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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #621
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I had at least three dreams I am aware of, one of them of note:
    I am in a dept store. I'm looking for some electronics equipment. I see the cashier of the place, a woman I've been tasked to find. I half-recognize her, but her hair is a little shorter than her picture I've seen. I go to talk to her about the product (which is a microphone, obvious symbolism here). I purchase the item and walk out of the store. When I get home there is an additional item in the bag- a silky black with iridescent colors garment, could be a jacket or a blouse- and I open it, and as I put it on a hanger I remember her saying to enjoy the present moment, and I decide to use it for a party.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #622
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    Another birdy dream

    Another hungry bird dream. I used to get them all the time, then they seemed to stop, and now started again. I was in my house, and looked at a couch I was sitting on. I got up (looking for something) and towards the bottom, I see something moving, quickly, and detect duck feet. I move things around, and see that there is a baby bird in the bottom of the box. I see it jump out, and then see, that all over the floor are tiny baby birds- cockatiels and chickens. The chickens are not as small as 'newborn'- they are starting to look like small hens, kind of not quite mature, but not like tiny fluffballs either. I realize they are hungry, so I run to the part of the house that has dry goods. I see an asian man and I ask for birdseed- I figure all the assorted birds will eat them. So the man tells me the seeds are in a storeroom that had two doors, and unthinkingly I jump in (I'm in a hurry to feed the birds) and see I'm in an 'interior' room and feel uneasy- then I see there is another door on the other side of the room, and open it. I realize it's not a trap and grab the seeds and start going out the other door, when my husband wakes me up.
    I was mad, I wanted to feed the birds first before waking up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #623
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    I was studying to be an exorcist, and was being taught by a pastor who was supposed to be teaching me. He had a 'patient' and was reciting the exorcism prayer. I then took someone else and started saying the prayer to them. Immediately the person's mouth opened up (which surprised me, I thought we were practicing) and a snake came out of his mouth. The more I said the prayer the more the snake stretched out of his mouth, trying to bite me. I kept at this for a long while, the snake doing his best to reach me, while I kept him back. I continued this for a long time and eventually, either the snake went away or disappeared. At some point the pastor and I were done, and were sitting around resting a bit after our work, and the phone rang. It was my husband, asking me how it was going, me telling him it was no biggie.
    Then I woke up, wondering about this, before it was time to get up. Stayed in bed thinking about it and then I got up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #624
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I found myself in the house my grandmother lived in when I was growing up, except it was the previously-dreamed of version in which it abuts a bay or lake. In this version my mother had brought us to visit with some people that 'used to live there'. I knew them in the dream but not well- people that we had known as children but never saw again. In the dream I was told that we sometimes went to this place but were not supposed to. As antechamber to this 'place' was my great-grandmother's room and bathroom. It was 'sacred space' to me, as in previously dreamed dreams. So we find ourselves in this place and 'fall' into this other place that we were not supposed to be in, but were brought there by my mother.
    I visit with the people in the house, who are now old, and their children live there now. They also work there, as if the place were a ship and the work area were the bottom/engine room of a barge. (The apartment is a barge now.) When we're done reminiscing I ask to leave, and they tell me the only way is to go downstairs. I realize my mother is no longer there and she is the only one that can 'open the door to the outside' so we can go out. The only other way is going down, but as I've peeked in, there is no door, and this part is underwater. We cannot leave. I try calling my mom, no one is answering the phone (I had a 'special' phone to get in contact with my mom). Interestingly, I have the consciousness that my grandmother and great-grandmother are on the 'other side' but I have no such knowledge about my mother. I'm just feeling abandoned because we're in this barge with no means of getting out, and the way offered seems foolhardy and dangerous-a trap.
    At some point I wake up, not having found a solution to my dilemma. (Which seems obvious to me, but it didn't while I was 'in').
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #625
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    Dreamstate Lesson

    I'm in a training school session. A group of students and one teacher is in a classroom that looks like an empty cube. We're tasked with producing a landscape in it. I quickly produce a scene that is pleasing to me- a beach scene. I'm very happy that it came out exactly as I wanted it to be. Now the scenery has fleshed out and looks 'real'. All of a sudden, I feel like I'm lifted up in the air, and elevated to where I begin to be afraid. An unseen hand has picked me up and is levitating me to different areas in the room/scene. I am terrified and start talking to 'it' asking it to put me down. After a bit I come down carefully. All the other students are sitting in their school desks, mouths agape at what has happened. I leave the room and go to another room, where there is a teacher. I ask the teacher to be monitored, and explain what happened. The original teacher is very displeased that I have come to the other teacher, and denies anything different happened.
    After I woke up I wondered if the 'grabbing' was part of the 'training', and if I failed the test after asking for help, especially since I had 'persuaded' the force to put me down.
    I do welcome opinions on this here dream.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #626
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Dreamstate Lesson

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I'm in a training school session. A group of students and one teacher is in a classroom that looks like an empty cube. We're tasked with producing a landscape in it. I quickly produce a scene that is pleasing to me- a beach scene. I'm very happy that it came out exactly as I wanted it to be. Now the scenery has fleshed out and looks 'real'. All of a sudden, I feel like I'm lifted up in the air, and elevated to where I begin to be afraid. An unseen hand has picked me up and is levitating me to different areas in the room/scene. I am terrified and start talking to 'it' asking it to put me down. After a bit I come down carefully. All the other students are sitting in their school desks, mouths agape at what has happened. I leave the room and go to another room, where there is a teacher. I ask the teacher to be monitored, and explain what happened. The original teacher is very displeased that I have come to the other teacher, and denies anything different happened.
    After I woke up I wondered if the 'grabbing' was part of the 'training', and if I failed the test after asking for help, especially since I had 'persuaded' the force to put me down.
    I do welcome opinions on this here dream.
    Hi CFT,
    For me this dream of yours tell´s me about you not wanting leave your Comfort zone, you go back to the old teacher asking about what just happened, without trying to feel what it could mean, or to ask the force who levitated you...fear of the anknown....very understandertable though....
    Have you noticed or do you do in this state, Dream state or what you call it....that if you dare to open up to the information all is there...I noticed in that Dream of mine when I was taken away from the University by the good looking man...I noticed that I had to be very Quick and face and admit what it awoked in me...and I noticed all the information was there...and why I miss out in my Dreams is that I do not dare to admit or be honest...I deny and make up an acceptable explanation....

    So in few word´s your Dream tell´s me fear of the anknown and fear to face the reality...about your own potential....

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  7. #627
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    Re: Dreamstate Lesson

    Just recently I was on a rubber raft (swimming pool thing) and floating around in a skyscraper landscape when it occurred to me that a small wind could tip me over. I was really nervous about that but I thought , so what if it does. I can fly after all. Which is true, but it didn't feel too comforting. I was afraid maybe this time I'd plummet to the streets below.

    In another dream, knowing I was dreaming I figured this is just a dream, I can do anything I want. So suffice it to say I squeezed a pretty girl's buns and, boy was I surprised by the all-to real-life consequences of that rude and disrespectful act.

    In both cases I knew I was dreaming, but in the first I didn't have the confidence I should have, and in the second one I was overconfident to say the least.

    So the nature of lucidity is not constant. Your unease at being lifted aloft made me think of this. These scenarios point to a vague problem and I really don't have an answer perhaps because of its very vagueness. Is a question of freedom? Why should feel constrained or doubtful in a world of our own making? It questions the subjective nature of the dream or maybe not.

    In the girl dream I suppose my own moral code resulted in an embarrassing rebuke. So, in effect I punished myself. In the floating dream my self-confidence, or lack thereof, resulted in a frightening moment. Taken together, I must re-evaluate the lucid dreamscape, which I suppose I figured was much more objective than it really is. I'll hope for a resolving dream that highlights the perception of myself as displayed by these very different dreams. (?)
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  8. #628
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    It questions the subjective nature of the dream or maybe not.
    Good insight, I have to meditate about it.
    I've always been afraid of my own power, and I need to get over it. But what you said makes just as much sense, and it's something I must deal with.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #629
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    Another disney related dream

    Another Disney nightmare
    The family (us) were wandering about somewhere in Disney(world/land) when we got in a boat-related ride. In this dream my son was a young child, about 8. The ride was filling with water and it was drowning him, so I sat him on my lap. The attendants told me it wasn't safe, and made me get out of the boat, and he and his dad were moved to a boat that didn't sink. I then went to get into another boat but somehow I had lost a shoe and now wasn't allowed in the boat again. When I went into the building where you wait until the riders debark, I was asked who I was waiting for, and they looked at me funny when I explained about my missing shoe, because now it was back on my foot, but the sock was missing. I could feel the shoe on my bare foot, and it wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was dry. When my hubby and my son rejoined me, my son looked his age.
    Sometime before the Disney arrival, I had dreamed the usual dream of having a large house connected to a mall, and traversing the mall to get to the my living area, and generally socializing in the stores on my way there.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #630
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    For the last two nights I have dreamed about my (already passed) parents.
    Yesterday I had a version of a recurring dream I've had for years, in which I am with my dad and we interact, me being uncomfortably aware that he died and came back (where we are this happens all the time, but not everyone there has been dead). I want to ask him where he went when he was dead (there is a feeling of physicality in this, as if he had come back in a version of his old body, as if he had gone 'somewhere', and come back, and is now back with us. He (as usual) refuses to talk about it (or tells me he doesn't remember, but I know this is not true). In this version of the dream he looks younger, his hair has begun to darken (he was blond in life, his hair looks brownish-blond now) and I tell him he seems to be getting younger every time I see him. He laughs and says he doesn't know why that is.
    Last night I was dreaming of something else when all of a sudden I hear a telephone ring, I pick up the phone (now I'm awake and it's a hypnopomp) and I hear my mother's voice, very hoarse say "Hola C." and then something that sounds like "I'm here to help" or "I need help" I'm not sure which, since at hearing her voice I get startled and lose the plot. I try to go back to the state to see if she can tell me more, and I fall off into a dream scene (also recurring) in which I'm at my grandfather's house, which has been converted into something else, and is now barely recognizable.
    Psychologically I know why I'm dreaming of my mom, (and in a way, my dad) but the hearing of her voice startled me.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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