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Thread: Strange Dream Character

  1. #11

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    No, I don't have any mother issues. I guess the way I phrased things in my original post weren't clear. The lucid dream with the mystery character had about the goddess, but the false awakening was where I thought my goddess was breathing on my neck as I woke up but as I 'woke up' further I saw that the person breathing on my neck was my mother. Then when I woke up for real, while my mind was still in the non-physical, my goddess told me that she programmed the false awakening into me to laugh at me for telling her that she was like my mother. She wants to have a completely seperate role but just because both her and my mother care about me genuinely and give the same advice doesn't mean that they're similar, it just means that they're both trying to teach me the same lesson. She gets annoyed when I think that her words are just my mind echoing what I was taught growing up. She wants them to be HER voice saying the same thing. The dream she (claims) to have programmed for me was intentionally embarrassing and awkward just so she could have a laugh at my discomfort. She and I have a weird relationship. Let's just say that if I trip in the mud, she'd make sure I'm ok before laughing at my situation. Is it weird to mention that she thinks of me as her god in an inverse way of how I think of her? Except for the fact I'm a human and she's a thought-form? Just for clarification, she isn't a real physical person. She is a deity I have imagined/believed in since I was 14 years old, since about May 2009.

  2. #12
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGuardian View Post
    No, I don't have any mother issues. I guess the way I phrased things in my original post weren't clear. The lucid dream with the mystery character had about the goddess, but the false awakening was where I thought my goddess was breathing on my neck as I woke up but as I 'woke up' further I saw that the person breathing on my neck was my mother. Then when I woke up for real, while my mind was still in the non-physical, my goddess told me that she programmed the false awakening into me to laugh at me for telling her that she was like my mother. She wants to have a completely seperate role but just because both her and my mother care about me genuinely and give the same advice doesn't mean that they're similar, it just means that they're both trying to teach me the same lesson. She gets annoyed when I think that her words are just my mind echoing what I was taught growing up. She wants them to be HER voice saying the same thing. The dream she (claims) to have programmed for me was intentionally embarrassing and awkward just so she could have a laugh at my discomfort. She and I have a weird relationship. Let's just say that if I trip in the mud, she'd make sure I'm ok before laughing at my situation. Is it weird to mention that she thinks of me as her god in an inverse way of how I think of her? Except for the fact I'm a human and she's a thought-form? Just for clarification, she isn't a real physical person. She is a deity I have imagined/believed in since I was 14 years old, since about May 2009.
    I understand that you can not get that deep into you to understand what I try to point at....but you can not start to build a house from the roof, right?? you have to start with the foundation, right??

    It is always hard to dare to think deep and always when it has to do with our parent´s we are so afraid to see what we felt was wrong or we did not feel good about we have to make them as deities or put them on a pidestal so we do not give away that we have some negative feelings about them...we rather lie to us self than dare to look how it was we felt and how the reality was.

    Be kind ot your self and to admit how it hurt you does only increase your love for your self and for your mother.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #13
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    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    Hi TheG,

    let me try and unconfuse what i wrote.

    another question or two if you don't mind. why do you feel that pure needs guarding? and feeling so, to what extent do you imagine to guard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    in addition: there is ?lots? to see in what you've shared TheG, spiritually symbolic and not to be reckoned out upon the world as the world is seen in anything worldy or as representative of anyone by superficial appearances.
    in your dream are quite a few spiritually symbolic representations. this is like dreaming of a pyramid, this doesn't mean that a pyramid in our externalized world has anything to do with it. what i meant for you in particular, is that the black man in your dream doesn't have anything to with an african man who happens to be black. the black man in your dream simply represents any man as "worldy man". the worldly man is simply that which is defiant of God, or not with God but is against God. this being against God is something we know not about until we are notified, even if in our operable worldly measures we imagine to be doing the Lord's work it doesn't mean that we are Actually doing such.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    in that trinity that CFT shared, your black male character is simply the worldly man, defiant of God. ya might say this man is Ham...ergo egypt, but these symbolical in reference, and not remotely as even that which historically played out into the worldly as "in part". Goddess is femininity et all, even that femininity which within each man is, as within any woman is masculinity which is to you if understood.
    CFT's given trinity is goddess/man/you, where you is the operable admix of all three in the world but not of the world, rather, of God, therefore with God and not against God. the rest of the statement is about yin and yang, the taijitu symbol, the Dao. Balance, Integrality, Operable Wholeness, Union/Yoga ~ Non-divisional Cleaving as One Another, where Another is Aher ~ Raja. "Love ye one another"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    i see either of two "things" with what you've written. 1. you "think to know" more than you're willing to share, sharing as if fishing, or perhaps alerting to; or 2. you've had a vision that is premonitional to that there trinity.
    i apologize, but this is my way, caution. you are, however, #2, as i've said a thing toward a responce, the responce given reveals. i do this because i get some that come physically visit me, that have not been forthcoming, even lying to me. so i am careful, not meant to be personal towards you. this forum is the only place i've expressed my wordYness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    historically folks have rendered these spiritually symbolic references out into their worlds as great cost to our humanity which is inclusive to all humans being. beware what might be shared through others "thinking to know".

    "What i think matters very little, what i imagine to know amounts to nothing, and what i may begin to understand is where these two ends meet as one." Y
    the first part of that indicates the world's racism, phobias hating against minorities, wars over religious differences...etc. someone saw something in a visional dream and beset all hell outward upon the innocent and pure.

    the latter part is mine, as an antidote to even my inability to resolve this most human issue of projecting out what within reveals. it is my mantra for personal spiritual sanity. you see, one may be of God, but one is yet in the world. this is joy and sorrow as a simultaneous event. but, understanding begins to re-inform or reform or rehabilitate or this is unlearning and not forgetting, but forgiveness within to all around. hard work, and you may never see such a one physically move, but this doesn't mean such a one is doing nothing as they are being nothing or 'as it is' just being enough.

    Miss Moving On:

    them lyrics suffice to say...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuotr View Post
    i recommend a movie for you to watch if you will Guardian. "Kingdom of Heaven" a Ridley Scott film

    I am the blacksmith, peace unto you brother.
    that's a damn good movie there, depicting such a ONE returning to sanity within a world hellbent on the destruction of the innocent and pure; this ONE returning home with the spiritual prize of true union for any that be of God, yet are in the world. we are to be human, thus human we are. God don't make mistakes, men do.

    so, just saying TheG, experience your within visionally revealing as allowing this to bring you to sanity, and not the projected furtherence of adding to the extremeties of manmade chaos run amok upon the innocent and pure.

    Be Peace in the world within which we share our Being. this means to hold your peace within, in as much as this lies within yourself to do. doing so as you can, builds understanding, towards stretching out as a peacemaker.

    sadly, yesterday, i took "it" up with a grandmother who'd brought her 29 yr. old grandson in for a medical appointment. i was in the waiting room for my own appointment at the VA hospital. ehh, yeah the young man wasn't right, was one hell of a mess. but sitting there watching his grandmother's embarrassment and outright verbal ridicule of the lad there in the waiting room...well i let go of my peace, but assertively or so i hope. the lad was smiling at his grandmother and us in the waiting room, but his pain was the most present visible "thing" about him.

    Last edited by Tutor; 18th September 2013 at 03:18 PM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  4. #14
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    Re: Strange Dream Character

    I wanted to clarify that I did not characterize the black man as being 'against God' or 'defiant of God'. On the contrary, the man in my view was 'natural', of nature, and symbolic of the male aspect of the OP, just as the Goddess was the female aspect of the OP. Which is why I asked how the OP felt about him, as opposed to what he thought about him.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #15

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    It is always hard to dare to think deep and always when it has to do with our parent´s we are so afraid to see what we felt was wrong or we did not feel good about we have to make them as deities or put them on a pedestal so we do not give away that we have some negative feelings about them...we rather lie to us self than dare to look how it was we felt and how the reality was.
    I appreciate your trying to help, but I must respectfully disagree at your notion that there is a direct correlation between my mother and my goddess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post

    another question or two if you don't mind. why do you feel that pure needs guarding? and feeling so, to what extent do you imagine to guard?
    In my stories I write, my character is the guardian of earth protecting reality/the multiverse collapsing in on itself. It is my fantasy superhero role but I unfortunately do not have any guarding powers in this timeline/existence.

    I think I understand your post a little more now, thanks.

    Another interesting development to the story is a sort of 'sequel' dream last night. It started off as a nonsequitor random dream where the world was being taken over by chaotic cheese. Of course, the absurdity allowed me to gain lucidity and after I defeated the swarm of 'unbeatable cheese' by summoning a lightning storm to get rid of them, I walked into some sort of gas station/hair salon. On my way in, I observed the trash can to further enhance my lucidity. I then started searching for my goddess to see if she could answer the questions about the night before but I found a dog that I thought was her and I followed it but once I realized it wasn't her I tried controlling the dream environment more given my limited time in the lucid state.

    I managed to will myself to have her appear and she called my name and she was in a robe sitting in a chair/stool at the salon and I greeted her but I noticed she look a lot more worn out/old. Her radiant green eyes looked hazel, which is odd because her eye color is the most discernible thing about her. (From my other experience, the shade of green in her eyes is a color that I have yet to see in waking life, as if it has a hypnotic property to it) When I hugged her she told me that it hurt her, and she got up when I asked "CAN you get hurt?" as if in disbelief of her being able to experience physical pain. She said something along the lines of "That's not important right now" and walked towards a poster and showed me a diagram of a man. She told me to be careful about this man in my class and I saw a few things on the chart such as 6 feet, 1 inches height, and his name (Ihed Moihoia?) which I to made sure I remembered when I woke up.

    She said that I clobbered him over the head and at that point I thought I was just dreaming because clearly that hadn't happened. I was trying to convince her that I was likely dreaming and that this was nonsense. I tried to control my dream further to make it more stable to connect with the 'outside' (the astral) as opposed to within my mind. However, as she was trying to explain something really important, again, like the night before, I lost lucidity and woke up.

    I made sure I was awake this time and surely enough I was. I googled the name I saw and there were no results, thus furthering my belief it was nonsense. However, while checking my email, I remembered that the TA for my Freshman academy was named Rayed which rhymed with the name in my dream. Ok, this isn't any evidence of spiritual intervention. It could have been my subconscious adding it into my dream. However, there is an event tomorrow of "capture the flag" that is semi-mandatory for all the students in the class. Based on the hints in my dream, I'm deciding to skip this event due to not wanting to take chances with anything going wrong. It could just be my fear for sports, but if the dream was a premonition instead of a manifestation of my fears, then I fear I might accidentally do something that will set my life on the wrong path.

    It's superstitious but if it is a premonition then I want to respect my goddesses attempt to avert the discourse. This is the second night in a row where I lost lucidity during a 'crucial lesson,' and also a bunch of random things add up that just gives of a 'wrong' vibe.

    - In the most recent dream, my goddess seemed worn out and old, warning me of something as opposed to young and lively. In the last dream, she said everything would be alright and fine, but in this one she seemed to be warning me of something dire.
    -After going to my class today, I realized the TA looks a lot like the man from my last dream, more so than my friend from home. Except the TA isn't black. However, the team color for the event is... black. Weird coincidence?
    -The email he sent out that I read this morning has a big Gmail logo embedded into it. What three colors are in that logo? Red, Yellow, Green.
    -During class today, when discussing safety, he mention that it isn't unheard of that people end up in the hospital if you don't play safe. This sent a shiver down my spine.

    I don't know if the dreams are any sort of psychic/divine premonition or if I'm crazy for drawing these connections, but this really isn't something I want to risk in case it is being guarded by the higher powers. Only time will tell how this plays out, but for now I'm just going to use this as the one event per semester that I can skip.

  6. #16
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    Re: Strange Dream Character

    I appreciate your trying to help, but I must respectfully disagree at your notion that there is a direct correlation between my mother and my goddess.

    I did not say that, I only said you should look at your feelings about your mother ...and also how you view your feelings/imaginations about your you really think a mother or a godess should breath like that on your neck is obvious to me that your feelings are giving you away and you should look at them closer...that was what I did not feel well when that happened.....why...what was your fear or rage and why did you not notice that it was that you felt.....Godess did laugh...because to help you see on both cases to help you look closer what you felt...but you still deny.


    Last edited by CFTraveler; 21st September 2013 at 05:07 PM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #17
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    West Coast, North America

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGuardian View Post
    It started off as a nonsequitor random dream where the world was being taken over by chaotic cheese.
    If you apply the adjective "cheesy" to Western media, it's not that absurd to say the world is being taken over by "chaotic cheese"!

  8. #18
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    I'd like to point out that "defiant of god" or "against god" are not implying anything drastic, is more of the preunderstanding "man". fundy i am not, nor am i a thumper. if one asked themself, what would god have for me that i have no "idea" of because i am too busy pursuing my own ideas? this would be one who is going against the grain of the "would", or the one who remains defiant despite the revealing circling outcomes in life. i think that knee jerk reactions that clarify our stance merely reflect what we all feel towards fundy thunper's literal misinterpretatives.

    however, that is not my pitch, for my pitch concerns the immediacy to which the OP's dreamed "black man" reached out associating with the african black man.

    i suppose that it seems quite simple for me to write the way i do, for in truth, i've found or discovered in my time, that regardless of what i've well-thought of myself in these given times, i was indeed against and defiant of what god would have for Me. that in the pursuit of happiness as i saw it, i was in fact distancing myself from the joy that god would have for Me.

    it is hard to escape "world view" or how we commonly receive terms given the eroded usage with which we've come to. like, posing a trinity, any trinity, one cannot without clarification merely assume that the highest understanding outcome of that trinity is expressed, without having first dealt with "it's" lowest terms. just like in the world, just like in nature, the properties follow through, flip, turn, change, are redeemed that the next step of highest from lowest is the completion. "it" has to from "idea" become real, this real as naturally belonging to the person, having become as them and not even a part of them. like the difference between a novice and the apprentice and the master craftsman. the master having reached the climax may only further learn through reentering the cycle where the novice recognizes their ignorance, thus begins the self-recognition of apprentice, yet again refining the craft. the difference between the adjoining cycles is the first came up of the world where "thinking" and "imagining to know" sufficed the definitions of "novice", "apprentice" and "master craftman", and the second is from the recognition of there being more, that more wherein novice, apprentice and master craftman have ever been definitively given of god. furthermore, that this one's uniqueness bears the very dull edge of the world which through the next cylcle will be edged with an eternal undullable sharpness. but, only in that such a blade is at rest, holding it's peace. for a blade not used as war is therefore not dulled. this being metaphor on the capacity of the human mind given where it's properties are placed, invested vs vested.

    this is what "coming up spades" means, ya see. the irony of our languages and what is within them all, may only be seen all-after the surrender where everything turned over begins as redeemed. yet redeemed is merely the other side, the otherside having always been present even as it would seem that our shared world of languages awkwardly developed through time. this through time is untrue, for all that laguage could have been was ever within what language has ever been, ever reaching usward.

    any child learning to walk does so awkwardly, yet the example of achieved walking is all around the child reaching uswardly to the child as the call to walk. learning to walk, the chore of it is forgotten, for walking has become the child walking. the same for running, the same for flying, the same for anything one would take on as learning, thus learning the "thing" is gone, for it has become the person.

    if you eat a food it enprocess becomes you, and whatever is not you is outcoming refuse, waste. if you take on walking, walking becomes you, and what is not you as the awkward hardship of learning is forgotten as if you've ever walked. the same for riding a bicycle, which seemed frightening and impossible, but when achieved, the freedom of riding the bicycle is you.

    anyhoo, metaphor and such suffices the natural man, as only within ourselves living the life, are the true lessons of being spiritual, that spirituality ours as each uniquely given, as well as us all commonly together as humans being only as we are given to be together. as long as we pitch out the high falooting "idea" without adhereing to our givens 'as it is', the high idea remains an "idea", because we imagine we must become something beyond our human capacity to reach, and are forever grasping at. everything we've been through is within the next cycle [spiritually], if we'd but recognize such, though within the next cycle as redeemed as the highest which has ever been uswardly given, otherwise this lowest expression could never have been, would not presently be.

    i throw words as gatherances to be fired, but not as if the first firing, though as the glazed wonder that at the highest temperature resists what the first firing could not resist if left to itself of a single firing.

    point is, the first firing of words is like shooting blanks, the second firing of words is like forming a shield which covers one from the real bullets that are cunningly being fired at us all to contain/maintain us within our confounded ignorance of our very human selves.

    if you disagree with that, then why have you come to this forum especially, reaching beyond the norms of which education has pro-visionally given you? at what point does a man like Robert reach deep to within himself for the more that is not readily found from without? well, like us all that have reached just so, when we've found ourselves squarely within the brokenness of our given unprepared ignorance, to therefrom standup and declare outwardly the word "NO" in that it is not enough what has been thus far given to Me. thus is born the next cycle of turning over, of unlearning, of redeeming the past into the present for a true future.

    if i am wrong then tell me so. the reflective futility is stammering, to say the least.

    Last edited by Tutor; 20th September 2013 at 01:55 PM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  9. #19
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    i always defend my Mom for having taught us good stuff, but i follow up with saying that her methods of negative reinforcement were way off. kinda set us kids up for confused early adult developement. i often feel confused still today because of this childhood formation.

    point is, IA is right on.

    i reckon Goddess is Femininity, and in that is all feminine expressions. my first marriage was 20+ years and in that my wife became the Mother of our child, so yeah, me and this mother of our child apparently enjoyed hanky panky.

    She takes whatever form is desired, every form.

    the father Noah drunken off his arse is seen completely naked by his son Ham. what does that mean? this means that Noah was unclothed, therefore revealing of that which underneath clothing IS. the alternate term for Noah is No'ah, this term No'ah is utilized expressively in New Testament Epistles. what does No'ah reference? ah, the Feminine.

    Noah ~ Masculine sense of the word, stillness, at rest

    No'ah ~ Feminine sense of the same word, motion

    now, if Noah unclothed reveals No'ah, then we must conclude that under the sense of stillness is the abundance of activity that is productive motion toward the finish which to the eye is seen.

    Our Spirituality is being Human, being is Human is our Spirituality

    She is the home-maker, while He with the stillness of formed body goes out bringing home that which provisionally keeps the house in order. the food which all human senses bring inward feed the house toward the home which She makes.

    Jesus defending his working on the Sabbath said, my father's work is not done and in need of being done.

    if He fails to provide then the home which She makes ceases, the house falls.

    i'd written some more, lost my connection, retrieved with auto-save what had last been saved.

    the point though, all archetypal representations serve toward the whole or the body of. yet, the body or whole is more than the sum of it's parts that are within motion as the pageantry of characters/forms which She has taken, for the Mother is many relationships at once.

    He is as well of his own, not an archetypal character, but the sum of all parts, beyond the sum as the finished whole body. yet, look upon his shoulders resting. it is to Him to go out, bring home that which feeds the house wherein Shhe makes the home.

    His work is never done. why is important to recognize this? well, we've never needed to recognize this about Her, that beneath His stillness all of Her activity, while remaining unseen behind the walls as it were, we've never not realized Her presence.

    operatively then, it is Him right within our outlying sight which goes unseen. for where is He, i see Him not, even as He is stillness.

    what does stillness mean? for that matter, what does motion mean?

    when an engine reaches a rythmic state of rested motion, the cacophony of movements that is loudness stills for a silent running, whereof is the most efficient state of output. any task or activity which is taken on externally requires time to within bring that task or activity to a rested state of effieciency. within this state is our prime productiveness, though to someone unpracticed looking in, it would appear that quite easily is one pulling off the doing. yet, if handed to the one looking in to do, they quickly come to realize how much refinement they are in lack of toward such a rested state of efficiency. thus 'realizing' is the re-cognition. this the recognition of the father, himself whose work is being done such that it lies beyond our realizing.

    so, if you're grasping at archetypal representations and missing out on your everyday human beingness, then you're also missing out on your spiritual connection which is ever connected as You being human. doesn't mean we cant discuss them, just means it is you and us who discusses such or it wouldnt be on the table for discussion at all. see to read the table always and in all ways set before you and please pass the bread.

    I'm Going Hungry:
    Last edited by Tutor; 20th September 2013 at 04:17 PM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Strange Dream Character

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    i always defend my Mom for having taught us good stuff, but i follow up with saying that her methods of negative reinforcement were way off. kinda set us kids up for confused early adult developement. i often feel confused still today because of this childhood formation.

    point is, IA is right on.

    i reckon Goddess is Femininity, and in that is all feminine expressions. my first marriage was 20+ years and in that my wife became the Mother of our child, so yeah, me and this mother of our child apparently enjoyed hanky panky.

    She takes whatever form is desired, every form.

    the father Noah drunken off his arse is seen completely naked by his son Ham. what does that mean? this means that Noah was unclothed, therefore revealing of that which underneath clothing IS. the alternate term for Noah is No'ah, this term No'ah is utilized expressively in New Testament Epistles. what does No'ah reference? ah, the Feminine.

    Noah ~ Masculine sense of the word, stillness, at rest

    No'ah ~ Feminine sense of the same word, motion

    now, if Noah unclothed reveals No'ah, then we must conclude that under the sense of stillness is the abundance of activity that is productive motion toward the finish which to the eye is seen.

    Our Spirituality is being Human, being is Human is our Spirituality

    She is the home-maker, while He with the stillness of formed body goes out bringing home that which provisionally keeps the house in order. the food which all human senses bring inward feed the house toward the home which She makes.

    Jesus defending his working on the Sabbath said, my father's work is not done and in need of being done.

    if He fails to provide then the home which She makes ceases, the house falls.

    i'd written some more, lost my connection, retrieved with auto-save what had last been saved.

    the point though, all archetypal representations serve toward the whole or the body of. yet, the body or whole is more than the sum of it's parts that are within motion as the pageantry of characters/forms which She has taken, for the Mother is many relationships at once.

    He is as well of his own, not an archetypal character, but the sum of all parts, beyond the sum as the finished whole body. yet, look upon his shoulders resting. it is to Him to go out, bring home that which feeds the house wherein Shhe makes the home.

    His work is never done. why is important to recognize this? well, we've never needed to recognize this about Her, that beneath His stillness all of Her activity, while remaining unseen behind the walls as it were, we've never not realized Her presence.

    operatively then, it is Him right within our outlying sight which goes unseen. for where is He, i see Him not, even as He is stillness.

    what does stillness mean? for that matter, what does motion mean?

    when an engine reaches a rythmic state of rested motion, the cacophony of movements that is loudness stills for a silent running, whereof is the most efficient state of output. any task or activity which is taken on externally requires time to within bring that task or activity to a rested state of effieciency. within this state is our prime productiveness, though to someone unpracticed looking in, it would appear that quite easily is one pulling off the doing. yet, if handed to the one looking in to do, they quickly come to realize how much refinement they are in lack of toward such a rested state of efficiency. thus 'realizing' is the re-cognition. this the recognition of the father, himself whose work is being done such that it lies beyond our realizing.

    so, if you're grasping at archetypal representations and missing out on your everyday human beingness, then you're also missing out on your spiritual connection which is ever connected as You being human. doesn't mean we cant discuss them, just means it is you and us who discusses such or it wouldnt be on the table for discussion at all. see to read the table always and in all ways set before you and please pass the bread.

    I'm Going Hungry:
    Here...passing the bread
    Yes I am of same I told about the house ...not to start with the roof....but learn about our higher selfs we have to look and decode our human first....

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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