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Thread: Little Girls

  1. #1

    Little Girls

    the first time I ever successfully projected out of my body, there was a little girls sleeping next to me in bed (whereas there wasn't anyone next to me physically) I was not threatened by her presence and the OBE ended soon after it started. I continued to attempt and practice for the next couple months without much the same clean break from my body (kind of like a dreamy projection in which I didn't have the same clarity or control) on one of these dreamlike projections I saw a little girl sleeping on the floor next to me. a few months after my first successful projection I became pregnant with a daughter. my husband and I seriously considered the little girl on the astral plane to be our daughter hanging around us, waiting for something (we're not sure) anyway, as I avidly continue practicing my projection skills.. my husband is a natural. for some reason he has an easier time leaving his body. last night as he was coming back from a projection he saw the three of us sleeping in bed (he, our 2 month old daughter, and myself) as well as a little girl about 5 laying horizontally at the foot of our bed watching us. they made eye contact, she smiled and my husband woke up? anyone have any idea what's going on? do you think it's the same little girl? do you think it's my baby in spirit form? do you think it's my next child? anyone else have experiences with little children around them? any ideas anyone could offer would be helpful! thank you!

  2. #2
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    At the bottom of the garden
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    Re: Little Girls

    Well, I don't know, but I will say that I wouldn't be at all surprised if you're going to end up with more than one little girl.

    Before my third daughter was conceived, she visited me in dreams a lot. I didn't know it was her (she usually appeared as a boy, actually), but in several of them, the child was visibly disabled (Down Syndrome, which is a very obvious thing). When she was conceived, I knew it literally within minutes, and we had an extraordinarily strong communication bond while she was in the womb. And, as it happens, she IS developmentally disabled (though it's not Down Syndrome; that was just a dream symbol). I believe she was just getting ready to manifest and wanted me to be prepared for an atypical child. There are other elements of the story and our communication in dreams and more directly, but, basically, yes, I have experienced this sort of pre-birth communication. What you describe sounds quite similar.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #3

    Re: Little Girls

    I also had my son in dreams, about a year ago before he was born. But what was the most strange thing, I nearly banished him when his spirit arrived (spirit usually inhabits body in about 4th week of pregnancy - Kabbalah), exorcists have strange habits, sometimes :-/

  4. #4

    Re: Little Girls

    Sometimes guides can take on the appearance of small children to not intimidate.
    Perhaps you could ask the question out into the air in a meditation session?

  5. #5
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    Re: Little Girls

    My son also visited me about a year before I got pregnant. It was in a dream also. I think it's somewhere in the dreaming forum, maybe.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6

    Re: Little Girls

    what a lovely notion , seeing mom before arriving

  7. #7

    Re: Little Girls

    This story is amazing! you must have such a close bond with your daughter.. it's wonderful the connection you had through your dreams.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Little Girls

    I have met others who claimed to have seen spirits of children or even adult relatives in dreams and in projection and in altered states of consciousness such as before or after sleep who claimed that they would be coming back as their children or other relative.

    I have seen many myself. For example;
    Jessica my niece appeared as a spirit to her mother to be. She was with another spirit whom we have not identified. As the mother was having intercourse with a new boyfriend she overheard " Should I be born now because he is going to die soon ? And then as if they were consulting, "Should she become pregnant?"

    The mother did become pregnant that first time with him and was not in love. She fell in love though. They married and had three children. The father of her children died at work when the youngest was two - three years old. The father continued to appear as a spirit to all of the children but the grieving wife could not see him. Grief can depress clairvoyant sight.

    My niece Jessica ,their first child, appeared to me while in utero projecting and showing me that she would be pale like a porcelain doll with dark thick dolly hair and big eyelashes. She said she would love her daddy as long as she could but her mother would never love her as much. That all came true.

    My daughter Christina appeared to me before she was born and asked me to have her. She told me she would be an artist and showed me herself as a buxom blonde shorter than me and she said I don't like freckles. I laughed and said everyone in the family has them. But she was born without freckles afterall and she is an artist.

    When I was pregnant with red head twins they appeared to me so very often. Their paternal aunt projected into my womb and greeted them and then told me the next morning that we had conceived. But I lost them very early about 4 months pregnant. The day they passed I saw a vision of the womb like a pink gentle ocean and a black net sweeping down to gather them and a death angel taking them away. They told me in unison that if they stayed longer we would all die. So they left me.

    When good mediums read me they often count the children at my feet in spirit and describe them to me. The children follow me through the days and sometimes I see them and feel them cuddled up to me in my bed at night or playing with my grandchildren. One of them came back to me as a grand daughter . Before her mother conceived she told me that she would be called Lily and that I would love her she would be a strawberry blonde like me but look like her paternal aunt and paternal grandmother. I do and she does.

    My mother died in March 2009 , shortly before my daughter gave birth to her first child. The grief precipitated labour in my daughter but my mother appeared as a spirit and told my daughter that the labour would stop and that her son would be born on time in April. He was.

    In July a daughter reconciled with an old flame. A lovely thin blonde girl spirit walked on tiptoes and sang to me that she waited to be conceived by her parents but that she would only wait until October and then it would be too late. The two parted and I never got that grand daughter sadly. She told me she was attached to the father's family and would not come to us without him. I saw her over a dozen times and encouraged my daughter to consider her birth to no avail, sadly. She chose to have children with a violent mysogynist drug dealing boy and now she is in a custody battle with his family. The daughter-maybe-to-be told us that the pregnancy would ease my daughter's grief at losing the children to the ex partner. My daughter was overwrought and could not entertain that choice. The girl spirit warned us about a very short dark haired man but you might guess that is exactly who the daughter chose despite the warning. He abused her , stole from her and threatened her .

    I did not see each of my children before they were born or in utero. Nor did I glimpse each niece, nephew and grandchild either. But I have seen a fair few of them. The strangest was my grandfather appearing as an old man telling me that he would be born as my son. I learnt from him that the soul is like a fruit punch . It is a unique blend of spirit memories from the paternal and maternal lines having its own personality and unique spirit but having a collective and eclectic soul in my humble opinion and experience.
    Last edited by Aunt Clair; 29th November 2012 at 11:27 PM.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  9. #9

    Re: Little Girls

    thank you

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