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Thread: Deliberate Reincarnation (COPY)

  1. #1

    Question Deliberate Reincarnation (COPY)

    1. How would you know where there is a viable fetus, location wise and gestationally wise, as a practical matter?

    2. Wouldn't the timing have to be remarkably precise?

    3. I assume you want to do this before death, because after death the real time double quickly loses energy and falls asleep? On the other hand if your real time double is now in a fetus, wouldn't that interfere with normal nightime projections?

  2. #2

    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation

    1. One could look for women that look pregnant...and that would be a good start.

    2. This would not have to be precise. A baby can be conceived, carried to term and even born with no spirit attached.

    3. If you look at the ubiquitous nature of existence and OBE, it is clear that one could project a copy of oneself and that copy could act as a placeholder, creating a strong attachment between the older person and the child. Then, when the older person dies, the rest of his her consciousness/spirit would follow.


  3. #3

    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation

    a. If the placeholder double is somewhere else, wouldn't that interfere with normal nocturnal projections?

    b. How do you know if a fetus is already "occupied"?

  4. #4
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    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation

    Quote Originally Posted by D.O. View Post
    a. If the placeholder double is somewhere else, wouldn't that interfere with normal nocturnal projections?

    b. How do you know if a fetus is already "occupied"?
    Do you intend to reincarnate deliberately ?.
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    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation

    Quote Originally Posted by D.O. View Post
    a. If the placeholder double is somewhere else, wouldn't that interfere with normal nocturnal projections?

    b. How do you know if a fetus is already "occupied"?
    When you project you usually deal with or interact with the higher self or projected double of anyone, infant or grownup, to begin with. It does not 'go somewhere else', it expands towards 'somewhere else'. So the baby will not be 'empty', it's higher self or astral self is still there, even if it's always somewhere else.
    Besides this being apparent to anyone who projects consciously, Robert has talked about this many times before- this is not new or controversial.
    I suspect that if you want to reincarnate deliberately, provided you can maintain the awareness necessary from death to 'bardo state' to reincarnation, the mechanism to do so is already in place- with billions of years of the earth's evolution and possibly millions of years of 'humanoid' evolution, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't be the first one, you'd simply follow whatever protocol is already present.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6

    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation

    From what I understand, both from my personal explorations and the writings of others, deliberate reincarnation isn't as complex as it may seem. The complexity arises in selecting the 'correct' fetus. ie If you decide to incarnate with the intent of experiencing and overcoming poverty, you would most likely incarnate into an impoverished family. Then there is the issue of selecting parents, again depending on what you want to accomplish in your physical incarnation. If you want a specific entity to be your mother, you may have to wait around for a while. I guess it really depends on how picky you are...

    Among the Australian aboriginals, it is believed that the spirit does not enter the fetus until about five months gestation. Other cultures believe that the spirit does not enter until well after the baby is born. Generally speaking, the shock of physical birth is more than enough to draw the spirit in, assuming it hasn't entered already.

    I vaguely remember selecting my parents before incarnating, but others may just jump in.

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    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation

    What about entering into a young or possibly mid life aged (younger than 20) fetus who was healthy and has already passed on peacefully and has no organs severely damaged? Possibly one who has committed suicide or died? Couldn't you connect after they have disconnected from their astral matrix from their body?

    This could be a possibility but I don't know how it will really work as you will have to become an actor and be the person who had died?

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    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation (COPY)

    You're almost describing a 'walk in'. Remember that, according to some theories, most of the life and death decisions we make are already decided-before birth we decide whether we're going to permit something like this to happen.
    So if someone decides to check out and has decided to allow another spirit to come in and take over, the new spirit will acquire the memories and body of the person who is 'walking out', so there is no acting necessary. So the person may have an NDE in which they 'feel' different than before, and maybe have a striking change of personality after the event.
    If this happens, it's already pre-decided at a soul level, and more than likely the walk in is a member of their own soul group, if there is such a thing.
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    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation (COPY)

    So if I ever actually do this, it was already pre decided before I came to the physical? That is very strange.

    Also what Robert said, about leaving a copy of yourself in a newborn baby, how long could the copy be there and is that the start of bilocation? Seemingly like I go to sleep in this body, but as my own body is sleeping, I wake up in the other body or something. Its like part of my consciousness goes into another body so would I have to sustain that or would my copy sustain that body for somewhat many years when I end up dying?

  10. #10
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    Re: Deliberate Reincarnation (COPY)

    Too many questions at the same time....
    If it's predecided, it's predecided by yourself and the other member of your soul group. Not by anyone 'else'.

    And, bilocation happens, whether you're allive or dead. So I'm sure it can happen in the case of a 'future' baby. It's a case of 'leaving linear thinking behind', even though it's difficult.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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