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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #491
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    "It's A Good Thing"

    So I was in a dream I don't remember any details about, other than I was in someone's kitchen (It wasn't mine in the dream either) and someone was telling me that a great trick to add fragrance to a kitchen was to get the cloth napkins (who has cloth napkins, lol?) and to spritz them with water infused with lemongrass oil and sage, and to put them in a microwave for five seconds or so.
    Then you put them on the table and it'll make your clean house smell cleaner.

    Then I woke up, thinking it was a great idea, except I don't have cloth napkins, or lemongrass oil. But I have lemons and sage.
    And dishtowels.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #492
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    Re: My dream diary

    The past two days:
    May 30th: (Night before) I was in a house or a dorm or a hospital. (Not sure, it was a group place with beds in it.) There were some of us (my hubby and I) and some friends from our past (married friends and others). I was in my bed when one of the guys (who I used to know and had no romantic notions about ever) got into bed with me and tried to get into my pants. I told him no, and his wife and my husband were in another part of the room (we were in full sight of them) and he didn't stop. I finally told him I'd think about it if he stopped trying at that moment. I then proceeded to go to bed, wondering if I was going to follow through to my promise. Although I usually don't make promises I don't keep, I kept telling myself I had to tell him this to make him stop. It didn't occur to me to get up, but there may have been some dual awareness there (of me in the bed) and I might have been paralyzed. I certainly wasn't lucid.

    On the one last night I was on a trip to somewhere in the desert (Arizona or New Mexico, I'm not sure) with Alex and Eddie Van Halen. In the past I have dreamed that my husband is related to them (cousins) and he's not, and I think this dream was along those lines. In the dream we were on our way somewhere when Alex had to do some charity work to go help a woman in the desert, and after we were done helping him (I don't know what, at the time it seemed inconvenient but logical) we were on the way to wherever we were going. There was a really dilapidated house and a filthy bathroom in the dream, and I was glad to be on my way out of there.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #493
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    Three parter

    I got up in the middle of the night and went back to sleep- I then had about three dreams, that seemed to follow each other.

    In the first one I was in my grandmother's house, the one she lived in when I was a child. My great grandmother lived there until I was around 17, when she passed. The house was subdivided (in the dream) in a cube-within a cube- the core was dark, so dark it was impossible to see, and the surrounding was illuminated. My grandmother was looking for her mother (my abuelita) and she couldn't find her. I was helping her look for her in the darkness. I felt the same melancholy I felt all day and I don't know if this feeling caused the dream or if it illustrated something that's happening (perhaps in my head). In the dream I had the rote that my grandmother was alive but my abuelita was dead. (side note: I have seen my abuelita in projection in this 'house', and it's not 'where' she was before.
    I then woke up realizing both my grandmother and great grandmother are no longer here.

    Then I dreamt I was in my mother's house (where she and my grandmother lived in the last part of their lives) and she was crying over my grandmother's death. It was a similar context- she was 'alive' and my grandma was 'dead', in this more recent environment. I was initially there to comfort her, but then the environment changed. I think I woke up and went back to sleep a few more times, but in this part of the dream, her house became a huge mansion that looked like a theme-park 'haunted mansion', will lots of 'fake' special effects- a closet with holographic 'scary goblins' that were more fun than anything, and a bunch of different artifacts, 'Harry Potter' style 'magic' stuff that revealed itself to be special effects; and I wondered how much money she spent to 'pimp out' the place.
    I knew this was for my benefit, because I love the haunted house motif and her and I had always a shared love of all 'paranormal' motifs, from the horror to all the 'Forteana' type of stuff. At the end of this dream I am very hungry (which makes sense, because I didn't eat last night) and am looking for something to eat in her huge kitchen. In it I find all kinds of prepackaged 'typical criollo' favorites, and some I'd never seen before, but looked yummy. I don't think I ate.

    Then I went to another dream in which everything was beautiful and full of gold and jewels. I received a bunch of diamonds (I think my mother was there, but I don't think she gave them to me- this part is fuzzy, it could have been her but I don't remember her giving them to me). I then half awoke and started coughing because I had what felt like rocks in my mouth. I spit one out and it looked like the diamond I had been given in the dream. I then held on to it and went back to sleep, knowing it was a hypnopomp, but holding on to it nonetheless. I then slept some more and had more 'diamond' dreams. When I woke up my hand was still closed in a fist, but there was nothing in it.
    So I got up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #494
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    2 dreams

    This morning, two dreams, both uncomfortable.
    In one I'm at my mother's house. She looks exceptionally beautiful, as when she was in her twenties, but her eyes are a different color- green, as her grandmother.
    She has two babies and I have one. When I go to her bedroom, she has neglected them, and one of them is dead, and the other one is dying.
    I scold her and berate them for not taking care of them. She seems not to care, and I try to nurse the one that is alive back.
    I go to my room and my baby is very much alive and fat. I feed him, and then try to take care of my mom's neglected baby, and as I hold my (big) baby I try to also bottle feed hers. What happened to the dead one is not clear- it was not a skeleton but so thin and pitiful that I think as I nursed the live one the dead one began to come back somehow.
    I don't remember how it ended, or how it transitioned to the other dream. I think I got up to pee and had no liminal visions or anything- from dream to awake and then back to sleep.

    Second dream:
    Now we're in 'our old neighborhood'- except it isn't from this reality. We are in an apartment building (previously visited dreamscape, it's here somewhere) and there is a party in the neighborhood. They are going to close the streets for the party. My husband has gone somewhere and I'm waiting for him to come back, although I'm not really in a party mood. My son has gone out on the street, very much into this party. I can see him enjoying himself. I then hear voices speaking about him, and there is something about opening or closing doors (something about doors, anyway). I wake up, and no liminals either. I tried to keep my eyes closed and will something to come in, but nothing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #495
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    Possible archetypal dream.

    Was in some sort of retreat, it was a retreat for lightworkers or something like that. There was a large gathering, and I moved off to the side and sat on a table. Next to me was a man, who told me 'this is my work', and gave me a card. In the card was a picture of two small children, who looked like they were very thin, like starving, and their bodies were covered with a horrible pustular rash. They were obviously alive, but looked really bad.
    I saw it and gave him the card and said 'I'm not going to look' and looked away from him, not shocked, but in deep disapproval. I then walked away from him, and another lady from the group said "I see 'he' is here. I don't know why he keeps coming to these gatherings.
    I then intuited that this man was equal to the rest of the women or beings there, but they didn't like him, however they didn't interfere with him. I think he was an archetype, for disease or death, not sure. (I think it was disease, because the children were up and walking). I sort of felt sorry for him, but he didn't seem sorry to be shunned (or just tolerated.)
    I woke up, wondering about this.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #496
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    Two dreams, one after the other.

    I was at a friend's house visiting. She left the room and I could see it was raining outside, and there were leaks all through the house. I didn't understand how they had all this water coming in- even in the bedroom. They didn't seem bothered by it. I then spoke to her mother or grandmother, and I saw a card and picked it up. There was more but I have forgotten.
    Then I was at another friend's house. This was one of my high school friends (long time ago). I discovered she had written a book (or someone had, and she had the book) and I found it. I went to ask this old person if I could have it, because it was about me. One of the reasons that I wanted to see it is because in the story she had said I had cancer, and I wanted to know if I survived in the story. I was allowed the book and was on my way out of the house when I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #497
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    Re: My dream diary

    Was having a dream I already forgot about, when I remembered an exercise I wanted to do, and proceeded to try it, with no results. The exercise was creating a big blue sky in my vision screen. All of a sudden I realized that I was shooting off beams of heat (fire element) from my arm in a side to side motion (dual awareness within the dream, 2 bodies doing different things perhaps) when I felt the heat coming from my arm, and this roused me awake. Then I tried to go back, did a couple more visualizations, and got up, to find it was raining torrentially. Apparently the storm (Debby) is closer than I thought.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 27th June 2012 at 04:03 PM.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #498
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    Re: My dream diary

    Had a wonderful series of dreams, all mystical. Unfortunately have forgotten the details, but it was all good.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #499

    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I think he was an archetype, for disease or death, not sure. (I think it was disease, because the children were up and walking).
    More precisely, His work is suffering: dis-ease and ego-death, and renewing the youth thereby, like the phoenix thin from fasting, whose skin is scorched by the heat of the flames. Neosporin. Yes, HE IS, an Archetype.
    Last edited by Pneumismatic; 7th July 2012 at 06:03 AM.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  10. #500

    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I got up in the middle of the night and went back to sleep- I then had about three dreams, that seemed to follow each other.
    Three dreams, describing the gradual transformation resulting from the shift of the dreamer's point of view in three steps:

    Dream 1:

    1. from shallow ego, lamenting the loss of connection with the ancient core, which is very good because the only way to solve a problem is to first admit the painful truth that there is a problem, the ignorance of which is represented by the darkness (As "whatsoever makes manifest is light" so whatever hides a thing is 'darkness') of the core, into the dark core itself, a journey referred to by Saint John of the Cross in his unparalleled masterpiece, The Ascent of Mt. Carmel as "The Dark Night of the Soul" which causes what formerly appeared to be true "illumination" and familiarity, reveal itself to be poorly contrived darkness and stagnation. This release of inferior beliefs in order to grasp superior truth is always accompanied by a poignant "melancholy" because it entails the loss of the transient egotistical story, to make way for the intransient eternal truth. This has been referred to in various places as an "existential crisis," or "identity crisis," and is to be treated as such, with the greatest of tenderness.

    Dream 2:

    2. In the second dream the relationship of the dreamer to the ancestral becomes closer by 1/3. Instead of being in the grandmother's house the dreamer is in the mother's house, thus the dreamer's vast unexplored expanses are steadily becoming a 'small world' so to speak. The formula for the degrees of the separation between the dreamer and the Ancient is therefore: Dream1 - 3 Degrees of separation, dreamer is in grandmother's house [ 1. ego, 2. mother, 3. grandmother], Dream 2 - 2 Degrees of separation, dreamer is in mother's house [1. ego, 2. mother], Dream 3 - Union, as there is no such thing as one degree of separation as any numbers that are one degree away from their neighbors will be touching their neighbors ["1" touches "2" whereas "1" does not touch "3" because "2" is between "1" and "3"]. There also appears a parallel development hinted at by the relational shifting, namely, the integration of the projected stories or personas of "my grandmother" and "my mother" into the interior of the dreamer's psyche. This is represented by death, as when a projected image, such as a movie, disappears from the screen, that's 'the end of it'. From the point of view of the Self, images and meaning are either outside or inside, projected or integrated and if they are projected they are 'alive' but when they are integrated they 'die' because they cease to have a life of their own outside the walls of the dreamer's psyche. (This is another way of describing the loss of a complex, which is primary marker of progress in most modern effective psychology. Whoever loses a complex gains the essence of the complex by default, which is a prize to be most sought after.)

    Thus, initially the dreamer is comforting her mother over her grandmother's 'death', which parallels the 3 Degrees of separation, leading to the integration by the dreamer of her grandmother's persona, the loss of her 'grandmother complex' and the gain of her grandmother's real essence. Next, the dreamer's mother dies, which is not expressly stated because "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter," nor would The Dreamweaver insult the dreamer's intelligence. Nonetheless, this 'death' is sufficiently highlighted by the parenthetical statement, "(where she and my grandmother lived in the last part of their lives)" because the verb "lived" is rendered in the past tense, implying that both are now 'dead.' As well, "the last part of their lives" is actually redundancy of the death motif we could interpret mathematically as two death, one for the grandmother, and one for the mother. Therefore, the dreamer integrates her mother's persona, loses her 'mother complex' and gains her mother's real essence. This parallels the 2 degrees of separation. This is her unmentioned comfort she recieves as it is her turn to be comforted. The next 'death' to occur is that of the ego. This is what is meant by the statement, "then the environment changed" In the real world, the only way for one's environment to change is for the individual to get up and move, which tells us that the dreamer's identity has shifted from the ego complex to the Self, Oversoul, Holy Ghost, Higher Self, etc. This is the central part of the middle dream, the cube within a cube, the Holy of Holies, The Holy Spirit coming into His Temple, as we are told, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" No doubt the Apostle Paul here spoke to those who had already been through this process. This process takes on a stop and start character for the dreamer as initially she only 'thinks' she woke up, then proceeds to vacillate between waking and sleeping states, which no doubt contain just as much meaning as the images themselves, representing the unique struggle to understand her new relationship to everything and to assimilate the fact that "The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal," as a perfect cube should be, as the real Holy of Holies was a perfect cube. From Wikipedia: "The Holy of Holies was located in the westernmost end of the Temple building, being a perfect cube: 10 cubits by 10 cubits, by 10 cubits. The inside was in total darkness and contained the Ark of the Covenant, gilded inside and out, in which was placed the Tablets of the Covenant." Please note that it was in total darkness, as the dreamer's environment is "so dark it was impossible to see," in the first dream.

    Dream 3:

    3. The dreamer is in her own house, Her own Mind, as "the wise man's eyes are in his head" not the mind her grandmother told her she had when she was little, nor the personality (or name) her mother told her she had when she was young and impressionable, but a full-ownership, completely actualized occupation of being. The dreamer realizes that she is rich beyond her wildest dreams because within Her lie the true gems of wisdom. This is Individuation, Self-programming, and realization of all sovereignty residing presently in the Self, not the past. This is a commentary on Individuation, on letting the Self, or Higher Self, or Holy Ghost, or Oversoul be you, thus becoming IT, no longer the tiny picture boxed in by a frame, but the frame itself, connected with everything else that is outside the picture, with infinity, with the deepest heritage of the past, matriarchal, represented here by the great grandmother, and patriarchal, yet somehow continuing to contain the picture, which enhances the feeling of being rich even more.

    Much more may be said about these dreams, however, I will finish by commenting on some interesting tidbits in brackets "[ ]" below as I believe enough has been said to 'get the picture':

    I got up in the middle of the night and went back to sleep- I then had about ["about"="around"="circular"="Circumambulatory" = "Whole" i.e. dreams of wholeness] three dreams, that seemed to follow each other. [following each other, circumambulatorily, as those who walk in circles follow each other, cyclically or in spiral patterns]

    In the first one I was in my grandmother's house, the one she lived in when I was a child. My great grandmother lived there until I was around 17, [A Round 8(1+7) = Whole] when she passed. The house was subdivided ["subdivided"='cut asunder'= 'dead,' mind is dissociated, prima materia, common clay, lead] (in the dream) in a cube-within a cube- the core was dark, so dark it was impossible to see, [Holy of Holies] and the surrounding was illuminated [false light]. My grandmother was looking for her mother (my abuelita) and she couldn't find her. I was helping her look for her in the darkness. I felt the same melancholy I felt all day and I don't know if this feeling caused the dream or if it illustrated something that's happening (perhaps in my head). In the dream I had the rote that my grandmother was alive but my abuelita was dead. (side note: I have seen my abuelita in projection in this 'house', and it's not 'where' she was before.
    I then woke up realizing both my grandmother and great grandmother are no longer here. [foreshadowing of assimilation, dissociations of mind/house healed]

    Then I dreamt I was in my mother's house (where she and my grandmother lived in the last part of their lives) and she was crying over my grandmother's death. It was a similar context- she was 'alive' [projected outward by the dreamer as opposed to integrated by the dreamer] and my grandma was 'dead' [integrated and owned by the dreamer as opposed to egotistically projected and disowned], in this more recent environment. I was initially there to comfort her, but then the environment changed. [dreamer's point of view shifts, oversoul is exchanged for another oversoul, new Archetype is activated in dreamer's mind] I think I woke up and went back to sleep a few more times, [struggle between old oversoul and new Archetype for dreamer] but in this part of the dream, her house became a huge mansion that looked like a theme-park 'haunted mansion', will lots of 'fake' special effects- a closet with holographic 'scary goblins' that were more fun than anything, and a bunch of different artifacts, 'Harry Potter' style 'magic' stuff that revealed itself to be special effects; and I wondered how much money she spent to 'pimp out' the place. [Dreamer can now truly See] I knew this was for my benefit, because I love ["Love" X1] the haunted house motif and her and I had always a shared love ["Love" X2] of all 'paranormal' motifs, from the horror ["from the horror" = of the original deception in dream 1] to all the 'Forteana' type of stuff [i.e. truly spiritual matters, Pun on 'Forte' as well, i.e. 'onward to a climax,' forshadowing dream 3]. At the end of this dream I am very hungry ['Food' X1, spiritual hunger for true spiritual food] (which makes sense, because I didn't eat ['Food'X2] last night) [hadn't ever had true spiritual food before] and am looking for something to eat ['Food' X3] in her huge kitchen.['Food' X4] In it I find all kinds of prepackaged 'typical criollo' favorites ['Food' X5, i.e. good (god) food], and some I'd never seen before, ['Food' X6 "I'd never seen before" alludes to prior spiritual blindness] but looked yummy. ['Food' X7] I don't think I ate. ['Food' X8(number of wholeness) didn't eat/achieve wholeness yet because dream three is where that occurs.]

    Then I went to another dream in which everything was beautiful and full of gold and jewels. [True Sight is beautiful, and makes everything look beautiful because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everything is a miracle because it's a miracle that there is anything at all] I received a bunch of diamonds [spiritual treasures, soul fragments, dissociated complexes] (I think my mother was there, but I don't think she gave them to me- this part is fuzzy, it could have been her but I don't remember her giving them to me). [mother is old oversoul, still in the background, but "fuzzy," fading away] I then half awoke [moves away somewhat from old oversoul, volitionally] and started coughing because I had what felt like rocks [spirits, words] in my mouth. I spit one out and it looked like the diamond I had been given in the dream. I then held on to it and went back to sleep, knowing it was a hypnopomp, but holding on to it nonetheless. [the spiritual is now as important to the dreamer as the physical] I then slept some more and had more 'diamond' dreams. [more treasure acquired, mind is one, re-solved, transformed into gold from lead] When I woke up [fully awake, as opposed to "half awoke"] my hand was still closed in a fist, but there was nothing in it. [The 'nothing', the Spirit, has become the 'Something' to be gripped, full inversion from original position has occurred. Hold on tight! ]
    So I got up. [Spiritual Ascension, awake "from the dead," new Archetype fully activated, truly Alive, truly Eternal]
    Last edited by Pneumismatic; 7th July 2012 at 06:02 AM.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

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