May, 2011

Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
The experience in the hospital carries traits of a "public" experience on the planes. The nurse reacts like what Kurt calls a Robot - the conscious environment giving you information about itself.

Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
If the two rhinos were the etheric and astral they would denote a degree of alignment between the both which is likely anyway in your case. The lion could be the mental body, a feral beast, not as tamed yet, but definitely king of the jungle when it comes to the others.

Did a little research into my dreams recorded since the 'transition' in May, 2011: Lion is all over it. In a brief entry lately I noted 'was the lion going to eat the cow?'. So, this is a good exercise. Actually, kinda glad I don't have readily available the Journal from the old board. Too much work. I think all I need is here.

Also, it wasn't a dream but RL, pausing to pet a cat actually saved my face from an exploding glass/storm door during a thunder storm.

Looking back and piecing a common thread together, in its many presentations is a good way to help find what may be the nut of the imagery. Sounds like a good thing to do.

Next I'll search for 'fence'.