Dear Katusik,

This does sound potentially kundalini related and good recommendations have been made. My question is what form of meditation do you do? Do you go into very deep altered states easily? Would you be willing to give a careful description of what you are doing meditation wise and rough description of your health and diet.

Below gives a very rough idea of a few possibilities but better recommendations could perhaps be made if there were more details.
Perhaps lighter forms of meditation would help - i.e. open eyed meditation? Perhaps try lying down on a bed instead of the classic lotis position. Perhaps try tai chi or high movement style yogas like ashtanga to help with energy flow, distribution and movement - hopefully avoiding build of energy at particular points in the body? Perhaps try other things that will help with energy flow and movement through the energy body yet not throw you into altered states? Do you do Robert's NEW energy ways exercises? What happens when you do?

Sorry for all the questions. Look forward to hearing from you.

Please note:
Everyone experiences kundalini phenomena in a slightly different way. Kundalini does not always rise nicely and gently from the base through each consecutive chakra. Think of our body as a massively complex mesh of energy lines. The chakras being intersection points of many of these energy lines. Energy takes the path of least resistance. The amount of energy also affects the amount and pathways taken. Heavy sensations can indicate a highly blocked area or can indicate a bottle-neck area that is experiencing overwhelming high flow because too much is flowing into it from side stream energy lines. The back of your head is the back of the throat chakra. Throat chakra blockages are very common. This is an area that experiences heavy throbbing in me but more on the front side not the back side of the chakra. My experience has been almost complete numbness in the roof of the mouth, like I had just been at the dentists - amongst other bizarre symptoms that subside after meditation as kundalini energy flow recedes. Yet another possiblity is that you naturally have too much energy flowing up your back and it is not able to then move down the front, perhaps causing a clog at the back of your neck? The neck and nasal area are critical shifting points where energy is changing directions to either flow up to the brow and crown or down the front or up the back or right or left (ida or pingala).

What I am presently thinking is that perhaps lots of stretching and physical movement will help overall energy flow and help bring more balance to your energy flow etc. Also, Robert's NEW energy work done around your neck area might be of benefit? Try things carefully and gradually, and do what make sense and feels right to you, is all I can suggest thus far.

Very Best Wishes,