SH...yes, entirely serious...not really sure if its "telepathy" perse, but I do/can pick up thoughts. As mentioned, have had it all my adult life, and have verified it through observation many, many times. Right now, my wife and I seem to be synchronous enough that not only can I read/hear her surface thoughts, but she can do the same with my thoughts. Its not something I've really tried to develop, but developing/enhancing is on my long term agenda, if only to satisfy my own personal curiousity. Right now, I'm concentrating on developing OBE's, NEW energy work, and chakra stimulation. This telepathy clairvoyance has always been sporadic/spontaeous...never really any pattern, other than it does in fact exist. Paterns I have noticed: the closer I am in thoughts (perspectives/ideals/etc) the more routine my ability becomes. Glad it sparked some interest...if I notice anything different in this ability with all my other energy work going on recently, I'll drop you a line (in the physical world...not the astral!)