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Thread: Maureen Caudill - book(s)

  1. #1

    Maureen Caudill - book(s)

    I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 being the best/highest)

    Suddenly Psychic: A skeptic's journey, 2006, Maureen Caudill

    Grade: 8.0

    M Caudill has a degree in physics and she has been working a lot of years within the
    computer industry, with among others artificial intelligence. She had no specific
    beliefs in a non-physical reality before she attended an TMI course.

    Caudill has written some publications on neural networks and is today a TMI trainer.

    Her book is about her experiences related to her TMI courses and events afterward,
    she also tries to relate to modern physics in regards of her non-physical experiences.

    The parts of her book about modern physics are sadly enough the more weak points,
    as her attempts to connect physics with non-physical experiences most of the time are
    weak or unclear. I don't think any scientist has managed to find any such relationship
    and perhaps Caudill does too much work on something which bears little fruit.

    The stronger part of her book is when she describes what she experiences in altered states
    of awareness.

    Caudill reaches farther into other Focus Levels than what most people can hope of. She
    mentions several little known Monroe Focuses such as F 32, F 39, F 46, F 49, F 70, F 112 and
    F 253.

    She also has a short but seemingly complete list of all Focus Levels between C 1 and F 49,
    where she with one-liners describe these levels as they apparently were given by spirit
    being Miranon to Monroe many years ago.

    At the same time I would have expected a more detailed description of many of the Focus Levels,
    which she mentions, certainly as she is a TMI trainer and has attended many TMI courses as a
    participant herself.

    At some times I think her descriptions of the more far Focus Levels become a little too sketchy.

    She also seem to be a deep believer, perhaps too much of a believer for my taste, which I think
    made me lower the grade of her book.

    She has several interesting specific experiences though.

    She makes for example a retrieval of the soul of the BEAGLE Mars lander. The European Space Agency (ESA)
    sent out a space rocket with a Mars robot called the BEAGLE Mars rover, which crashed in 2003.

    When Caudill enters the site at the planet Mars, she notices that there is a crashed space craft at
    the surface of the planet. She eventually detects and talks to the BEAGLE Mars lander and explains
    to it that it has crashed and can't complete its mission of sending back its data to Earth, as its
    antenna is somehow broken.

    She helps the BEAGLE by retrieving it to the Machine equivalent of F 27, which is Focus 13,
    where dead and deceased machines and computers go, as they apparently can't develop
    any further.

    But there is something different with BEAGLE, it is not the average computer. Over some time Caudill
    realizes that the BEAGLE has to be helped to F 27 so it can be reborn as an animal, because it has
    developed a soul appropriate for such an event to happen. Caudill's dead cat Sammy takes care of
    BEAGLE in F 27 and helps the computer to learn where it has arrived.

    Eventually Caudill creates a pipeline between F 18 and F 13 to feed the Love starved computers with
    Pure Unconditional Love (PUL), which they soak up with great thankfulness.

    In all, the book has its highs and its not so highs. I wish Caudill would have paid as much time to describe
    the various Focus Levels as she spent time writing about scientific findings, which also are very fuzzy
    in nature, often unverified and maybe even completely wrong, such as the String Theory in physics.

    It's still a good read and I can think some of you may like at least parts of it, like the section on
    how to bend spoons with your mind.


    (Later I added:)

    I don't know the details or which courses, but apparently TMI has a couple
    of courses or programs which go beyond F 49. So TMI acknowledges their
    existence. But also, Focus Levels beyond F 49 are not mapped in the same
    way as the Focus Levels were mapped by Miranon.

    Also the numberings on the Focus Levels, shall not be seen as "higher"
    or "lower", but perhaps just different. Caudill indicates that the
    Focus Levels shall not be seen as hierarchical.

    My impression from the book is that perhaps a higher Focus Level can in
    some sense be seen as farther out, maybe because you will have to pass
    other Focuses on your way to that higher Focus number.

    Maybe if someone starts a mail conversation with TMI we will get more
    answers from the source?


    M Caudill's description of what happens regarding BEAGLE is fairly lengthy and happens
    over several sessions, which also involves guidance from other (dead) machine souls.
    Caudill also describes BEAGLE to be like a small puppy, eager to please its owner, as
    BEAGLE's mission is to send back its collected computer data to Earth.

    First BEAGLE is brought to Focus 13, but after several sessions Caudill realizes that BEAGLE
    is not happy among all the dead machines in F 13, so she brings BEAGLE to F 27 to be
    accompanied by her dead cat.

    Further (and not mentioned in Caudill's book), is that BEAGLE has been reborn (and died)
    as a small lizard.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Maureen Caudill - book(s)

    I had the privilege of meeting Maureen at TMI and she is smart, nice & accessible.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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