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Thread: Wondering outside the box

  1. #1
    JonManuel23 Guest

    Wondering outside the box

    I'm not sure if anyone has already asked this before, but i was wondering... in order to raise energy, does one necessarily need to feel or visualize or see the energy going through the hands and feet and towards the subnavel center in order for it to work? Can you just ummm... i guess intend that you are raising energy and let the energy body do its own thing without you being consciously aware of it? Can i just feel my hands tingle and trust that i'm raising energy or is it absolutely necessary to consciously guide the energy and feel it as it's done?

  2. #2
    Feeling tingling or a slight tickle in the palms of the hands is the most common first experience when learning to do energy work. There are numerous 'basic' techniques based on hands, feet, and navel area. Most people do not realize that there are vast other possibilities when doing 'energy' stuff.

    Energy can be raised in a number of ways. For most people, through the natural energy channels of the body are the most familiar and offer the most natural ability to manipulate and direct it.

    Seeing or feeling the energy is not necessary either. I generally helps to be able to perceive the energy in some way for better and more precise control. Certainly in long distance things, tracking the energy over the whole distance is not possible in many cases. Most of the time seeing the effect is sufficient (no need to see the energy directly).

    Doing energy stuff from the subconscious is generally much more powerful but learning to do it is much more difficult for most people.

    Anytime you are not in your body, obviously energy techniques must rely on some other method. RB does not really cover this aspect very well (perhaps another topic??). He indicates that the OBE portion is powered by the physical body. It is however possible to operate in other ways and source (or at least direct) energy directly from the OBE portion.

    Alternative methods:
    -Sending the energy through the aura
    -Shaping the energy body
    -Creating dimensional shapes
    -Creative use of thought forms
    -Most self sustaining shields are created differently (see other thread)
    -Alignment of natural forces
    -Have others send it to you
    -Convert some other form of external energy and use it
    -Send it directly from a chakra (note certain dangers here)
    -Create the energy (from the soul level) rather than raise it in the physical

    I work mostly with energy fields, not energy flows. Flows are the methods you describe which are mostly channeled internally through the body's natural energy channels (meridians). Practically all healing modalities are flow based. Fields are mostly external to the physical body though usually within the energy body.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Wondering outside the box

    Quote Originally Posted by JonManuel23
    does one necessarily need to feel or visualize or see the energy going through the hands and feet and towards the subnavel center in order for it to work?
    No.Energy can be raised without seeing it and feeling it but why would you not want to develop in balance to learn better clairsentience and clairvoyance in this manner ? Feeling energy also allows you to know the increasing potential. You learn the inherent qualities of the hermetic elements and how they feel to you ie

    fire - hot light bright dry male electric
    water - cold heavy dark wet female magnetic .

    Why would you not want to see and feel ? This will slow you down and make you not as aware but it can be done , yes.

    Can you just ummm... i guess intend that you are raising energy and let the energy body do its own thing without you being consciously aware of it?;
    You could but the body mind soul and spirit work together
    the mind wills it but the body senses it the spirit guides this .

    Can i just feel my hands tingle and trust that i'm raising energy or is it absolutely necessary to consciously guide the energy and feel it as it's done?
    Certainly you could . But suppose you could not feel the water in the shower you might think that you are clean by the time you spent there but it would be difficult to ascertain what parts of your body got wet and what parts were clean if you could not see or feel .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  4. #4
    Aunt Clair said:
    But suppose you could not feel the water in the shower you might think that you are clean by the time you spent there but it would be difficult to ascertain what parts of your body got wet and what parts were clean if you could not see or feel .
    That's an awesome analogy!

  5. #5
    violetsky Guest

    Re: Wondering outside the box

    Dear JonManuel23,

    As Robert says, it is not about seeing it in the mind's eye. It is about imagining it. We are all capable of imagination. It is using that imagination with the intent to do something that helps us achieve it. Now, what Robert uses to help the imagination most is the sense of feel. He recommends you use real life sensations like taking a soft brush etc and brushing this over your hand and then stop and work at duplicating and continuing this sensation with your imagination.

    Intent does have an effect, but it becomes more like prayer than energy raising, if we are not actively moving and guiding the energy ourselves. Now, an experience person might have so few blockages that intent is all that is required because moving energy has become second nature to them and they already have a healthy natural energy flow throught their body. But if we are trying to overcome blockages then body awareness actions are needed to break these down and remove them to get energy flowing naturally again.

    So my answer to your question is yes, if you are wanting to do Robert's methods. It is important to feel and guide the energy. Breaking up blockages is a mental work out. It trains your mind to concentrate, remain focused and attentive. This training will serve you well in all aspects of your life and work.

    Very Best Wishes,

  6. #6
    JonManuel23 Guest
    Hello again, i pretty much just wanna thank you all for the replies... it's funny, i was going to say a bunch of other stuff and ask a bunch of questions, but every time i typed them up i ended up answering my own questions in my head . Thanks!

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