Day off today,so very tired or is it lazy ness ? 2nights ago just had a dream but it was fast paced.
Here goes....
Have 8 puppies, come home.need to water them and walk them and feed them. Can only find 1 puppy ,where are the rest,need to find them quickly or they will die. Look in a bag 2 more but there should be 4. In a hurry,must find the rest or they will die.
Where are they? I only have one lead,can only take one out for a walk,the rest cannot be walked but they need a walk.
I'm in the garage that had the cockroaches in a previous dream, the puppy is on a lead but with such force for the size of his body he jumps up to a ledge almost ceiling height.Pulls down a rat half chewed and rotted,to the floor. I step back ( not pleasant to look at.)
Then I'm holding a something that looks the size of a cockroach upside down seeing that it needs attention.
As I write this I realise what it may be saying ...
I thought this story line was going in the direction of ...I need to slow down ....
But !I think the message may be ..I need to address my fears , the reason why I'm feeling so very tired sometimes.
This afternoon went to lye on the bed and just dozing off saw someone on a bicycle falling off it , a while later saw a tray with many glasses of fruit juice on it.
NOW here is the big question. .???????

From what I understand from the books I am reading,
Our thoughts and desires show up around us in energy balls like clouds.( still on the William Bullman book)
Am I reading my own thoughts? Which could be misinterpreted by me on occasion as a message.
Must note this has nothing to do with OBEs . A completely different experience.

From falling off a bicycle to glasses of fruit juice I may take this as a message that I need to slow down and drink plenty of vitamin enriched drinks.
BUT. Am I reading my own thoughts that surround me when slowly drifting to sleep.
I know my body is very tired and because of that I need to slow down and I cann't go at the same pace I used to do.
I think on this occasion I was reading my own ( thought balls) ,but then deep deep down I know it's true.
LESSON FOR BEGINNERS.. Don't follow Susan. You'll get lost in the Maze of confusion.