My guess would be that if this is channeled, it's garbled by the channeler to fit his or her desired outcome. I think there's inappropriate linking of separate facts abundantly on the first few pages - trying to link higher states of consciousness as postulated by mystic traditions with a physical concept of time and space... it seems rather contrived.

The statements seem to contain some general truths - such as there exist additional dimensions of existence influencing our space-time experience in the physical, but the rest seems... too constructed according to connections the author wanted to see.

There are some valid observations in there, but I would personally separate the observations from the postulated linking of facts. Certain effects and events seem to sustain the "linking" and "associations" because the effects and events are observable, but that doesn't mean the conclusions drawn from them are.

Later pages convince me less and less, the connections seem random, a mix and match of ideas from literature and wherever.