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Thread: Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

  1. #1
    AstralCody Guest

    Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

    First off I want to thank CFT for telling me about letting go of my physical body feelings when the sensations hit me. The hit really hard last night and I did what you said and I found myself in an OBE fairly quick. This forum has helped me so much.

    I am just going to copy and paste what I wrote in my journal right after my OBE. Then I have a few questions.

    May 6th 2012
    OBE- 3:00ish?
    Falling sensation. Saw a vision of an entity looking at me but it was almost like I was in my grandmas room when my astral sight kicked in. I remember seeing the city. I went in the front yard. Wanted to go to the fire dept, but I couldn't fly there. Flying was really hard. I hopped. (Seemed dreamy at this point kind of.) I went kind of by an old friends house. 3 people. All human like. I talked to them, one seemed Hispanic (Human like) and asked me if I was from earth I said yes. Don't remember much then. Kept hopping. Ended up at what I thought was the high school. There were people. I don't think it was the high school though... I kept trying to "run to the fire station" as a point to just go to. I could feel my heart pumping? I then had a tick. An anxiety tick in my OBE. With my eyes. I was worried that I would come back to my physical because I had to roll my eyes and lose focus of what I was looking at. I didn't. I then found myself at some reception desk. I asked where I was. The lady said New York City. I said wait what? She said I was supposed to be there at 6:30. I think it was 6:30... She seemed annoyed. The buildings started to crash behind her. crumble to the ground. I said "I am getting the hell out of here." The guy next to me in line walked away annoyed at the situation. (Note at this point things still had OBE like feelings but was incredibly dreamy. I didn't stay out for 15-30 seconds like Robert Bruce said... More like a long long time. I got to distracted...

    Note: It was SUPER hard to fly or run fast. I basically walked but at times I could float but not far. I looked at my hands. They looked like they do now but a little more blurry like. Not white and dissolving like in my first OBE. After a while I wanted to go back to my body. I had no idea where I was and traveling was getting difficult. I thought of my physical and closed my eyes. I think I had a false awakening after, but then was sucked back into my body and I felt it.

    MUCH more but, recall is really tough on this one...

    I also woke up when I hit my snooze button on my alarm clock and it said 11:11.

    Was this a lucid dream? I was controlling things like what I wanted to do... But it was extremely difficult to do things. In fact anything. The experience was amazing but New York City? Building crashing? At a reception desk? It just really seemed like a dream with very "Not so real" OBE like symptoms.

    Hope that made sense....

    What do you think?
    Last edited by AstralCody; 6th May 2012 at 08:57 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

    I'd call it an Astral Projection as opposed to an OBE. Astral projections (aka projections to the astral plane) are less like 'real life' but often clearer and more vivid than RTZ projections. It's possible that this is what you experienced, but your difficulty navigating may point to an astral simulation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    AstralCody Guest

    Re: Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

    The person I talked to it seemed like I was in the RTZ though. Really everything I was pretty familiar with until I got to the unknown locations and I had not a clue. I was definitely in my front yard at one point and traveled down the road quite a ways.

    Maybe it was SUPER real at the time, but when I woke up the clarity went away because I was fully conscious in this dimension again... I don't know.

    I could see really clear. But, not as clear as this in the physical. Maybe it was a different kind of clear.

    I need to find a way to boost my awareness and clarity during these. Although I was VERY sure I was having an astral projection. I just couldn't figure out why everything was sloppy and made no sense. I seemed to "Skip" scenes at times too.

    I was trying my very hardest to run, but it seemed like all I could do is run my speed in the physical. But then I would float every now and then maybe 5 yards or so.

    Was cool to say the least. Just really want to boost my clarity.

    PS: On several occasions I said "I want to go here now" or... "Go here now" to certain destinations and nothing happened. It frustrated me to say the least but I won't complain. I am so happy I am having so many experiences lately.

    Then I had a VERY vivid dream this morning as well. I met up with a friend who I never met and things kinda went bad... Long dream. Very weird too.
    Last edited by AstralCody; 6th May 2012 at 11:12 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

    To boost your clarity, try and do what many authors suggests; when you are having an OBE, tell yourself that you want more clarity. Do this over and over untill you have clarity. Or like Jurgen Ziewe, focus on something, anything, untill you gain clarity. I have'nt had an OBE yet that I'm aware of but I have read this several times.

    And congratulations on inducing the OBE! Can't wait till I get it.

  5. #5
    AstralCody Guest

    Re: Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

    Sirius- Thanks for the reply.

    I definitely did the clarity now technique and looked at my hands... asked for clarity. Nothing seemed to work. Going to ty some new things though next time I am out. Hopefully tonight.

    Keep at it and you will get it!
    Let me know if you ever need any help.


  6. #6
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    Re: Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

    Thx Cody, much appreciated. Today I will do some trancework without Hemisync. First time in a long time, it will be intereting

  7. #7
    AstralCody Guest

    Re: Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.

    You're welcome sirius

    Definitely come back at let me know what happens! Some interesting things can happen during trance. It's good stuff.

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