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Thread: Kundalini rising experiences

  1. #1

    Kundalini rising experiences

    My first post here and have trouble explaining and writing so please bare with me

    I started my awakening 4 years ago, i was born with multidimensional abilities but something blocked it out. My awakening was all of a sudden over night thing, i seeked out the internet for explanations of what was happening.
    On December 21 2012 people had theories for the date but for me nothing was expected. I was wrong, i didnt feel right most the day eventually i had to lay down on the floor and i felt stuck and could not move, my whole body was vibrating head to toe. Everything around started diteriating and seizing to exist and i was in a void. Time did stop and not sure how long for but once i found my grounding i stood up and kept myself moving.

    Ever since that date i have found myself laying down with shoots of electricity going up my spine, i hear flutes, a radio tuning in, metal clashing, church chimes, voices ect. The vibration comes up to my ears and they feel like there going to blow of my head. Il start seeing a tunnel and a man standing there but cant make him out.

    I enjoy this feeling as it surges through me but each time it does my awareness becomes stronger each time, i cant go to bed everynight with my awareness full blown open. I sit each night protecting myself but does not seem to work.

    Im at a point now where i can see through this reality and all that is invisible isnt anymore to me, its very frustrating as people around think im going crazy.

    These vibrations i get come in stages. I see numbers pop up around me numerous times in a day, then i get physical illness for about a week or so, once thats cleared up i get flashes of memories come up past life and this life. My dream states get stronger (obe) with detailed recollection. I get orgasmic feelings on certain points of my body or sharp pains and they shoot up through my head like raining energy pouring out. Something will face me somewhere in my life (usually my partner) and il break down, i will analyse and review in my mind and my whole life flashes infront of me, this is where spirit will pop up. They will hang around and sometimes stand right infront of me so i can focus in on them. Once i have taken everything in and noticed there presence i will have week of seeing blue sparkly lights around me. The numbers will start to show up then the electricity shoots will begin working up my back again. This goes on every 4 weeks or so.

    The other day i found whilst completely awake im popping out of my body and seeing people stood round me staring at me waiting on something. After a few episodes of this i was laying in bed and my coccyx was vibrating like mad, i felt really comfortable with it as it stopped at each chakra and felt my true self working away and quieting my mind. I woke up the next day with my vision changed, i feel like im not ready to see what im seeing and also frightened it will stop as well.

    I use my abilities everyday and i could not live with out them but there getting stronger each stage i go through. I cant talk to anyone about it as no-one understands me, im not sure whats it leading to and what and why its happening. My clairaudience has opened up but im so scared to hear voices that arnt good, im some how blocking it. Spirit is around me 24/7 and there waiting on me to wake up fully.

    I supose this is a cry out for help or understanding i dont know, because of these stages iv seen things that seem impossible. Ive been in the void and seen the golden light tunnel with the beautiful city at the end of it, the light touched me with warmth and fuzzy loving feel, i was shown it few weeks ago by a lady. She told me to circum to the light. I dont know what the place was and what i experienced all i know is it was real.

    I hope this all makes sense im poor at describing my experiences and do leave bits out due to critisism nad judgement. Im not crazy and beleive fully in my expereinces

  2. #2
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Kundalini rising experiences

    Hi Anne.
    A lot of your symptoms combine Kundalini and Projection symptoms, except that you're awake when they hit. Sounds like you're open- all the way wide open. Do you find daily living difficult, or have you been able to control them if they happen at an inopportune time?
    I would suggest grounding and base center work, if it is a problem. Other than that, kudos, sounds like you're very talented.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Kundalini rising experiences

    I had a problem in 2011 with fear of this expanding development and not slept with the light of since, i learnt my grounding and base centre work and use that each day but does not make much difference anymore. It help me pull through the fear and deal with unwanted enities but thats as far as it goes.
    Daily living can be very difficult especially when im in the middle of a stage my whole body feels like its shutting down, it works 10 times harder to pull through it but it knocks me down hard and cant do most things. The main problem i have though is flipping back and too in realities.

  4. #4
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    Re: Kundalini rising experiences

    You need to find a way to sleep with the light off. When you sleep with the light on your body cannot repair itself, because it can't reach the deep sleep state. You may have to work through your fear of entities, but it is imperative that you sleep with the light off.
    The long and the short of it is that entities can only affect you through your fear- and to lose this fear you have to deal with them, not avoid them.
    If you continue to sleep with the light on, your body and mind will be affected in a very concrete and deep way. I hope the problem is reversible.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Kundalini rising experiences

    Its been over two years since sleeping with the light on, from what i remember the same problem i had as a child which i think blocked me.

    I tried it once a few month back, i was confident at that point and decided i could face my fear. The light went out and was comfortable in my space till a hand grabbed my foot and started pulling me out my body. The light soon went back on lol.

    I sleep under my duvet so its quite dark and i have a little air to breath haha, the reason why i sleep like that is they pull my hair and poke me, few times ive seen a face peering through my breathing whole

    When i was little i slept in a bunk bed on the bottom and one night i heard my toy box across my room, i sat up in bed looking through the dark and my doll jumped out. It was walking towards me and stoped by my bed, i was filled with fear and jumped under my covers. Ever since then ive slept under the covers lol.
    I swaped beds with my sister and went on top so i could not see anything at night, that did not make much difference. I put my tooth under my pillow (knew my mum would put a pound there in the night) i woke in the night alert and a black figure hovered over my bed towards me. At first i though maybe the tooth fairy was real after all, i asked if it was out-load and it backed off through the wall.

    In 2011 they were in my room everynight in the dark i could see them staring at me, they would shake the bed violently, blow on me or poke me. This scared the hell out of me, it was built on a mass grave from the plague though lol

    They have continued to come at night in my room and suppose it dosnt matter ive got the light off because they are still there, i just cant see them. I keep it on so i can see if i run

    There is ET beings that come also and they scare me a little so i think that is my main fear, ive woken with burns on my neck and symbols sratched on my body so yeah they can hurt me. My partner was a little freaked out when he saw my burns in the morning, even he wakes with massive scratches. There is different tye of ET beings that come some aint so good but the others are like a family, well thats what i feel

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