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Thread: To TheSiNGULAR...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    To TheSiNGULAR...

    Hi TheSingular,

    Also IA, you might want to try to do the same thing and that's the reason I didn't edit this into my post, hoping you can see. Just relax your head and allow it(use affirmations and/or visualizations if necessary).

    About the energy as we both have experienced for me it is when I hit a "new" area or not familar to me, it does feel like this energy preassure in my head or can felt other places too, but when it is on my head it is a new area, if I feel it in my body it is a blockage.
    All did ease when I read/listened to Dr Karim...I have felt so alone about reading shapes or trying to understand them, I first thought I was crazy to feel or get undestanding from shape´s and I have tried to ask but as I have noticed I have a big disabillity in communication and I fail everytime I try to talk about these thing´s...but by Dr Karim I feel it is real, and it is more people feeling/understaning this reality, I have still to relese me from the boundaries what I have put on myself by believing in others who say I am sick and crazy..I have to re-learn this first to become free again, and dare to think freely.
    I am so happy today, and I know this is short lived because of the common attitud, what is possible and not...the negativity is draining and weighten me down, and I loose all my energy and feel like I am slowly giving up and dying, instead of feeling energized.
    I got new hope by Dr Karim, thank you.


    Last edited by IA56; 17th March 2014 at 06:28 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Trabzon, Turkey(Not the kind you eat :P )

    To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post

    About the energy as we both have experienced for me it is when I hit a "new" area or not familar to me, it does feel like this energy preassure in my head or can felt other places too, but when it is on my head it is a new area, if I feel it in my body it is a blockage.
    It felt like a blockage to me too, I just couldn't say so before.
    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post

    All did ease when I read/listened to Dr Karim...I have felt so alone about reading shapes or trying to understand them, I first thought I was crazy to feel or get undestanding from shape´s and I have tried to ask but as I have noticed I have a big disabillity in communication and I fail everytime I try to talk about these thing´s...but by Dr Karim I feel it is real, and it is more people feeling/understaning this reality, I have still to relese me from the boundaries what I have put on myself by believing in others who say I am sick and crazy..I have to re-learn this first to become free again, and dare to think freely.
    I am so happy today, and I know this is short lived because of the common attitud, what is possible and not...the negativity is draining and weighten me down, and I loose all my energy and feel like I am slowly giving up and dying, instead of feeling energized.
    I got new hope by Dr Karim, thank you.


    I haven't heard of Dr Karim so I don't know about him/her. Also at most times, being crazy is actually being different from the current society and conflicting with said society. It doesn't matter what they do is ethically right or wrong in this case. That's why I keep most of the things I do a secret from people around me, and I'll reveal them to only those who are like me, or when a certain time comes. (When I'll be ready for it, which I don't know but think will be in the next ten years from now, or earlier if possible.) Even with my secrecy though, I'm mostly considered as a "weird" person to people who know me closely enough but I manage to stay in that society by my willingness to help people (I don't do this to stay in the society but because that's a part of who I am) and by keeping a general positive attitude towards everyone unless they start to behave very negatively towards me, at that point, I choose to stay away.

    Against that negativity that drains you I'd recommend two things. The first is a shield that deflects any incoming negative energy and keeps it out. The second thing I can recommend is a purpose. Find yourself a good purpose of life and stick to it by any means. As long as you stick to it and remind yourself of it you'll stay strong. Mine is to simply evolve myself spiritually and helping other people do this, so I can make this universe a better place for everyone. (yep, I've put that into my sig so I can remember it more often) Finding my own purpose has hapened after a dark year of my life(with a lot of negativity) and I'm glad that I could find it. I'm now drawing strength from it and whenever I think of it I feel myself ready for anything that life can throw at me. I feel strong, happy and I'm at peace when I think about it. So I'd recommend you to find your own purpose of life and to do it fast so you can prevent further negativity drains in your life.
    A side note: Even than you will encounter such negative times in your life but they will be very rare and much shorter than before. They will last a few hours at most, nothing more. And the best part is they will not be as effective as they were and won't be able to pull you into that loop again. These times have also been mentioned in this forum before and are also known as "mood swings" but it's actually a wrong term to describe that. Don't remember where I've seen it before though.

    So, until next time,
    With love,
    P.S: Btw check this out:

    Be in peace and love in all lives.
    Be safe in all ways.
    Be well and cheerful at all times.
    Be helpful and compassionate to all others.
    This is the best wish that I can wish for myself and you.
    Live well and have fun!
    With my love and blessings,

    I hereby choose to evolve myself to something better than what I am now and help others do just that. For a better Humanity, and a better Universe!

    Positivity ROCKS!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSingular View Post
    It felt like a blockage to me too, I just couldn't say so before.

    I haven't heard of Dr Karim so I don't know about him/her. Also at most times, being crazy is actually being different from the current society and conflicting with said society. It doesn't matter what they do is ethically right or wrong in this case. That's why I keep most of the things I do a secret from people around me, and I'll reveal them to only those who are like me, or when a certain time comes. (When I'll be ready for it, which I don't know but think will be in the next ten years from now, or earlier if possible.) Even with my secrecy though, I'm mostly considered as a "weird" person to people who know me closely enough but I manage to stay in that society by my willingness to help people (I don't do this to stay in the society but because that's a part of who I am) and by keeping a general positive attitude towards everyone unless they start to behave very negatively towards me, at that point, I choose to stay away.

    Against that negativity that drains you I'd recommend two things. The first is a shield that deflects any incoming negative energy and keeps it out. The second thing I can recommend is a purpose. Find yourself a good purpose of life and stick to it by any means. As long as you stick to it and remind yourself of it you'll stay strong. Mine is to simply evolve myself spiritually and helping other people do this, so I can make this universe a better place for everyone. (yep, I've put that into my sig so I can remember it more often) Finding my own purpose has hapened after a dark year of my life(with a lot of negativity) and I'm glad that I could find it. I'm now drawing strength from it and whenever I think of it I feel myself ready for anything that life can throw at me. I feel strong, happy and I'm at peace when I think about it. So I'd recommend you to find your own purpose of life and to do it fast so you can prevent further negativity drains in your life.
    A side note: Even than you will encounter such negative times in your life but they will be very rare and much shorter than before. They will last a few hours at most, nothing more. And the best part is they will not be as effective as they were and won't be able to pull you into that loop again. These times have also been mentioned in this forum before and are also known as "mood swings" but it's actually a wrong term to describe that. Don't remember where I've seen it before though.

    So, until next time,
    With love,
    P.S: Btw check this out:


    Hi TheSingular
    You can find Dr Karim´s videos and findings in the thread: Beware the Ideas of March.

    I know who and what I am...but I haven´t yet find my Place in the society, I have noticed that I can not be in big Groups where like 80% of the crowd is having issues to be solved, and when I say issues it is mostly unknown to the persons, and I feel and see them but not able to spell it out because they are not willing nor prepared to work on theire issues so to speak, and I am like a transformer of negativity to turn it to positivity, but when it is too much I do crumble...So this is good to know...I can handle it in small Groups, it is okay,but not in big Groups...But as you say, I have to find my strength eventually also to function in big Groups, but I am not there yet...I did have a Dream where I saw the "wheel´s" so I Think I am ready if I got to get some Peace and time, I will be ready about within 4,5 years.

    I will check out the link you have put out...brb. I am not able to open the link where you say.,...check this out??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Trabzon, Turkey(Not the kind you eat :P )

    Re: To IA...

    Hi IA
    (sry but I didn't notice you saying hi to be before, just now and I have to admit that it's a good habit to say that before writihng the actual message... hmm... I shall remember it next time and sorry about the previous time.)

    It wasn't a link, it was a screenshot that I took shortly after I replied here and I edited that screenshot in. I took it from the main page of the forum and put it there to laugh at the illusion of replying to myself in a thread

    I was checking the Ides of march thread for a while but I stopped checking after the disappointment we got from the announcement so I didn't know about Dr Karim being mentioned on that thread after that. I'll check that out.

    Also good luck with all that, and when you do crumble under all that negativity, I can say it's not a safe place for you anymore as anymore negativity affecting you after that can cause bad things for you. At these times I prefer to go somewhere I think I'll be left alone so I can recover myself. It's almost the only time I truly want to be alone, other times, I don't mind it too much. Thanks to my own choices and beliefs, my dreams are more like a movie that I kind of star in(what can I say, I like fiction ) so I don't get such messages in my dreams but I'm changing that belief so I can get some messages during dreams. But I do get visions sometimes during meditation. One I could properly see and identify was about a journey I'm going to take, in a car's left-back seat and my face was black. (I mean totally black, nothing on my face was visible except one thing, just the shape of it). I recognized my face from it's shape and the glint of my glasses I wear. I also saw a forest about 500m away from me in the direction I looked. (but not the direction the me in my vision looked at which was the direction the car was going and I didn't see that way at all)
    The ten years I said about was more like an intuitive estimation of how long it would take for me to evolve enough to start spreading it by myself when I thought about it the first time. And it was about 70 days ago.

    Once again, good luck with that and if you ever need my help, just tell me and I'll try and see what I can do. I might be able to help much or not, but I'll certainly try to. I like helping people after all, you know.

    With love,
    Be in peace and love in all lives.
    Be safe in all ways.
    Be well and cheerful at all times.
    Be helpful and compassionate to all others.
    This is the best wish that I can wish for myself and you.
    Live well and have fun!
    With my love and blessings,

    I hereby choose to evolve myself to something better than what I am now and help others do just that. For a better Humanity, and a better Universe!

    Positivity ROCKS!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSingular View Post
    Hi IA
    (sry but I didn't notice you saying hi to be before, just now and I have to admit that it's a good habit to say that before writihng the actual message... hmm... I shall remember it next time and sorry about the previous time.)

    It wasn't a link, it was a screenshot that I took shortly after I replied here and I edited that screenshot in. I took it from the main page of the forum and put it there to laugh at the illusion of replying to myself in a thread

    I was checking the Ides of march thread for a while but I stopped checking after the disappointment we got from the announcement so I didn't know about Dr Karim being mentioned on that thread after that. I'll check that out.

    Also good luck with all that, and when you do crumble under all that negativity, I can say it's not a safe place for you anymore as anymore negativity affecting you after that can cause bad things for you. At these times I prefer to go somewhere I think I'll be left alone so I can recover myself. It's almost the only time I truly want to be alone, other times, I don't mind it too much. Thanks to my own choices and beliefs, my dreams are more like a movie that I kind of star in(what can I say, I like fiction ) so I don't get such messages in my dreams but I'm changing that belief so I can get some messages during dreams. But I do get visions sometimes during meditation. One I could properly see and identify was about a journey I'm going to take, in a car's left-back seat and my face was black. (I mean totally black, nothing on my face was visible except one thing, just the shape of it). I recognized my face from it's shape and the glint of my glasses I wear. I also saw a forest about 500m away from me in the direction I looked. (but not the direction the me in my vision looked at which was the direction the car was going and I didn't see that way at all)
    The ten years I said about was more like an intuitive estimation of how long it would take for me to evolve enough to start spreading it by myself when I thought about it the first time. And it was about 70 days ago.

    Once again, good luck with that and if you ever need my help, just tell me and I'll try and see what I can do. I might be able to help much or not, but I'll certainly try to. I like helping people after all, you know.

    With love,
    Thank you TheSingular. I am also willing to help people but I have noticed that I am not good at that at all, yet..I hope I can improve my abillity :_)

    I did start this thread direct to you anyone can post and ask for help, right??

    I think it does help to be open as I am with the most of my life, it is also to help in my point of view at least...

    It is a big help to me you being positive against me, thank you so much.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Victoria, Australia
    Blog Entries

    Re: To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Thank you TheSingular. I am also willing to help people but I have noticed that I am not good at that at all, yet..I hope I can improve my abillity :_)

    I did start this thread direct to you anyone can post and ask for help, right??

    I think it does help to be open as I am with the most of my life, it is also to help in my point of view at least...

    It is a big help to me you being positive against me, thank you so much.


    Something to consider regarding "help".

    In my view it is good to help people to help themselves.

    But some people (those unwilling to learn) can actually become dependant on our "help", and may even get angry when we stop helping them.

    So I tend to be selective in my everyday world, if someone wants actual help with something, that is fine, but at the same time I am mindful as to whether I am encouraging dependence, such as my old neighbour, who if you gave him any money, he would just ask for more and more, no matter how much you gave him, as he was addicted to cigarettes.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Trabzon, Turkey(Not the kind you eat :P )

    Re: To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Thank you TheSingular. I am also willing to help people but I have noticed that I am not good at that at all, yet..I hope I can improve my abillity :_)

    I did start this thread direct to you anyone can post and ask for help, right??

    I think it does help to be open as I am with the most of my life, it is also to help in my point of view at least...

    It is a big help to me you being positive against me, thank you so much.

    Hi IA

    Well, I don't think I'm that good at helping people either. But actively helping people or at least trying to, in my opinion, is the best way to improve my ability of helping people.

    Sure, I too have asked some help here before and so did others. (Thanks everyone for helping me back then, all your advices were helpful)

    Being open helps a lot, I have to agree with this. But if you open yourself to those who are not like you, they usually misunderstand and don't be of much help. That's the reason of my secrecy regarding spirituality. But I can freely open myself to most people here, if not anyone, because they can understand me and give me some useful help and I also can give them some useful help wehn they need it.

    The last four words you wrote to me (ignoring the Love, ia closure of the post for that matter) are the four words I love hearing. The blissful feeling they give me is unrivaled by any other word or phrase, because it makes me feel I'm fulfilling my purpose of life. So thank you so much for saying those words to me, (yeah I had to use these exact words ) and I'm more than glad if I could help.

    With love,
    Be in peace and love in all lives.
    Be safe in all ways.
    Be well and cheerful at all times.
    Be helpful and compassionate to all others.
    This is the best wish that I can wish for myself and you.
    Live well and have fun!
    With my love and blessings,

    I hereby choose to evolve myself to something better than what I am now and help others do just that. For a better Humanity, and a better Universe!

    Positivity ROCKS!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Trabzon, Turkey(Not the kind you eat :P )

    Re: To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by John Sorensen View Post
    Something to consider regarding "help".

    In my view it is good to help people to help themselves.

    But some people (those unwilling to learn) can actually become dependant on our "help", and may even get angry when we stop helping them.

    So I tend to be selective in my everyday world, if someone wants actual help with something, that is fine, but at the same time I am mindful as to whether I am encouraging dependence, such as my old neighbour, who if you gave him any money, he would just ask for more and more, no matter how much you gave him, as he was addicted to cigarettes.
    Hey John,

    Thanks for reminding me about those, as I remember such one in my life too. The best thing we can do about them is to either change them in the core, or cutting all the connections to them and leaving them alone. I did the second for that person, mainly because I wasn't the person I am right now and he was quite disturbing to me. He still is not the type of person I'd like to hang out with.

    With love,
    Be in peace and love in all lives.
    Be safe in all ways.
    Be well and cheerful at all times.
    Be helpful and compassionate to all others.
    This is the best wish that I can wish for myself and you.
    Live well and have fun!
    With my love and blessings,

    I hereby choose to evolve myself to something better than what I am now and help others do just that. For a better Humanity, and a better Universe!

    Positivity ROCKS!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSingular View Post
    Hi IA

    Well, I don't think I'm that good at helping people either. But actively helping people or at least trying to, in my opinion, is the best way to improve my ability of helping people.

    Sure, I too have asked some help here before and so did others. (Thanks everyone for helping me back then, all your advices were helpful)

    Being open helps a lot, I have to agree with this. But if you open yourself to those who are not like you, they usually misunderstand and don't be of much help. That's the reason of my secrecy regarding spirituality. But I can freely open myself to most people here, if not anyone, because they can understand me and give me some useful help and I also can give them some useful help wehn they need it.

    The last four words you wrote to me (ignoring the Love, ia closure of the post for that matter) are the four words I love hearing. The blissful feeling they give me is unrivaled by any other word or phrase, because it makes me feel I'm fulfilling my purpose of life. So thank you so much for saying those words to me, (yeah I had to use these exact words ) and I'm more than glad if I could help.

    With love,
    Hi TheSingular,
    But in my world you are good at helping, by staying open and positive, you let me in peace to take in your energy, instead of pealing of the hostility most of the people do have as self defence, or closed and often sending theire own short comings ...even they use good word´s, but I read energy, and when trying to tell or comment they get angry instead of feeling in them self´s first, many write in upset mindset or irritated or something els negativity.
    So keep you open and positive, it is all it take´s to help another soul

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Trabzon, Turkey(Not the kind you eat :P )

    Re: To IA...

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi TheSingular,
    But in my world you are good at helping, by staying open and positive, you let me in peace to take in your energy, instead of pealing of the hostility most of the people do have as self defence, or closed and often sending theire own short comings ...even they use good word´s, but I read energy, and when trying to tell or comment they get angry instead of feeling in them self´s first, many write in upset mindset or irritated or something els negativity.
    So keep you open and positive, it is all it take´s to help another soul

    Hi IA,

    By telling me all these, you are actually helping me help others. I will definitely keep this in my mind to stay positive when I help people, because I felt it that way too before and these times are actually the times when I want to be alone because, (the times I've mentioned above) if I'm not all that ready to help people, it makes me more vulnerable to negativity. I feel irritated at these times and think something like: "Aw come on, not again?". So at these times I decide it's time to rest and recover and heal from that negativity and when there are other people around, it's not that easy to do that. Also if I try to meditate at that time, I fall asleep, because it becomes easy to fall asleep(I feel tired) and it happens before I know it. After recovering though, I can continue helping.

    Talking with people here surely gives me insight of myself that I couldn't get anywhere else. I love this forum and I love you, all of the members of this forum, for everything you have done for me.

    With Love,
    Be in peace and love in all lives.
    Be safe in all ways.
    Be well and cheerful at all times.
    Be helpful and compassionate to all others.
    This is the best wish that I can wish for myself and you.
    Live well and have fun!
    With my love and blessings,

    I hereby choose to evolve myself to something better than what I am now and help others do just that. For a better Humanity, and a better Universe!

    Positivity ROCKS!!!


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