcraft that made him lose that duel.

As the music returns to Elsa (and out of the drama spinning around those two plotters) I suddenly saw something behind my closed eyelids. It was as if letters were embossed on my vision, slightly glowing. I identified them right to left to read "TEUFEL" or "TEUFELS" (could have been a longer word). "Teufel" is German for the devil. With this clue my recall came back, and I unrolled my adventure from the ending forward:

I was in some hotel or large castle-like structure. I was shown around an area that I now recall as "the museum." I ended up going through the rooms till I found myself in a strange hall. Two chutes were going down, and I entered one (still a bit amazed at my bravery) and rode it down.

I returned to as what I thought of as my apartment. It was dark and the light switch would not work. I tried another. Didn't either. I tried pushing a button under the switch and flipping it at the same time, no effect. As I went for the fuse box I found myself in a lighted part of my apartment (no resemblance to the real one). I looked into the fuse box but nothing seemed amiss, there was only a switch under Fuse No. 1 that looked as if it was a reset button. I didn't want to do that.

Suddenly I noticed that the room was full of people - all of them my friends (can't remember recognising anyone, though). I asked them how they did this and how I could restore the light.

I was either led to another room or went through a strange exit. It was built into the corner of the room and led to the corner of another (diagonally). This was a hall again, but it looked earthen, almost like a cave of red clay. I saw two chutes again, but this time I could see the reflection of flames dancing in the right one. (I had taken the right one last time.)

Now I started to wonder about all this. I recognised that the arrangement of my apartment made no sense, nor that this structure should hide behind it. I was feeling manipulated, and identified the devil as the cause. He was trying to lure me in, but I would escape.

As I came out of the whole building I was in foggy streets. I saw another person run by (with strange motions) and followed him, thinking it was the way out. I was already thinking how I would make it to a hideout in safety and escape the clutches of the devil. I woke.

In hindsight this looks like the mind control of a simulation gone wrong. I usually don't react this strongly to mind control, I think. Maybe the recall during Lohengrin is a clue - Elsa was also accused wrongly of evil witchcraft.

The presence of friends before the actual test (of faith?) was a clue to a simulation, as I recall one simulation AC where I left a party to enter a testing parcour. The situation was repeated, maybe the museum was me recalling how I had mastered this in the past?

A fuse box is about restoring flow. Maybe I needed to get into the right state of mind first. Seems like I needed some help from my friends there. The man running by might have been an error message, at least in the last similar experience the people came across were.