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Thread: Strange Condition-D experience.

  1. #1
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    Strange Condition-D experience.

    Yesterday I did my MAP exercises and after that I went into my bed to get relaxed and sink into trance with the help of a audio mix I made. The mix contains Introduction to focus 10 and Condition D, from two different Hemisync albums.
    Either way, when I was through the Focus 10 part and the Condition D part began I was totally focused and aware. I enjoyed this fully conscious state and thought that everything was going well untill something odd happened.
    In an instant, and Im really talking about a tenth of a second or so, I wake up and se my girldfriends face staring at me wondering if Im awake. I stare at her and ask: - Are you real? She smiles and laughs a bit and says yes, a bit confused as to what I mean.
    When I realize that I am fully awake in physical reality I just get confused, because it is as if my conscious mind just stopped working in an instant... from perfectly conscious in a trance state to sleep. Normally you have some kind of recollection of that time has passed or that you lost consciousness, or at least had a hard time to focus, but this was different. I could absolutelly focus, and was absolutelly conscious and yet I fell asleep in a split second.

    So to sum this up; Conscious in trance and fully aware and in a tenth of a second I awake staring at my girlfriends face wondering how I got there.

    Have this happened to anyone else while listening to Hemisync?

  2. #2
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    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    I'm confused. Are you saying you clicked out, and she was there, or that you clicked out and sleepwalked to her, or something altogether different?
    No comprendo.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    I mean that I clicked out and she was there, in normal physical reality that is. The strange part is the timespan.

  4. #4

    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    I have "clicked out" before and it is very unsettling. It's like going under anesthesia-- they put the mask on your face and next thing you know, you're waking up in a different place, with no idea how long you were gone.

    You had a very normal click out. It's unsettling but nothing unusual-- a lot of people have experienced it during Hemi-sync tapes.

  5. #5
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    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    Alright, thx for the answer. It feels strange, as if no time passed at all, zero seconds.

  6. #6

    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    Clicking out and falling asleep can be similar events. In H-S I've sometimes been listening
    to the count up, for example; 11, 12, 13, 16, 17. There has been no breakage at times
    between the 13 and 16 in my example.

  7. #7
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    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    Oh, I can remember that to now, which you say Pauli. Remember that when listening to Hemi sync you click from one sentance to another. I've found that pretty strange to. This was like that, only with a longer time span.
    Interesting never the less.

  8. #8
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    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    And unsettling when it happens the first time.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9

    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    I know it is kind of late for this, yes, you clicked out. Bruce Moen calls it a future christmas present, one day you will remember. I have done it several times and it is a bummer. I once had one for 40 minutes. My last one was when I was in Focus 21 going thru the Gateway Voyage, bummer. Who knows what I saw...

  10. #10
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    Re: Strange Condition-D experience.

    Have you started to get your memories back from those click-outs?

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