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Thread: An interesting experience

  1. #1

    An interesting experience


    I´m new here. I´ve been interested in OBE and lucidity but I never pursued it with any real persistence, but last nights experience might finally change that.

    I´d be very interested to hear what you think of this:

    I slept normally and then I remember lying in my bed, only able to move my head a little with great willpower. I felt weird, but it was very interesting. I looked at the corner where the ceiling and wall touch and there were sort of golden lightning flashes, as if there was golden light behind it and the wall was only like a painting with something else behind.
    I had the feeling that the "reality" surrounding me might just burst away, like the walls and all that were just a thin layer covering something else. Then I heard a voice which I then identified as trinity from the matrix movie, and even then I thought that this was kinda ridiculous. Anyway, it told me to turn around and look at something above my computer monitor.
    Now you have to know that I have to turn 180 degrees when lying in bed to see my monitor and I was still in that paralysis state. I had to use every inch of my willpower to turn around, it was really a hard thing to do. My thoughts were kind of foggy, I was paralysed and I was so tired. Anyway I did it, looked at the monitor and then I felt free of the paralysis. In my mind I thought that the experience was now over and kinda regretted turning around- like I screwed it up. I tought about getting up and looking at the wall above the monitor closely but I was so tired and I thought that it was over anyway.

    For the life of me I cannot remember if I was really "awake" during all that or still sleeping... it felt like being in a dream but on the other hand it felt real...

    Then I went back to sleep and had some very interesting, vivid, strange dreams, and once during those dreams I remember thinking that I was in the fifth dimension.

    Also, now I have that suspicion that I should have GOTTEN UP. That I was on the brink of having an OBE yet I chose to lie there and go back to sleep. In my waking mind I think that, why don´t I think of that when in the situation itself?
    And I had that feeling befor once, but I don´t remember in what context exactly.

    Other than that, I remember getting aware of being in a dream some weeks ago. I noticed that some detail in the dream was wrong, a day that was just skipped. However, then a beautiful woman appeared and I followed her in some bathroom to have sex with her, and soon the dream ended. Kinda feel like my sex drive got the better of me and that I should´ve stayed conscious in the dream longer... also in my waking mind I thought of that woman as Lucifer, she reminded me heavily of the girl from "The Ninth Gate" by Polanski. And she also had a very short tail-like thingy at her bottom.

    It feels like there is something very important to all of this but that something is holding me back.

    It felt good writing this espcially since I´m quite confused about it. I hope to get some replies.

    Best wishes

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: An interesting experience

    I think that in the first experience you were OOB after the turn, but didn't realize it.
    About the dream, you're projecting your own images from movies/etc into the environment, but it's a great way to get lucid and turn it into an OBE if you'd rather do that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: An interesting experience

    Hi blaa,

    My first experiences were much like what you've posted. I couldn't make total sense of what had happened because my first outings had a dream-like residue about them. Lucidity comes with time, practice, patience, and plenty of focus. We often conceptualize what the OBE state should feel like, so when it happens our logic often chalks things up to dreams, but deep down we know something beyond a dream happened. Now when I get out I make a point to immediately stabilize the experience and repeat just how lucid it is so when I come up from it all that point always shines in my memory, even if I sense so much else got left behind.

    Know Thyself

  4. #4

    Re: An interesting experience

    It sounds like you were OBE to me. Your experience is actually very similar to the trance experiences reported by Oliver Fox, who wrote about astral projection in the early 1900s.

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