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Thread: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

  1. Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    G'Day Robert,

    This is about something I read in one of your writings.

    You referred to the length of the afterlife in terms of complexity of the organism....humans having a longer one, companion animals a shorter one, ants maybe just a minute or so.

    That immediately brought me to the question of, "If the afterlife has a 'length,' then what happens when it is 'over?'" An obvious answer might be re-incarnation, but since I don't (personally) believe lives are sequential (all incarnations emanate from the no-time zone,) it brought up some confusion.

    I never had thought of the afterlife as having a time length; my prior concept was that upon dropping the body, you went where your level of "spiritual attainment" took you, and progressed from there. Some people, really advanced ones, would skip right over the astral and go on to the mental planes; others who were stuck mentally might stay in the RTZ until they learned their way out. And eventually everybody progresses to rejoining (?) their higher self / I There / whatever you want to call it. I realize you can't "rejoin" what you never left, but your own perception of it might be akin to rejoining.

    Personally I'd love to see a book that addresses how you conceptualize the "layout" of non-physical existence, and what has to occur for someone to progress through it. RAM's Ultimate Journey pretty much tied up his own concepts, and a book like that from you would be really neat.

    All the best,

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    Re: Length of the Afterlife

    I can't argue between you and Bruce, but I'll have to say I like what you said. Read it, believed it and I'm on the page; EXCEPT, the idea of multiple universes adds another dimension. Your take is linear and as so makes perfect sense, but I'm lately expanding my conceptions to include and not exclude other possibilities.

    It's more mind warping to me in my intellectual/mature age than I ever thought before.

    Nice to hear from you, MA!
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  3. Re: Length of the Afterlife

    While waiting to see if Robert wants to address this....

    eyeoneblack, are you aware of what I call the "crystal concept" that Frank DeMarco got from his Guys? That all possible decision points produce a split, with a new path starting from each of the decision points on every possible decision that could have been made? (So there is a huge tree structure that gets more complex over time as more and more decisions are encountered.) I don't explain it well; but your consciousness only travels on one path through the decisions, while all decision paths continue with their own awareness. Theoretically if you don't like the decision path you are on, you can "jump paths" to one you like better, in terms of which one your consciousness is travelling. Kind of mind-bending, but it fits with the multiverse idea. I think it was the Guys who described it ("a" life) as a crystal composed of all the possible life paths that occur due to decisions. Mind bending.
    But not as mind bending as the first time you find yourself in the RTZ with weird stuff going on!

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    Re: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    Yes, Butterfly, I like the crystal metaphor, and it points to the madness of not being sure of just about anything. Pick a door - what's behind #3?

    Quote Originally Posted by BW
    But not as mind bending as the first time you find yourself in the RTZ with weird stuff going on!
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
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    Re: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    I don't see how there can be a length to the afterlife. A length implies time. I suspect the further you move away from the physical plane, the less time seems to exist. Maybe we really do just have one shot at life here per manifestation, but we have multiple lives happening at the same time? And we don't even have complete information about the afterlife, so how can anyone say there's a length involved? Or am I missing the point?
    AKA Silver Firefly — If I had to reincarnate as an animal, I'd choose to come back as a bonobo.

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    Re: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    I think it's just a point of view- for example, I measure 'length' in the nonphysical as 'how I see things have changed' as opposed to time as we experience it here in the physical- time (in my definition) is not a 'thing', but a measurement of how things move and change through space. Warp space, change how time is measured. Even though time implies matter (because we observe changes in matter) when we go 'out', and go back to a landscape that is stable, we can observe changes (or at least I can, when I go to recurring places) so in my mind, this means that 'nonphysical time' has passed, not necessarily in any way like time here works, but observable nonetheless.
    In my view, where there's the possibility of change, time is apparent. Does that mean that there are no multiverses? No, because each one would have it's own version of time (as per manifestation), and I think that the 'eternal' part of us can exist in all of them at the same 'time', since that part of us is outside of time.
    ps Idk how the afterlife works, but when Robert talks about time, I think he's talking about how long the realtime or etheric body lasts until the deceased falls asleep and goes full astral. Of course, I could be wrong.
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    Re: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    Idk how the afterlife works, but when Robert talks about time, I think he's talking about how long the realtime or etheric body lasts until the deceased falls asleep and goes full astral.
    How does he know if the deceased falls asleep? Is there an article where he discusses this?

    You referred to the length of the afterlife in terms of complexity of the organism....humans having a longer one, companion animals a shorter one, ants maybe just a minute or so.
    I'd like a link if there's one.
    AKA Silver Firefly — If I had to reincarnate as an animal, I'd choose to come back as a bonobo.

    ~ Manipulation is a tool that's too often abused.

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    Re: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    Quote Originally Posted by Gemma View Post
    How does he know if the deceased falls asleep? Is there an article where he discusses this?

    I'd like a link if there's one.
    He talks about this in the latest edition of Astral Dynamics, and he used to talk about it in either the Treatise or in his Q & A threads. I'll see if I can find it somewhere in the articles section.
    Here's two links- you may have to slog through lots of info to get to the part you want, though.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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    Re: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    I found one that is more concise and to the point.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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    Re: Copy: Length of the Afterlife

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I found one that is more concise and to the point.
    Naturally insightful and from the keyboard of experience! I read a long time ago that animals share communal souls so that when one dies it rejoins its communal soul. Then, I wonder, what about pets? I decided that humans may impart an individual soul to a pet that is loved; maybe not so different than the process by which we are granted a soul. That by the love of our Creator we are invested with a soul.

    Bruce indicates that animal/human souls may be a product of incarnation in the fetus. (I think I got that right). This reminds me of the idea that people may divulge their incarnations by their appearances. I sat in a mall one day and looked at people. It seemed easy; look, there goes a rodent, there goes a horse, there goes a bird, and so on.

    I'll may have to edit this as regards Bruce's animal/human discussion.

    Quote Originally Posted by RB
    The motivations for attaching to a particular type of fetus and family are unknown, but likely this involves the higher self, which is a part of the essential spirit/soul of a person.

    If a human fetus escapes this (theoretically) they would be born with a more primitive soul, which may come from an evolved animal like a dog or cat, and other animals are possible, too.
    Oh, I caught a typo I thought was hilarious. "Deli Lama". What a cute name for sandwich shop. Googled it. I'm long from the first to think of it.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

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