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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #581
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    Re: My dream diary

    Keywords for now, too tired to write.
    Nightmare, night flight, animals that were not what they looked like.
    Cockatiel with two sets of wings, bug that turned into something else (nicer), bats, something else.
    Flying around a house, landing worrisome, made it ok.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #582
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    Re: My dream diary

    Whitney Houston, my old friend, stars, and possibly aliens.
    The dream starts at night, I'm out on the town with my girlfriend Whitney Houston. I am club-hopping with her and she's my bff. At some point she has to go perform in some place and we are separated. I spot an old (and estranged friend) who immediately tries to commandeer my time. She pulls me to various places, and we end up in a place I've been to before (a recurring dream scenario.) I ask her to get me a kind of beer I like, and she disappears to get it. Then I go outside, I don't really want to be with her, I want to be with WH. I look outside and see galaxies, and get some sort of information from looking at the stars. Some sort of 'reminder'. I then tell someone besides myself, that if I will an alien spaceship to appear, it will. I wait for him to challenge me. I then wake up, still seeing the stars, forming a constellation that kind of looks like a silhouette picture of WS. As I wake up, I realize that I've been clubhopping with someone who is dead. In the dream I didn't have that sort of awareness. It spooks me a little.

    Notes: I've never been a WH fan, never liked her music much, although I do appreciate her talent. Never knew much about her, other than what you hear on tabloid shows. Don't know what brought her to my subconscious, and what she had to do with my former friend.
    The part in the stars was a joyful event (the whole dream was fun and happy.) It's the first pleasant dream I've had since my surgery, but I was told that nightmares are common, possibly a side effect of anesthesia.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #583
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    Re: My dream diary

    It's the first pleasant dream I've had since my surgery, but I was told that nightmares are common, possibly a side effect of anesthesia.
    I agree, you were still reeling from the drugs and you subconscious interpreted that into a drug addled bff. Interesting but a passing thing. Glad to know you getting better :hugs:
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  4. #584
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    Re: My dream diary

    I had a wonderful dream last night (or series of dreams.) I can't remember much about them (maybe they'll come back) but there was a figure of Quan Yin in the dream, like a statue.
    Interestingly, my cousin came to visit me this weekend, the same one in my dream sometime on the 5th of this month. Precog? Idk.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #585
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    Re: My dream diary

    I got up at 4am thinking that I had neglected to do something important that I was supposed to and went on to have the same frustrating dream. Entirely psychological, but very exhausting.
    I was going to a friend's wedding, and was late. When I got to the arena, I found out I was supposed to be in the wedding party (a bridesmaid) and was shown the clothes I was supposed to wear. After picking up my clothes as quick as possible, I decided to run to the bathroom so I could take a quick shower and then run to the wedding ceremony itself. As I ran from the tent where the clothes were to the bathroom where I could take a shower (which was inexplicably in the opposite side of the clothes tent, and farther away from the 'church' part of it, I ran and ran, and the closer I got to where I was going to the slower I went. To the point where I was almost running in place (or running in slowmo) and I could see people around me, looking critically at me as if I couldn't fulfill my duties. The faster I tried to go the slower I went, and the closer I got to the place where I was supposed to go the slower I went. When I finally woke up, I could barely wake up, I had slept "too much" and I was fuzzy and exhausted.
    Then I went to the office to check on that thing I needed to do and found out that I wasn't too late, still have Tuesday. So all that running for nothing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #586
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    Re: My dream diary

    We were in Disneyworld, and were with a friend of mine (nonexistent IRL). Two guys told her to meet them in one place, and when we went 'that' way we were outside of the park. After going through train tracks and a spiderweb covered in dirt and ants, we decided to head back, as this wasn't a good idea. When we got back to the park the attendants wouldn't let us in, and I had to call my 'husband', who turned out to be OK, who was with my brother W., who looked like he was my son's age.
    So they got us back in.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #587
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    Re: My dream diary

    Disneyworld, like the Emerald City, are fantasy havens where all is promised to be wonderful and questions/problems are resolved magically. This is nice to dream about but has no connection to reality. If you would have stayed with the dirty path you may have found some real answers. Counter-intuitive yes, but this theme recurs.
    Stay with the program, unpleasant though it seems, and resolve to find your self again in the real world.
    You know me - just reaching for the possible but unlikely thoughts.

    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  8. #588
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    Re: My dream diary

    It's interesting that something noteworthy happened in Disneyland (in California) yesterday. Prob. a coincidence, but who knows.

    A continuation of nightmares. I wonder how long these will last. This one was obviously TV inspired, as I saw something on TV that directly gave shape of this horror.
    Basically we were in a meeting in which many of the parents were shooting each other, and I was attempting to protect my son without calling attention to his presence. Very stressful and movie-esque.
    We actually got out alive after the meeting broke up, and I was considering going to someone I know for help when the alarm went off.
    Weirdly, no cliff-hanger.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #589
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    Re: My dream diary

    Three dreams, one with mom.
    She was telling me something, can't remember what.
    In dream #2, I was getting ready to take a bath. Then I saw a small tropical fish floating in the air, and another one flopping on the bathroom floor. I picked him up and put him in the bathtub. I wondered if the bubbles in the water would hurt him, but I had no other option, this was where I had water. As I picked up small flopping fish (and observed them floating in the air) I realized they had to be coming from somewhere.
    I looked 'behind' the wall, and discovered that there was a fish store (pet shop) next door on the other side of the wall, and there were many aquariums. Fish were jumping from the aquariums, would float in the air as if they were swimming, float through the wall, and at some point lose speed and fall on the floor. I wondered what I could do, besides rescuing them and putting them in my bathtub, to later return them to their tanks. I thought about why the tanks were not covered on the top, and soon woke up.
    Don't remember one of the dreams, other than knowing about it.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 17th June 2013 at 02:47 PM.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #590
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    Re: My dream diary

    Two dreams. We were traveling around the middle east. Flying. My husband was flying a plane. We got to where we were going, and landed. We were joined with various people and we were split in two cars to get to our destination. My son was in the other car. The driver of my car (a local) could not keep up with the other car, and we soon lost it. None of us knew where we were going (apparently, not even the driver, although he belonged to whoever was in charge) and I remembered that I had my cellphone. I was going to call my son to have him ask the driver what road they were on (they went down under a bridge and we were on an overpass) but someone said they knew where we could meet. We then met and reunited, and talked about where we were supposed to go. (I knew when I woke up, but now it's fuzzy.) I went back to sleep, and woke up later with an interesting conversation between dream characters. They were discussing where and why they got split up and how they could improve communication in the future. I was just observing this conversation. It was obvious these were self-aware aspects that were discussing their role in the 'exercise'. It was interesting.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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