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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #571
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    Re: My dream diary

    First I want to disclose that I've been working on a translation of a book on chinese medicine, which obviously informed some of this' dream snippet.

    I was in a building, square, with all four walls made of glass. I think I was in a high floor or at least a fourth floor. I was standing in front of the east window, trying to capture the chi coming from the east. Because of the transparency of the walls, and the height, I felt exposed. The sky was bright blue, it was a beautiful day. A great wind flew through me, and some other thing happened, which I have forgotten. It was something impressive, maybe gigantic, and a bit intimidating, but I can't remember what it was.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #572
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    Re: My dream diary

    New form of recurrent dream. I'm working, am close to figuring out a repair. Then my boss comes in and wants to redo my bench, starts taking it apart and structures disappear. Then I lose my shirt and can't find it. Then it's lunch time and someone is going to get me some while I look for my shirt. In the middle of this, my mother comes into the shop and she's wearing a victorian gown I have seen in pictures of my great-grandmother. She looks very young, like her teens, but the dress is incongruous. I embrace her as if she were my sister, since she is younger than me. Then I realize I was wearing my shirt under a dress I'm wearing the whole time. Then I start putting together my bench and the memory of how to fix the thing I was working on comes back to me and I start putting it together. Then I wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #573
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    2 Dreams. Work, and Waterslide and kittens

    First dream, recurrent.
    I'm at my old new job, sitting on a bench repairing some equipment. My boss is somewhere else in the room, and I'm wondering why I romanticized it previously. There is no 'special' feeling that I used to get in previous 'old job' dreams about this. Maybe because I'm busy and have no time to think about stuff. I wake up, use the bathroom, go back to bed and go into the next dream.

    Dream two:
    Recurring scenario, new details.
    I'm in some sort of amusement park. The recurrent theme is the 'conveyor belt' effect, seeing people go through a 'conveyor' apparatus, and myself going though it. I usually get hung up on it or fall from it or something like it. This time something different happened.

    I'm inside a room that's part of a 'water slide'. I see kids jumping in and going down or up or wherever the slide takes you. I jump in. In the middle of the slide I have an OBE in which I find myself back to the beginning of the ride. (I'm obviously not lucid.) Then I tell the other people in the entrance that I had an OBE while in the ride and I'm 'up here' again. I then realize I'm 'up here' (although I'm physical and interactive) and my body is supposed to be in the apparatus. I then jump in again, but now I have the actual experience of going through the chute. I first go down, then up in a watery loop-de loop in which I end up going down with the chute on top of me, and wonder at the impossibility of this, and end up in some realm in which there is some sort of a 'convent/church/religious institution' inside of it. I step off, walk around, talk to a few religious personages about religious stuff, then get on the chute and finish the 'trip'. At the end, as I'm stepping off the room and walking out the door, I see hundreds of kittens that are forming a line (cute little kittens) from outside to inside a room with the door half-closed. Someone tells me these kittens are on some sort of pilgrimage to help their mommy through some difficult situation. I notice the kittens are holding certain things in their muzzles, like cotton balls and other things, like food. I wonder at this, step outside (to see more kittens looking for helpful things) and wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #574
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    Re: My dream diary

    In the past few days I've had a lot of 'swimming' dreams.
    Last night a pool was featured at the end, but the 'body' of the dream started out somewhere else.
    I was in a restaurant with my "family" (these people were not my present day family, not sure why).
    We were discussing an inheritance we had received. Or rather, one of us was in control of. When I ordered my meal (which was a very small thing) the waiter threw my napkin on the floor. When I bent down to pick it up he snatched my meal (it was supposed to be some sort of salad but all I could see was some honeydew squares on a plate, and I didn't even get to taste them.) I complained and he shrugged me off and then the bill came. It was for an astounding $750 dollars. I was told by these people that my part was $400 dollars. I protested that I didn't have that kind of money, and if we all had inherited the large amount of money they could take it off my inheritance. We then walked down a corridor of the place we were at, it was some sort of hotel. But when I got to the part where there was some sort of cul-de sac hallway (with four rooms around the circle) the center or the circle featured a large pool that had been constructed in the center. It was immaculately done, and I was thinking it was very clever (in reality it was very weird), and I woke up as I was admiring the clear blue water.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #575
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    Re: My dream diary

    The night before last night a lovely dream about the ocean (recurring with a different ending).
    We moved by the beach, and I was looking forward to surfing in it. As usual, something happened to interrupt this, but instead there was a boat, and we went sailing instead. The foamy water felt good, as we got wet with it (but no immersion.) I woke up happy.
    Last night, a horrible nightmare which I won't recount, except it had a "happy" ending.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #576
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    Three dreams, two in realtime, but prob. not realspace

    Three dreams, not sure if in the right order.
    It was nighttime and I flew to the beach (it may have been a projection, due to the 'realtime' state of the moment) I launched myself in the water, and swam happily. Then (now we're on full dream mode) I see my mom on a boat. I get on the boat and we start riding around in this waterway, you can see the city on one side and roads on the other. We have a good time and then she drops me off on a pier. I think I wake up and get up and go back to bed. Back to sleep. Now I'm in a room that does not resemble any room in the present, and not really in the past. My cousin and I are sleeping in a room, in separate parts of the room (she and I grew up together as children, and we slept in bunk beds, so it's different than our childhood). Once again, it's still dark. She wakes up and sits up in her bed (she is by the window, I'm by the wall next to a door) and says "my mom told me your mom is coming over." (Both our mothers are deceased, her mom a long time ago, my mom recently.) I wonder how she knows, and go back to bed. Then I wake up for real. There is a third dream involving my mother and my grandfather's house, but this one is fuzzy. It melded my own (modest) house with my grandfather's (fabulous) house and the house I grew up in (also modest). My mom was in this one maybe in the kitchen cooking something, but our conversations are kind of fuzzy, I was taken with the architecture of the place, as I often am in dreams.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #577
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    Re: My dream diary

    Alright, Dorothy! You've got the Emerald City on one side and the Yellow Brick Road(s) on the other. Your Mother drops you off on a pier (presumably on the road side). Oh, as usual the water will represent the middle (astral, inner self), the interface between your and your future. The tornado has swept you away, now your cousin and you do not share the same space - you have differentiated yourself from the mundane into the magical. But your Fairy Godmother is in the kitchen cooking up something magical for you journey.

    That's pretty wild :MrGreen:
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  8. #578
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    Re: My dream diary

    In this dream we had gone to a city to do an errand, and while we were there my husband and son decided to make extra money by picking up repossessions for some company. I was nervous about this as we were not going to 'nice' places. It was a bad side of town with mob written all over it. We arrived at a nice house (very nice, in fact) and my husband went to work trying to 'steal' the guy's car, (repo it) when the owner came out and caught 'us'. I thought he was going to kill us or have us killed, and I tried to talk ourselves out of trouble (don't know what story I was telling him, but it appeared to be working.) then I saw a tableau they had in their front porch that was very similar to some stuff we have in our front room (albums & other stuff) when I opened their wedding album and saw that the man's father looked a lot like my own father, except his father had dark hair, mine had platinum-blonde hair in my wedding pictures. I was shocked and exclaimed at the remarkable resemblance of our fathers, and the man wanted to see a picture of my dad to make the comparison (as in, maybe we were related) and I started looking in my wallet and the car we were in for a picture of my dad. I couldn't find one, although I don't know why I would think we had, as all our personal stuff was in our house in another town. But I kept looking in desperation, thinking this could save us, and the scene changed to another scene, this time with me in my bed, and a woman next to me, and I was talking to her about my marriage, and then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #579

    Re: My dream diary

    Just a question, do you find your city dreams have a very similar feel to them?. I get that with cities and malls quite a bit.

  10. #580
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    Re: My dream diary

    Most of my dream scenarios are recurrent, so I would say yes and no- yes, in that I've been 'there' before, but not all 'city' dreams are to the same city, or the 'beach' dreams are to the same beach, etc. The most recurred-to scenarios in my experience are the house that I am often visiting because I'm going to 'move in' (the one with the mall attached to it) and the fabled grandfather's house, which is often connected to the 'beach as afterlife' dreams- a sort of 'past to present' thing.
    BTW, thanks for the question, it made me think about this.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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