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Thread: Relevance of "knowledge"

  1. #1
    IA56 Guest

    Relevance of "knowledge"

    Hi all,
    I have now read the book of CG Jung "The Practis of Psychotherapy" and I got the acknowledgment to my own used methaphore...It does not matter from witch side of the moutanin you climb will reach the moutain peak ...I´d want to say that this is as with all philosophy, religion, atrophosophy etc...all is based on something ...the base is developed thorough the centures by some ...

    I can also tell as I have wrote in many places here in different threads about me be brought up by existence...I use sayings...I heard...or it was said to me....and as I feel all knowing is around us in energy form...belief does give it form and shape...It was said to me when I was very very young...IA you do not need to read any books, the knowledge in them are old already when it is printed...and off course I did understand this I never opened my school books but I did always pay attention in class and what teachers teached...and I did middling all my school time...if I had understood it right then I sure have studied also the school books because the certificate are build up on school books...I have scored top when I in adult age have studied something and did understand that the certificate need the knowledge out of the study books...

    So now I am coming nearer what I am trying to articulate here...about all this dimensions and layers or what they can be called...there is a need of namening all that we know what we are talking about, I do understand this very well....but I have noticed that I have not developed so much fantasy worlds if I can name them in this way...I am taken to the "level" "dimension" "layer" what purpos it has or relevance in knowledge to my development, and this does make me not know how to dress my experiences in words because I do not have all these terms to name it with....
    Should I read more other books to be able to communicate here with you all??
    I am open for proposals, please feel free to tell.

    Thank you for letting me ramble openly and free....

    Last edited by CFTraveler; 9th September 2012 at 04:36 PM. Reason: apostrophes bug me

  2. #2
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    Re: Relevance of "knowledge"

    I think if you feel led to read (I love reading, a world without books is unthinkable to me) you should- unfortunately I have a low opinion of people who tell others not to read or not to learn- maybe it's my nature, but I always sense a machiavellian motive behind it.
    Anyway, there are so many book I love, I wouldn't know where to start.
    Do you have a specific theme in mind?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    IA56 Guest

    Re: Relevance of "knowledge"

    Thank you CFT for answering to my post, I must start to appologise for not be able to write more understandable, I can see why you write "of your low opinion of people who tell others not to read or not to learn," it was not what I ment and I am sure it did not have that meaning but I did missunderstand and did not read when I was in school, I was a child and did understand as a child....I am sure it was meant not to be blinded by dogmas, or be blinded but to be free in thought and not build up so much "farytaleish" seeing....but to be open for the reality...(all is not true what is written in a book, but the author´s own opinion/experience).....I did live in by me inveted farytale world all my childhood to survive in the inviroment I was living in and to keep some kind of "happy" mode in the very depressed inviroment, instincly I knew it was bad for the health to not have hope, there was very little of that so I had to invent the feeling by imagine me being adopted to this family and my real family some day will come and get me and tell this family how awful they sure many children think of their family.

    I have a very strong feeling and I think it might have to do with incarnation....the feeling I have having stroke (I believe my experience of death and birth has come in this shape/feeling/memory)...and the stroke area is destroyed or the stroke destroyed that part of my brain...but pathways was build/made to other area´s in brain total new area´s so when all the old memories was downloded to this new area it took a while before it was integrated for me to recognize them as my memories/experiences....and this feeling is very strong in is not possible for me to have had so many stroke´s in this life, as I know I have not have one stroke in this life.


    Is there any relevance of all this spheres/dimensions/layers all talk about??...If this is real, in what book is it discribed best in??


    What if it is like I feel....all knowing/knowledge is pure energy....we in our essence are pure energy and this is the survival part of us...what live´s after all birth and deaths and is a pure knowledge essence ...what we call our core. Indestructuble....What remanes after every life is the knowledge of survival and this is put in the core as a skill.

    In all incarnated life we also get to have becides our core ...this life´s genes/inheritance from the parent´s who make it to happen to make the body what in it self is only a schell ....if not dared to be used for collecting more knowledge as a vessel and an opportunity to do something in practical way .....It might be the only way to get real knowledge maybe in the energy form we only have to live with what we dared to collect in incarnated life...if we did not dare to live in that way to go against our fear and other feeling what is makeing going at the degenerated direction instead of evolution direction.

    Well...I am not sure this is stop.

  4. #4
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    Re: Relevance of "knowledge"

    I think you express yourself well enough- and show a depth of character most people don't.
    As to books about layers and dimensions, there are so many with so many different ways to express the concept, I can't think of any that describe this without some bias as to their own worldview. BTW, I think you 'get' these concepts pretty well, and I know I've said this before, but I think you're smarter (or more intelligent) than you think you are.

    I have always wondered about the concept of the soul as sum total of present incarnation vs. the spirit as the spark of life, and asked myself the same question (if not the same, similar enough) and have no good answers....

    Besides that, if you've had a stroke and are not epileptic, I think you should use binaural beats to stimulate and strengthen your corpus callosum, to keep your brain hemispheres talking to each other.

    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    IA56 Guest

    Re: Relevance of "knowledge" are so nice CFT, thank you!! You made my day!!

    No I have not had any stroke but I did get epileptic from the beating in 1980-81 but that has healed and I got my driving license in took 10 yrs for the healing but it is healed.

    Do you know where to buy the binaural beats I live in Sweden as you know, is it expensive??

    Well ...I do not eighder have a good answere to ...but what I did experience when I met JHWH and through JHWH got the echo of the eternity or infinity or what to call what always IS as the sea or the ONE what we all are part from...and when we are done and ready go back up to this ONE and be in ONESSESS...when we are ready to melt the ego to the soul as it is called the alchemy weadding....I tried to enter but was are not ready and when this was said I did feel and understand why the incarnation is is to make me/us ready to come home, when there is no need for and I or me or personality, when be ready to be and melt back to the ONE, when the ego is transformed ....and I felt the eternity is all but not like here dualited....there is only ONE but still ALL.

    I do not know how the inteligence is I have come cross to know ...then I am not inteligent at all....but I do exist and be happy and do not anymore be the saying in my family can´t ask to be given with an sladle when you got to be given with an spoon and in my case very little spoon

    Anyhow I love to be here .....I love you all......

  6. #6
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    Re: Relevance of "knowledge"

    Do you know where to buy the binaural beats I live in Sweden as you know, is it expensive??
    You can listen to free ones in YouTube.... but if you have epilepsy (or have had it in the past) don't use them, because they can trigger a seizure. And we don't want that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7
    IA56 Guest

    Re: Relevance of "knowledge"

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    You can listen to free ones in YouTube.... but if you have epilepsy (or have had it in the past) don't use them, because they can trigger a seizure. And we don't want that.
    CFT, there is no risk any more for seizures, honestly, I am cured...Thank you for telling me about YouTube, I am not any googler you know, I am very little playing with computor so I almost never google, and really have not give it any thought even I know my son is all the time on YouTube.

    I listened to a short versio and it did feel in back of my head, I will try to some other day too listen to this binural I am in strange everything is going slower but still have so high energy in me that I can´t relax...little confusing...inner is alerted but the outside is slow, strange.

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