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Thread: energy raising into the brow storage center.

  1. #1

    energy raising into the brow storage center.

    Basically i want to ask about energy raising into the brow storage center.
    In Robers books we were advised not to raise energy into higher centers and just focus on the subnavel center. But is it not the psychic energy of the brow center that is used to astral project? or is it not? if so that would it make make sense to raise energy into the brow right before trying to project?

  2. #2
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    Re: energy raising into the brow storage center.

    When you raise energy and fill up your lower storage center, the energy goes up to your upper centers when needed. The energy body is interconnected, so that if you do regular full body energy work, the flow should be easy, and the higher centers are easy to overstimulate due to the way we live nowadays.
    Anyway, I believe Robert explains this in the books you just mentioned.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: energy raising into the brow storage center.

    first of all thank you CFTraveler for always coming to help us newbies
    well Robert in his books explains it like this:

    Storage Centers
    The human energy body has three major vitality storage centers, where different qualities of energies are accumulated. These are quite different from the primary energy centers (major chakras) that share the same general areas, although they can be considered to be energetically related.
    Position: Midway between bellybutton and pubic line, two inches inside average body
    Function: Raw physical vitality energy storage
    Position: Center of chest, at base of sternum, two inches inside average body
    Function: Raw emotional energy storage
    Position: Between eye-socket ridges in center of brow, just inside skull
    Function: Raw mental and psychic energy storage
    Of these three storage centers, the most important and safest to actively fill is the sub-navel storage center. When this center is full, it overflows into the sub-heart storage center, which when full overflows into the sub-brow storage center.

    so there are 3 diferent types of energies but my question is which one of these is actually used for projection?

  4. #4
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    Re: energy raising into the brow storage center.

    Depends on what kind of projection. The etheric double (or realtime double) is generated by the chakras. A chakra funnels energy from the energy body to eject the projected double. A storage center (dantien, stone) is not a chakra, but it provides the chakras with energy. You fill up the storage center, and it will send energy to whatever system needs it, be it a chakra or some other complex.
    So, whatever energy is there will be used, depending on what chakra you use to generate the double.
    That's why he says to do energy raising (to raise and fill the centers) and to do energy moving (to balance out the energy where it needs to go) and to practice projection- practicing projection will work out the process and the more you project the more you will refine the process, and the type of projection will change, using all the chakras eventually (but not at the same time). Not sure if this last point is clear.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: energy raising into the brow storage center.

    By different kinds of projection you mean projection into RTZ or the Astral?also projection from different chakras is something I dont understand well. Can you choose from which chakra you project? And if so how?And also I dont quite get your last point ...

  6. #6
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    Re: energy raising into the brow storage center.

    Quote Originally Posted by stimpy View Post
    By different kinds of projection you mean projection into RTZ or the Astral?
    Yes, and also mental and possibly other more refined types.
    also projection from different chakras is something I dont understand well.
    Since the chakra(s) generate the realtime double, the type of projection will depend on the chakra or combination used to generate the double. Most people use the heart chakra when they start out (or even the lower chakras) and you can tell that this is so by the symptom you get when you exit. The higher chakras produce a more 'mental' projection, with less symptoms and a smoother transition.
    Can you choose from which chakra you project? And if so how?
    Yes and no- you can do a lot of work on chakras and have the intention of having a type of projection, but I think your practice and experience chooses for you.

    And also I dont quite get your last point ...
    What I meant more simply, is that as you project, you practice- projection is practice and this works out your energy body and belief system. As that changes, so does the way you project. It's an interrelated system.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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