I started at 18.40...The first thing I saw was a hand holding a disk with holes for the fingers, first I thought it was placed on my neck but I think it was placed through my ´throat chakra and I felt a falling sensation...Then I saw a tunnel and like a rat looking at me...I travelled in the tunnel but backwards...then I felt a pull on my left side in my arm, stomach and leg, like I was pulled to the left and then it benden very strongly at the left side and was placed at my back...then I felt in my crown chakra was pored in like energy and it did tingle down to my navel I felt it both inside and outwards...felt rather heavy pressure on my 3:d eye and my whole back bone hurt..I did meet someone but I can not say who or how it felt...yet..maybe after my sleep in a dream will revel more, I hope....I was done precisly at 19.40.....Now I am very spirited and light

Thank you all!!