Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #321
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    On 2 occations has happened odd things and I am wondering who it is??...for some day´s I did awoke when someone was checking up on me...and this morning someone did touch my stomache and said...I go someone watching over me??

    This night I did dream very stressed dreams...I was walking on a road and it was winter, moonlight and very much snow..the road was like from my childhood village road...I had my handbag with me, I see a man coming on a moped, it did stop when seeing me, and I said...go on...and did a gesture with my hand that move on...and he hesitated little but did drow away...I was thinking about what can happen on this road, stanges coming and may get dangerous for I did take my handbag and rolled the handbag-band around my hand if robber coming they will not take it from me...I tried if I can fly and it did work, but I was not able to rise higher did like fly about an inch over the road I started to walk I see 3 men coming...I tried to pass them quickly but one of the men did notice me and did get interested in me...he come besides me and put his hand around my shoulders...(the man was read headed and with frecled face)...and saying he will followe me home...I said...what if I have a bf...he said..then I have to kill here I awoke myself it did become too much for me....(the man who beated me up in -80 ties..did say...that he will kill everyman I try to be with, so off course I am afraid this will happen now when I really are in love with my bf and fear this very much)

  2. #322
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt strange again...I did watch into somekind of circus...a man asked someone to come up to stage and do as he say...he istruected a girl to sing what ever happens and not stop singing...she nodded to have understood the instructions...soon then blowtorched her with fire...and she sang and sang but then she froze...and I felt that this did not go as he had thought...she did get total burned skin and severe injury...soon you could hear from the loud got it right 100% you won...but I couldn´t hear any hurraaa shoutings at was very sad atmosphere...

    in this episod I did see numbers appering on my skin...and I started quickly to write them down...a long serie of numbers??

    I was visiting my relatives in Finland when the phone rang, and my aunt said it was for me....I had hard to hear but I think I did understand that I have aplyed work and they now wanted me to come to an after I hung up I looked at the display on the phone and it was 018- nuber and that is Uppsala so I rang back and asked...did you call from this number and offerd me a job...Yes they said and now I could hear them better, so I said...thank you.

    in this episod I was visiting my father and he asked if I wanted have his harmonica and I took it...I put it on my left shoulder like a backpack and started to walk and I knew I had a hut, I was seeing this view with water and (is it an jetty or what you can walk or sun bath on?)..but when I walked nearer the water it eluded me and shanged totally, I did see a former naigbour whom I did not like was also there and he shouted to me that can he try to play my harmonica...I did not answere him at all, I went inside my hut and did wonder why on earth did I say yes to the harmonica it was in awful shape...and I was not happy to have that former naigbour so near living me..I one time did move away from my apparment because I couldn´t stand him.

  3. #323
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    can he try to play my harmonica...
    or was that 'paranoia'? Your imagination is in charge of the mundane. Back off and let the surreal disolve into the ordinary. You are fine and let your imagination flourish in its proper realm. Buck up!
    You know I love you, IA, but try not to get carred away.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  4. #324
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    or was that 'paranoia'? Your imagination is in charge of the mundane. Back off and let the surreal disolve into the ordinary. You are fine and let your imagination flourish in its proper realm. Buck up!
    You know I love you, IA, but try not to get carred away.
    Eyeoneblack, you know, I have a long history with this naigbourou man...and it is not any paranoia but reality...when he was my naighbouro he did disturbe me day and night...he did think he did own me, he did scarre specially men who was my friends and tried to visit me, he did scarry away them, so I was never able to live my life in this dream was to check up on me and my anger for this man, and I just do not want to ever talk to him...I am in charge and I did decide not to in this dream and I want to keep this in this is not paranoia in my life, it is how to learn to put an stop to intruders and how I can become so strong that not even anyone get any even thought of to try to control know too that I love you

  5. #325
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Whoah, didn't comprehend that reality. Under existential threat what would I do? It's time to get rid of him. You can do that. He's gone, if you decide so. Decide and it will be done. Don't put up with it anymore. You have the means - exile the a-hole. I'll help as much as I can (and that's no little promise).
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  6. #326
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    Whoah, didn't comprehend that reality. Under existential threat what would I do? It's time to get rid of him. You can do that. He's gone, if you decide so. Decide and it will be done. Don't put up with it anymore. You have the means - exile the a-hole. I'll help as much as I can (and that's no little promise).
    Thank you eyeoneblack I can handle it.
    This dream is about to re-mind me that the world is full of this kind of people, and I need to become strong and firm. When knowing em self and cleansed out old trash will make me that person I want to be, whom I know I carry inside of me, but bad happenings and harrasment and cruelty has made me crumble, but I am rising strong again
    To be here with you all are the best help I can ask for, thank you all.

  7. #327
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    The night before this I dreamt that I was sleeping in my bed my bf to the right side of me and to the left of me I had my teen bf brother?? I said that it is too tight to sleep under one blanket, so I went up to give him own blanket. I turned me to sleep on my bf´s arm. suddenly I awoke that he was trying to drag me of my bf, he took my arm´s and bendet them behind my back, it hurt like hell and I was trying to awoke my bf to help me, but he did not hear me??

  8. #328
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was sitting in a like space ship with a panorama window, I did see from the air and I did become very aware how the panorama window did archer from seen from inside and also how it looked outside dome-shaped.

    In this episode I hear my ask my bf...what do you call this...he answered...I call it walking??

  9. #329
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I think that was a more facinating dream than your two sentences give credit! A space ship, you're in it looking out, you're out looking in - and you're in SPACE! More detail, (of which I bet there is plenty) and that would be a heluva OBE .
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  10. #330
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    I think that was a more facinating dream than your two sentences give credit! A space ship, you're in it looking out, you're out looking in - and you're in SPACE! More detail, (of which I bet there is plenty) and that would be a heluva OBE .
    It is not easy to put word´s on a experience where you have at least 3 perspective of awarness...

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