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Thread: clearing out negative energy, experiencing something unexpected

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: clearing out negative energy, experiencing something unexpected

    Quote Originally Posted by Seaker View Post
    This is a very intense discussion. I also have questions on this subject, but first I want to mention something about the Law of Attraction. Fighting the negative emotions is non-other than focusing on them as the LOA would define them and "What you resist will persist." However, my intended question is that this forum and for the most part Robert Bruce's teaching includes energy work that is very useful for personal growth and vitality. What I am looking for in the concept of energy work is "emotional energy work" and how to deal with the emotional injuries done in the past that are persisting. I think that this is one energy work method that is very much over looked and bypassed. There must by a way to work with this energy in much a similar way as all the other ancient energy works that are presented in Robert's teaching. Emotional injuries can be very powerful to deal with in trying to heal them; so what powerful energy work can handle this problem?
    Yes LOA is very important to understand..what you focus on it will stay.
    I have Always as a Child too..when negative things was said about me...I said in my mind...NO that is not true because I know and I did say the positive Word what I knew I am.
    This has bean my whole Life to keep an strong core image of me...and work with qualites I want to loving and caring to all no matter colore, cultural identity etc...
    It is a hard work to change and get out all the negative inprint from childhood....but I have succeeded by making up my mind how and who I am...I am loving caring bold truthteller.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #12
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    Re: clearing out negative energy, experiencing something unexpected

    Quote Originally Posted by Libramoon View Post
    Currently I am in the process of clearing out a lot of self hatred that I have been storing up throughout the years. It was only recently that I became aware that what I had been feeling all these years was even self hatred. (I was previously under the illusion that it was merely me "being hard/critical on myself", however I took it too far and it was more like I was emotionally beating myself up over things I had done in the past.) Anyways, I have been using a lot of powerful visualizations of me destroying the built up negative energy with various astral tools. (astral swords, torches, etc) And to my surprise I actually feel MORE depressed when I destroy my built up self hatred. I don't know exactly why this is, but I think its mostly because throughout the years my accumulation of self hatred has always been a familiar presence. (an old "friend" if you will) So naturally I guess I feel empty and sort of depressed/lonely because I am finally destroying my old "friend" and trying something new with my life. Its really crazy though, I have never felt this deep of depression/loneliness before, its quite substantial... Anyways, I think things should eventually get better, but I am just curious if anybody has dealt with a similar situation before? If so, can you tell me a little bit about your experience and how long the feeling lasted, what you did, etc etc.
    i used to have alot of self hatred too, underneath this self hatred was stored feelings of gulit, anger, rage, grief, devastation & heartbreak. I had lots of subtle energetic barriers in place stopping myself feeling & releasing these emotions & for approx. 5yrs i went through a stage of depression & i would say i was moderately depressed ( i say moderately, because although i was very depressed in my own space, i still managed to function in 3D physical reality without others noticing too much, what was really going on for me)

    As the subtle energetic barriers were slowly removed over time, i found myself 'feeling' the emotions stored inbetween these pockets of subtle energetic barriers & this brought forth emotional releases (crying).

    in 2006 i had a BREAKDOWN.... and from then on, i then spent another 5yrs releasing in phases ALL stored emotions from my 'being'

    The 'key' for me now, is to stay engaged with my 'feeling-self' ..... but i still struggle to do this. if i can maintain this connnection & use of my feeling self, then i naturally /truthfully feel clear, peaceful, contented & enthusiastic. I am still very much working to acheive this & still learning

    issues i still have
    • i fall back into old ways of relating to life -unconscious pessimistic beliefs, judgements, words, feelings (instead of 'openess' to feeling the truth)

    or the opposite to this,
    • find myself 'trying to like' something more than i do, or 'trying to make something out to be more wonderful' than it is (instead of allowing myself to feel the 'truth' of how i feel)

    Hope you get the 'support' & energies you need to move through your discomfort into a better space xX
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #13
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    Re: clearing out negative energy, experiencing something unexpected

    Quote Originally Posted by Seaker View Post
    This is a very intense discussion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seaker View Post
    What I am looking for in the concept of energy work is "emotional energy work" and how to deal with the emotional injuries done in the past that are persisting.
    Yes. That can be done. Precisely how is a very personal matter, though. The nature of the injuries will determine the way they need to be approached, just like a physical injury. I would recommend intention and surrender, the only means I know which always works. Intend (decide on, determine, etc.) the outcome (means for healing these emotional wounds), and then let it go and surrender to the process, whatever it ends up being. Allowing the change can be excruciatingly difficult, but once the intention is truly set in motion, nothing will stop it. Resisting will just make it take longer and be more difficult, so that's what the surrender/allow is about. You can't actually hold out against your own genuine intention once you put it in motion, as far as I have ever seen, heard, or experienced. (Hence the old idiom, "be careful what you wish for").

    I can tell you one thing that works well for me. I can't say it will work for everyone.

    Once I become aware of some issue that needs attention, I basically go into it, embrace it (even if it's painful), let it surround me, and then deliberately withdraw all energy (belief, emotion, thought, whatever) that I've put into it. I do this with a combination of sentience (feeling) and visualisation, because that's what works for me. As I work it, the more energy I withdraw and call back to myself, the more flat and colourless the memory/vision/situation becomes. Sometimes things come up more than once, and every time, I just go through the process until it stops coming up.

    But, well, everyone has their way of working through these things, so you might find some other way that works better, feels better for you.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  4. #14

    Re: clearing out negative energy, experiencing something unexpected

    Thank you all for your replies. It appears that I need to do more research of this subject. On the subject of "Emotional Energy in the Body" here is a diagram of "Issues In Our Tissues" which is to say that maybe a energy work of deep cleaning of our chakras may be the answer. I don't think the chakra meditations that I've seen so far can erase the high level of energy from emotional injuries. There must be a more potent method.There is much to be concerned with the effects of emotional injuries and the persistence negative effects of their continued storage as they damage our physical body.

    Last edited by Seaker; 18th January 2014 at 05:36 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Haines, Alaska

    Re: clearing out negative energy, experiencing something unexpected

    I do it the same way butterflywoman does, when im being smart (except for my previously mentioned). It doesn't have to be painful or hard to fix even if it is a massive emotional response. For a week I was seeing red and waking up punching the wall because of a friends actions. But it was all gone in a few minutes visualizations and intention during meditation. It works on long term ones, just take more sessions generally.

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