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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #611
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I was having some sort of dream I can't remember and in some point (I was in a hilly field outside in daytime) I saw a fish that was walking the earth, and took hold of it and put it over my left thigh. It had one side circle which, when I put it on my leg looked like an eye "the eye of Horus", and this woke me up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #612
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Woke up early to pee- 5AM. Had trouble going back to sleep, and eventually went down and had a pleasant dream on my right side. Woke up from it, and turned to my other side, and proceeded to feel vibes and such. Had no separation, simply phenomena- I felt like I was trying to project but there were various voices and personalities in my room yelling at me. They were not 'evil' or 'menacing'- however, they were wildly annoying- making noises- loud discordant music and loud speaking. At some point I 'astrally' yelled at them to shut up, and they did for a second, and went on to continue the cacophony. Frustrated, I turned again and took off my earplugs to make sure my husband wasn't making noise- total silence. I finally lay there until it was time to wake up.
    I know it wasn't entities- I do know this was some sort of fragmentation of my mind, who is going through some stuff, and was directly manifesting as many voices, figures and sound. I have an annoying set of subconscious or semiconscious manifestations.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #613
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I was in a college dorm. I was thinking about the good times I had there, and wondering about what to do during the coming break. I realized I could go to my mother's house during the break, and called her on my cell phone (not so easy with dream brain, lol) and then set about to pack my bags, round up my stuff (the place was messy with my other roommates' stuff) and find my keys to drive home for the break. I woke up while I was looking. There was someone there, helping. I have the impression he was male, my roommates were female, and one or two were still there, on their way out.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #614
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I'm not sure of the particulars, but last night there was a sense of being shown that everything is as it should be.... I just can't remember who told me or why.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #615
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I went to some sort of youth rally related to my church- and then someone stops me and asks me for ID. I realize I just 'arrived' there straight from my regular life and had no ID or bags or anything- and say so. I am then escorted to what amounts to an ashram populated by buddhist-monk types, and was told that while I had no ID I could not interact with the young'uns, only with the monks. I was given a robe to wear, and told I could only eat from a certain buffet and only on the food served in square purple plates (there were very few). They were pretty and sparkly, and I was very hungry, but I couldn't find buffets that had the plates and the food- and then one monk-guide told me he would help me, and found me a plate full of vegetarian food- something like rice and pieces of bready-looking cubes and maybe vegetables. I ate, and it was time to sleep (longish dream). I went to sleep with the monk, in an outdoors terraced grassy yard that was bordered in railroad ties or large bricks, and next to a cliff, so if I rolled off his arms I could fall a long way down. I felt weird sleeping with him, but there was no sexy stuff going on, only sleeping. The next morning when I woke up I was offered the opportunity to go to my 'camp' and get my things so I could join the rally, but I realized I wasn't 'from the camp', that if I went back it would be home (to my regular life) and not back to the rally at all. Then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #616
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I went to bed with the thought of making contact with someone in particular, and then had the following dream:
    I was on the way (airplane) to somewhere, and wasn't even dressed for it. Was barefoot. Somehow I got stranded in my island. I had not planned to stop there, and found myself needing to find a place to stay, but was shoeless and couldn't walk anywhere. At some point I acquired a guide, who told me he'd drive me somewhere. I asked to go to my grandmother's house, but when we arrived I remembered that she had passed away and the house would be closed up, no one there to greet me. This made me sad-and stranded. Then my guide told me he'd take me to a place he could always rely on- and when we got there, it turned out to be the house of a friend of mine from high school, who I haven't kept in touch with since- in 36 years. When we walked in the house, there was an older woman I didn't recognize, and we sat in the living room and reminisced. She had long hair and there was a symbol of a red cross somewhere in the room.
    I'm not sure I actually visited her or the person I had in mind- it's a kind of a blur to me.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #617
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Had another surfing dream- this time I had a guide again, and he was going to take me surfing, but asked me instead to do something different. We reminisced about the good old days when I used to surf, and he kindly told me those days were over, I was supposed to do the other thing I loved.
    The thing is that I don't remember what the other thing is.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #618
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    This morning's dream: I'm in a house with many other people. I don't know any of them. I get the impression I was in a party and ended up there, for a few days. Now I want to go, and I ask someone for the address of the house so I can ask someone to give me a ride home. The first person (a woman, but there was something different about her) tells me that the name of the place is irrelevant, because no one ever goes there, and no one knows where it is. I then get the impression that I am some sort of a prisoner, and I look at another person, also a woman who gives me two street names. I immediately call 'home' and leave a message saying the names of the streets the girl gave me and I start walking towards the door. Another person (maybe a guy this time, there were at least six people there) tells me that I shouldn't go out so close to the evening, because it's a bad place and things happen to people out after dark. The impression I have to get out of there ASAP is strong, also there is some level of 'metaphysical/'magic' learning going on there, that I was supposed to be there as a school but it's not what I expected, and I must escape- so I walk outside. It's still daytime, but I can tell it's going to be dark soon. I start walking what amounts to moderately attractive city streets, and start calling 'home' again. I believe in the previous call I had either talked to my father or his answering machine- so I start calling 'home' again, and no one is answering. Now, I see people walking around, which seem ok, and I'm looking for a bus stop or something like a 'neutral' store (like a drugstore or a dept store). As I walk trying to look for a street name, a man approaches me and solicits me. I ignore him and walk away from him, as fast as I can, and he starts to follow me quite aggressively, and I try to get lost in the crowd. I end up in an area with many people, all nasty-looking men and another tries to mug me. Now I'm trying to find the stores to duck in before it gets any darker, frantically trying to phone anyone who could come to pick me up. No one is picking up. As I run and try to hide, I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #619
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    In this dream many nonphysical things were represented: I was pregnant (impossible physically), was bleeding, and was staying in my mother's house. I bled into a bucket, and when I turned around, she took it, and I saw it no more. It was distressing and confusing. Even though I talked to her, I actually never saw her, as if she were either behind me or in another room.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #620
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    New chapter in a serial dream: We were in a new house. It was bigger than the house we live in now, but it was 'recently lived in'. As we surveyed it, I wondered why we kept getting new houses. I was thinking of all the houses we kept moving into, just leaving the old one behind. (this only happens in dreams, we've only moved twice in over forty years). I then realized that the moving was appropriate, we had never bitten off more than we could chew, and all the houses that we used to occupy went to others after we were done with them. Then came to memory, in order, both physical and dream houses and how I used to feel about them- And I could see how they were happily occupied, and I even came to realize that the one I previously worried about we rejected, so we never ended up in two places at the same time, even though I had previous anxious dreams about that.
    Another item in this dream is that in previous dream situations I always felt that my husband was the one who decided to move and I reluctantly went along with it (obviously symbolic of my animus, IMO), but now I was happily making the choice to move, and was wondering how to go back to our present house to get the cats and our stuff into our 'new' house.
    As we walked around, we saw that the previous occupants had left some stuff we didn't want- so my husband and my son picked up a big ugly yellow sofa and carried it to the back balcony, and met the neighbor lady outside. We then decided that the outside balcony was perfect for this plastic couch and we sat to talk to her about the previous family that lived there. Then we saw a few pets, that they had left. And inside a piece of furniture we found a little chinese baby that they had adopted (alive, she had stranded herself in this part of it)- apparently they had adopted this chinese baby girl as part of some sort of program to save her life, and she had some sort of scholarship. We decided to keep her and proceeded to feed her and change her. I wondered about this strange addition to our little family- extra pets and children too.
    I then woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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