Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
It might be me, but how are you classifying God? "A" Being? (as in, an object, with a beginning and end?) or just Being? Or both? Or neither?
I have never understood why the concept of God as Source and Immanence seems to conflict with ideas of multidimensionality for some.
It's obvious that in the physical world we know (not to mention the nonphysical) there is a multitude of different beings- but we have no trouble thinking of ourselves as 'One'. Why does the presence of multiverses with their own rules and beings that may 'fit' their physics somehow preclude an encompassing Oneness which includes any and all possibilities?
I'm just wondering.
Off course GOD is not a being....but his breath or spark is in many things...and being´s...like us....so I would say that GOD extends ...through beings...but GOD is a pure force...a creative, creating intelligence, a force...you can see GOD in nature in all kingdoms...mineral, plant, animal and human kingdom.....I am very interested in this, and I am now studying the gnosis text´s and kabbalah .....so I have got back much of my experiences I have had in this life to get word´s to tell what I really have experienced...and I now can say...I had a huge kundalini relese in 1980-81, another huge was in 2003...and I am digesting all these "higher" undestandings of existence...and I am now to remember all at same time, and it is little bit chaotic...so...I will land more and more...but I´d like to keep threads like this going...it help´s me to dare to speak up...and not swallow and forget....
