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Thread: be sure to avoid this hotel.

  1. #1

    be sure to avoid this hotel.

    this isn't being posted with any sensationalist intent , my angle in all of this is that of cautionary motives , check the hotel history by a simple google search before you or your loved ones are out of town and decide to stay in one.

    I know for a fact that most hotels do have chains and own more than one renting facility , a simple search can save lives and hardly requires effort.

    I intuitively picked up a lot (i saw the videos and then read the articles after that)

    their could definitely be supernatural forces at work here or simple human causes , but either way being proactive and looking up where you and your loved ones will stay isn't a question of having the lee way of looking the other way when you can do something about it.

    The Case of Elisa Lam.

  2. #2

    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    I did clear out the fact that there isn't any sensationalist agenda here but the surveillance video was to me extremely unnerving , in case your reaction is queasy to the subject just read the article and skip the first video , the second video is a news discussion.

  3. #3
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    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    What I saw in the video is a woman waiting for someone else to get in the elevator, and they don't get in there. We can't see the other person because they are on the right side of the hallway- the hand movements are a normal part of talking, unless no one has ever had a conversation with italians or spanish people. She then, talking to the people on the other side, who for some reason (maybe they know the elevator has a camera?) tell her to pull the prank and press all the buttons, and she runs out to play a 'cool game', maybe trying to race the elevator to the top floor.
    If she was inebriated, it might seem like a dandy idea to go swimming in the water tower, and the other person might have not realized what was going on until it was too late.
    From the point of view of the video, I don't see anything supernatural.
    I just found a news item about it, apparently she was bipolar and her parents are suing (or sued) the hotel.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4

    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    her autopsy revealed her to be entirely free of drugs and alcohol.
    the coroners ruling was accidental death by drowning , the biggest mystery is how the heck did she get into that tank? to get her out they had to use industrial scale machinery to pry the tank open.
    her prior history revealed no noted mental disease , but i reckon like you say if the hotel is being sued it was high time.

    I'm going through the comments , it seems a lot of people are saying that there is definite foul play either way , I really wouldn't put it past anyone involved here to have motives gaining media attention (i mean here we are talking about right?).

  5. #5

    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    how the heck did she get inside ? let's go with the assumption that she was drugged or had mental disease leading to either accidental or intentional suicide
    The only ways to get to the roof are via a locked door that only employees have access to and a fire escape. The door is equipped with an alarm system that notifies hotel personnel if someone is on the roof, Los Angeles police Sgt. Rudy Lopez said.
    if the hotel staff decided to "do her in" - what possible motive could they have to gain profit from here death?

  6. #6

    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    also what i'm thinking is , let's forget everything else and think about this : how and who closed the tank after she got in?

  7. #7
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    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    That's why I think she was murdered. The scenario I had in mind is, she went somewhere and picked up a few 'friends' (or friend). They had access to the hotel, maybe they were staying there, thought she could be rapeable- something went wrong, she fought/died, and they tried to cover it up by throwing her in the water tank. Maybe they went upstairs in their 'game' and something went wrong- she had a bipolar diagnosis, so it would figure she wouldn't drink, but the other person may have been.
    Stuff happens out there, is what I'm saying.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    The feeling I get when looking at this video is that it sure has nothing of supernatural forces but humans doings. The feeling I get ...I wonder if the elevator can be manualed by computors....or if somekind of combination pushings of the elevator floore buttons to make it to stop and after some time starts to move because she did pusch all the buttons..
    The feeling I get that someone who is or has bean working on this hotel and have copied a key...did brainwash this girl to do this weird thing in the elevator so it would look bizzare and everyone would question her sanity....
    This person who findĀ“s pleasure in killing is behind this happening...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9

    Re: be sure to avoid this hotel.

    you know what guys ? , I'm honestly thinking we all got duped

    think about this : the foul party came across the elevator video first and foremost , the saw it , and thought "ok let's use this to our advantage , she's acting all weird , let's throw the police off of our scent trail" (lets be realistic no one can truthfully tell what the heck is really actually going on in the elevator video) .. so why wouldn't the attacker/attackers use it in their "cover up".

    Also she was found totally naked in the tank 2/3 weeks after all that had happened , meaning that if possible rape is involved , that only further supports the theory.

    I hope they shut this crap , garbage piece of a hotel down for good.What really angers me is that the guilty party will never be brought to justice.

  10. #10

    The Shady History of The Hotel Cecil.

    Built in the 1920s to cater to “businessmen to come into town and spend a night or two”, Cecil Hotel was quickly upstaged by more glamorous hotels. Located near the infamous Skid Row area, the hotel began renting rooms on a long-term basis for cheap prices, a policy that attracted a shiftier crowd. The hotel’s reputation quickly went from “shifty” to “morbid” when it numerous suicides and murders, as well as lodging famous serial killers.
    “Part of its sordid history, involves (two serial killers), Richard Ramirez and Jack Unterweger.
    Now on death row, Ramirez, labeled “the Nightstalker”, was living at the Cecil Hotel in 1985, in a top floor room. He was charged 14 dollars a night. In a building filled with transients, he remained unnoticed as he stalked and killed his 13 female victims. Richard Schave, said “He was dumping his bloody clothes in the Dumpster, at the end of his evening and returned via the back entrance.”

    Jack Unterweger, was a journalist covering crime in Los Angeles for an Austrian magazine in 1991. “We believe he was living at the Cecil Hotel in homage to Ramirez,” Schave said.
    He is blamed with killing three prostitutes in Los Angeles, while being a guest at the Cecil.
    In the 50’s and 60’s the Cecil was known as a place that people would go to jump out of one of the hotel’s windows to commit suicide.
    Helen Gurnee, in her 50s, leaped from a seventh floor window, landing on the Cecil Hotel marquee, on October 22, 1954.
    Julia Moore jumped from her eighth floor room window, on February 11, 1962.
    Pauline Otton, 27, jumped from a ninth floor window after an argument with her estranged husband, on October 12, 1962. Otton landed on George Gianinni, 65, who was walking on the side walk, 90 feet below. Both were killed instantly.
    There was also a murder of one of the residents. “Pigeon Goldie” Osgood, a retired telephone operator, known for protecting and feeding pigeons in a nearby park, was found dead in his ransacked room on June 4, 1964. He had been stabbed, strangled, and raped. The crime still remains unsolved.”
    - Las Vegas Guardian Express, Elisa Lam, Morbid History Of Two Serial Killers Unfolds At “Cecil Hotel”

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