Quote Originally Posted by SiriusTraveler View Post
I guess you might be wondering what tracks you should focus on here. (Btw. I know this is an old post, but people still read threads).
I would recommend to be very familiar with Focus10 and then move on to Focus12. Then explore Focus12 alot, get familiar with the state, learn the state and explore deeper and deeper. Eventually I believe that Focus12 will do the trick, and bring you down to a level sufficient enough to have an OBE. One could go further offcource, but thats what I would spend most of my hemisync time on.

So i was was reading threads and i came across this.
thanks for the help first but i want to ask about focus 12.
how do do you know for sure that you are deep enough in focus 12 to project? and then what technique do you use? rope or phasing? what does focus 12 feel like for you? is it the same state as the 3D blackness?