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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #641
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I was at a wedding. No one I know in RL. The bride was crying and the groom wanted to go home. He kept saying he didn't 'get it'. I approached her, and asked her leading questions as she looked like she needed to talk, as she didn't want to go home at all, and stay in the party. (She wasn't happy, though). She told me her new husband was supposed to enlist/be hired but didn't pass his entrance examination, and had been rejected. He was angry and embarrassed, she was crying and didn't want to go home. I woke up before saying anything to them. (I was woken up)but I was getting ready to tell her that others have started with less and ended up happily ever after.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #642
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I had a series of dreams with recurring themes- my grandmother's house as a museum, as some other type of place (hotel, etc.) which brought me to a memory of when I was younger and helped my grandmother clean rooms in the guest (beach) house when she used to rent rooms for tourists in the winter months. It was a happy time for me, weekends at the beach helping out my favoritest person in the world. I miss her smiling face. Lately I've been having the same kind of dream that is so recurrent I don't even write it down any more.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #643
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I'm inclined to classify the wedding an AP. Doesn't have anything to do with you other than your advise may be welcome, needed and heeded. Classic AP in my mind. Eh???
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
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  4. #644
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I think so too- maybe a retrieval.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #645
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    As to your 'pleasant scenes with you grandmother', I can only think that you may wonder whether you will be so fondly remembered by a grandchild. I often wonder about my legacy in my grandson's eyes. He knows me well. He told his mother I can be a jerk (referring to a comment I made that questioned the nature of some of his 'illnesses'). There seems to be a general consensus on my jerkiness.. But he loves me, and given a choice he prefers my company when there is an option. I stray, that has nothing to do with you.

    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  6. #646
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Two parter. The first part is the classic (now classic for me) amusement park that goes wrong scenario, but with a twist. Doubles. My son falls from an amusement park ride, I hold on to him, he somehow duplicates himself and one double falls while the other one stays with me. When we get to the bottom we meet the doppelganger who was not injured, and I then plan to take both twins home, wondering how that's going to work.
    Then I wake up with a terrible cough, it's my husband's time to get up. I get up for a bit, and go to bed again, and have a hard time going to sleep, but eventually I do.
    Now I'm sitting in front of a very picturesque cafe, something that could be in Italy, or St. Augustine (the historical part). We are sitting there having coffee, when other young people sit in the table with us. They are goth-y looking, and start inviting us to go to a club with them. At some point we're walking to the club, and we end up separated from the group (the guy that was walking with and talking to) me tells me he's going to show me something. He then tells me he is a vampire (and so is his crew) and transforms himself- grows fangs right in front of my eyes. I am convinced. I act as I'm not afraid, more like fascinated, but realize that my friend is in danger. For some reason I don't think I'm in danger, as if somewhere in the back of my mind I know how to defend myself if I need to. I then try to get my friend's attention to tell her to go somewhere else. At some point there is a junction with the previous dream, as if we were walking past the area where the previous dream happened in. Then we're back in the original table (with the vampires) waiting to get into this club. I know that if we go there we might not get out again, and start plotting how to get my friend and escape (once again, I'm not afraid for myself, but for my friend, and it's why I'm still there). I wake up before I can resolve the situation and save my friend.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #647
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I was in some sort of field trip to a dark and dreary place- like a picnic gone terribly wrong. It was dark (I suspect real time, as it was the early predawn) we were on a beach, but the water was dirty, there was garbage on the beach, and the kids did not look healthy. There was a lot of unpleasantness. I remember thinking "I've outgrown the desire to come to these things." and then, on the other side of the water, in what looked like some sort of platform, there was a bright explosion, and I, on the other side of the beach/water, could feel the searing heat on my skin. I told the people around me "we need to start running now" and as we ran, pieces of what looked like clothes fell behind us, amongst other flying metal projectiles. Once it was over, I made sure everyone was ok, and then started looking for my brother. Then I saw him in another part of the area we were taking cover in, and he was fine. Then the dream ended with a sound like a shot. I woke up. I think the sound was 'real' and woke me up. Don't know what it was.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #648
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    Last night when I went to bed everything felt wrong- I went to bed feeling the air was dark and as much as I tried to meditate on light, I could not visuallize or 'see' it (I usually light up when I meditate, not last night). I spent countless hours doing energy work in hopes that I could muster up some light, to dissipate the darkness that I felt hovering over me. At some point I went to sleep, but slept fitfully, and woke up every other hour, it seemed. Then in the early morning I attempted to look at hypnopomps to lull myself to sleep, and had a dream that was of a recurring theme- an ongoing dream I've had since around three years since my father passed away- In this dream he is back, has been dead and buried for three years, and has come back. It's a type of "parallel life" type of dream, because in it time passes equally 'here' and in dreamtime. In various other versions of this dream we usually elect not to talk about what happened when he was dead- we only talk about the present time in this other dreamtime. In previous dreams I have dreaded asking him how it was to have been 'dead' dead for three years- but never ask him, or he won't tell me. Last night I was very upset, because I wanted to know what he did in those three years- did he exist? Did he wake up one day in a reanimated body and just get up? How did it happen? The more I wanted to know the further from me he got, until I was very upset. It's not a new dream, but it ended differently than most other versions of it- I woke up afraid, not really knowing of what. I wasn't afraid of him, he was my dad, but I was afraid of what his being 'there' meant- or something. I woke up very afraid, and had to make myself go to sleep again.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #649
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    The dream started like a 'regular' dream about my life. Somewhere in the dream we ended up in one of the houses that I often dream about. Then all of a sudden we were in a totally different environment that 'turned' into a spaceship-type of environment, a sort of 'fading into' the spaceship- in this environment there were a bunch of us, in a holodeck-type environment, like a 'fake' house, and in this group, were three or four people I don't know, my husband and my son, and a man that looks like an actor I have seen on TV. In the 'holodeck' type of scenario, some of the technicians had messed up the gravity settings, and we started to float, until they fixed it. Then the actor sat with me and asked me to marry him. Then my husband and my son walked into the room, and I asked my son to sit with me, and he didn't want to and sat in another chair. Then my husband congratulated the actor for our engagement (I hadn't accepted) and my husband winked at me and whispered "you should marry him" and then I realized that in this reality my husband wasn't my husband, and we were sort of playing some role in 'this' reality but our relationship was different in that one.
    Then I woke up. Or was woken up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #650
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    A weird dream consisting of a sort of class, a ceremonial initiation, a 'return' of my 'powers' (levitation) and then when I thought it was over, more 'initiation', until I really woke up, wondering if it was over. It was weird.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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