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Thread: how can a mystic function in this world?

  1. #11

    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by I-stone View Post
    When people hate you. Call you crazy. Curse you.
    Then various spirits do the same because they fear you.
    Society shuns you, and tries to subdue you at every turn.

    I dont see how it is possible to be spiritual these days.
    AS per the quote: mean people suck. As there are a lot of mean people, it sucks often.

    A few things that helped me:
    -realize that you are not what they say you are just because they say it
    -realize that most of this behavior is about their fear not what you are/are-not or what you are/are-not doing
    -career wise, find one that rewards results not method (I was an engineer)
    -move to a better part of your country or the world if possible, tolerance is not consistent throughout the world
    -don't be offended, it takes some of the reward out of their behavior. Some will grow bored and stop (eventually)
    -if you are well past your school years, go to a reunion. There you will realize that people who behave that badly don't go as far as others.
    -don't tell others that you are a mystic unless they ask, they don't want to be scared
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  2. #12
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    Aug 2013

    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein View Post
    Seems mocking to me.

    While having a bad attitude certainly makes things harder, this is not realistic in many environments or at many skill levels. Though I am sure some advanced mystics can get this to work, many are not THAT powerful.

    Further while a few attitudes around may change, most people don't change much. Trying to change others is fraught with its own issues. When the majority of your environment is hostile, its still extremely difficult to cope.

    If you have any doubts, ask any minority about the problems. Some attitudes have shifted over time, meaning over a few generations. How long were women, gays, witches treated horribly or even killed?
    Hi wstein,
    I am not sure I follow your respond to John´s saying:
    "If you dare to, imagine being around people who share you values, and surely they will be there, when you least expect´s "

    As I read his quote he say...Imagen....not as you seam to have understood....go out and do..

    As you say wstein it is true out in the society still most of people do not want to change and aboslutely not if it requires some exersice and take time...they do not want to invest that...only if someone can fix it for them, they in that case maybe, maybe dare to change.

    So I appologize to you if I have totally missunderstood, and in that case I want you to elaborate more for me to be able to understand your respond that John´s quote to be mocking.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #13
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    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein View Post
    Seems mocking to me.

    While having a bad attitude certainly makes things harder, this is not realistic in many environments or at many skill levels. Though I am sure some advanced mystics can get this to work, many are not THAT powerful.

    Further while a few attitudes around may change, most people don't change much. Trying to change others is fraught with its own issues. When the majority of your environment is hostile, its still extremely difficult to cope.+

    If you have any doubts, ask any minority about the problems. Some attitudes have shifted over time, meaning over a few generations. How long were women, gays, witches treated horribly or even killed?
    Well, I'm not sure here.

    How to translate inner feeling to words, without the confusion. I will try.

    *Imagination is a bridge in reality

    *Imagination, thoughts, feelings and emotions create internal states, or vibratory patterns that affect the quantum field, drawing the possibilities that manifest into our lives.

    This is not fancy stuff, it is actually quite simple, in fact the Heart Math institute teaches these ideas and techniques to business people, old and young, school children etc, who have no previous mediation experience.

    *Not what we think or wish for, but what we FEEL we already are, is what shows up in our life.

    *FEEL what you want already fulfilled, via imaginaton.


    Free Heart Coherence Technique PDF

    Audio description of the same

    My other post was meant in a literal matter, not metaphorical or wishful thinking, which is a waste of time.

    I would not recommend anything that I have not used myself, or that does not work.

    Our minds are our own space to fill with garbage or cultivate a garden, the choice is ours, and nobody can take away this ability to choose our internal state.

    Heart Math does not replace any other meditation methods, but enhances them, and in fact in not a meditation so much that you "do", but a way of being.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  4. #14

    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by John Sorensen View Post
    Like attracts like.

    If you dare to, imagine being around people who share you values, and surely they will be there, when you least expect.
    Quote Originally Posted by wstein View Post
    Seems mocking to me.
    The responses regarding my response to John’s statement are keying in on ‘imagine’. His post in its entirety is essentially LOA. Even if his suggestion is a valid idea (and it might be), it’s not a solution or even much of any help in the situation described. If you are not ‘like’ others, at best this will attract one or two people similar to yourself. The bulk of people will continue to behave in ways corrosive and abusive to yourself. Granted 2-3 against the horde is better than one against the horde but hardly a viable answer to the issue. I am speaking from a similar childhood situation to I-stone.

    Perhaps a rephrase in another context will make more clear the issue. Imagine saying to the one person in your community of a different skin color to imagine others of their skin color to be around. Do you think this is going to make racial issues disappear?

    Sidenote: there is a big issue with bullying on the internet these days. If you follow that, it’s pretty clear that the abuse does not stop because there are more of the targeted group. Not until the targeted group nearly equals in number and power does the abuse get targeted elsewhere. Notice I did not say it stops.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  5. #15
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    Aug 2013

    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein View Post
    The responses regarding my response to John’s statement are keying in on ‘imagine’. His post in its entirety is essentially LOA. Even if his suggestion is a valid idea (and it might be), it’s not a solution or even much of any help in the situation described. If you are not ‘like’ others, at best this will attract one or two people similar to yourself. The bulk of people will continue to behave in ways corrosive and abusive to yourself. Granted 2-3 against the horde is better than one against the horde but hardly a viable answer to the issue. I am speaking from a similar childhood situation to I-stone.

    Perhaps a rephrase in another context will make more clear the issue. Imagine saying to the one person in your community of a different skin color to imagine others of their skin color to be around. Do you think this is going to make racial issues disappear?

    Sidenote: there is a big issue with bullying on the internet these days. If you follow that, it’s pretty clear that the abuse does not stop because there are more of the targeted group. Not until the targeted group nearly equals in number and power does the abuse get targeted elsewhere. Notice I did not say it stops.
    Hi wstein,
    Thank you for elaborating of this issue of bullying a mystic or others for that matter. You are right it is not any easy thing to know what and how to do, but finding to cope in your self. I did be in this possision as a Child...when a grown up was alone with me, they did ask many questions and also told me about their own problems, so I never felt like a Child, and I did feel from very early age like I was almost the only grown up in my family. I did say to my self from very early age, when I was bullied, that I am not at all like they say...and idiot...sick bastard etc....but it did harm me even I did keep some sanity in me by saying that I do not Believe the negativity what they push on me...but it did harm me deeply.
    My survival was to move away as 17 yr old...I was not at all prepared for Life in society and did be a easy prey, but I have survived, I am still here and have not developed any bitterness...I though do be very careful whom I let to be in my inners spehear so to speak.
    So I have no answere to this topic.
    The only thing I can do is to tell my story of survival, I am still here despite many occation´s of a try to liqvidate me. I have bean total alone many periods in my Life, it is why I am so happy about this Group, now I have someone to talk to, and express myself to without bean bullied or rediquled.
    I do not know if this problem ever will be solved as long as someone is thriving to becom a human...who rediquels and bullies is in my sence only a inteligent animal not yet a human. A real human does not do this.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #16
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    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein View Post
    The responses regarding my response to John’s statement are keying in on ‘imagine’. His post in its entirety is essentially LOA. Even if his suggestion is a valid idea (and it might be), it’s not a solution or even much of any help in the situation described. If you are not ‘like’ others, at best this will attract one or two people similar to yourself. The bulk of people will continue to behave in ways corrosive and abusive to yourself. Granted 2-3 against the horde is better than one against the horde but hardly a viable answer to the issue. I am speaking from a similar childhood situation to I-stone.

    Perhaps a rephrase in another context will make more clear the issue. Imagine saying to the one person in your community of a different skin color to imagine others of their skin color to be around. Do you think this is going to make racial issues disappear?

    Sidenote: there is a big issue with bullying on the internet these days. If you follow that, it’s pretty clear that the abuse does not stop because there are more of the targeted group. Not until the targeted group nearly equals in number and power does the abuse get targeted elsewhere. Notice I did not say it stops.
    *I hope this does not come across as an "attack", it is hard to express accurately in forums compared to in person. Anyway, this is not my intention, merely to share ideas and suggestions, which you are free to consider or ignore.*

    I do not recommend for anyone to try changing other people's behaviour and attitudes, that would be a waste of time.

    You get in life what you focus upon.

    If you disagree fine, what is the alternative you are suggesting?

    I never suggested life gets magically easy because an individual decides to use their own intelligence to improve themselves, regardless of any method.

    If your focus is always on "problems", well then that is what will keep showing up.

    I could be wrong on this, I don't know, I can speak for my own experience and no one else's.

    What I do know is that for many years I was not happy, and nothing changed in the world but my attitude to life.

    I did not wait until the world was "perfect" for me to be happy, or to do something with my life other than being depressed and wanting to die due to being treated like ♥♥♥♥ for many years by a variety of people.

    Over many years I learned to live a different way than the brainwashing we are brought up with such as that our problems are the fault of other people, and that we alone and powerless in a random chaotic universe where life is meaningless and when you die you cease to exist.

    I said goodbye to those beliefs many years ago, as they were garbage in my mind.
    I see life as beauty and not as a series of "problems".

    Words are useless really, because we are speaking different internal languages here, with different definitions.

    What is true in your experience Wstein is true for you.

    What is true in my experience is true for me.

    Perhaps we are coming from different paradigms?

    I don't care for theories, just what works.

    When you say "if it works", what is this "it" that you speak of? I have never seen an "it" anywhere. I would say to you, there is only you, and the mirror reflected back at you that some call material reality, the camouflage reality. Which is just made up of energy, how you interpret that energy is your personal choice.

    I used to be very timid and painfully shy, but now more bold and direct, because I don't want to ♥♥♥♥ about with certain things. So my apologies if this is just annoying to read, it would be gentler if talking in person.

    I invite you to share your ideas and perhaps we can learn from one another, but if not, that is fine.

    From my point of view:
    You are a being of unlimited power who creates your personal reality, if God is the ocean, you are a drop in that ocean. You may be "smaller", but are made of exactly the same stuff. Some call this "theory", to me it is waking self-evident reality, personal experience.

    That experience, to know yourself as part of universal intelligence is available to you any time you choose it.

    I don't ask you to "believe" anything I say, as that would be stupid. Why settle for any belief when you can Know through direct experience?

    That is what I recommend to anyone, that you trust your own inner experience, and if my ideas are garbage, then toss them aside like yesterdays garbage and find your own way, and the hell with anyone who does not agree with you, live life on your own terms.

    My intention is to challenge people's limited views of themselves, not to "change" them in any way, but just to invite people to a higher idea of themselves, because I figure most folks already got enough people in their lives who are holding them back and dragging them down into the mud, when they could be flying.

    It is fair to say I am overzealous at times, but it pains me to see people limiting themselves in any way, still I respect their choices and way of life, even if I don't like it.

    You always have the power to choose your attitude in life, and make the best of any situation, no matter how bleak or "unsolveable" it is. The people who survived the Nazi death camps such as Viktor Frankl in WWII knew this well.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  7. #17
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    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Is there more interested to talk deeply about this topic...?? If there is then I can also try give my Picture what I have understood from my Life happenings to see it from the bullier´s perspective also.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #18

    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Is there more interested to talk deeply about this topic...?? If there is then I can also try give my Picture what I have understood from my Life happenings to see it from the bullier´s perspective also.
    I am willing but not feeling a need for myself. I think I understand what happened and why it happened. Some old scars remain but I am not bullied any more. This is a lot due to my understanding and my ability to disarm such behavior in others.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  9. #19
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    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein View Post
    I am willing but not feeling a need for myself. I think I understand what happened and why it happened. Some old scars remain but I am not bullied any more. This is a lot due to my understanding and my ability to disarm such behavior in others.
    Hi wstein,
    I was more thinking as what understanding did relese you from the hurt what bully did to you...
    I did get my understanding when I did interviewed my parent´s and I used my couselling time after the big beating of me what happened in 1980-81, I told my parent´s that my psyhologist did give me a home work to ask how theire parent´s and grandparents was against them and other relatives I did get a chaine of family pain history, and the center thing was...bean bullied and rediqueled in some degrea...both my parents did say...I swor to my self never say those things to my children...but it is like in rehearsed and comes out when fear invades you.
    Even I did know this it has taken me long time to really undestand and forgive, because I have also done these things to my son..but not to my grandchildren.
    So it seams to take long time to get it out of your system even you techinchly know it in your head, it has to sink into your guts and feelings so you can change and flush it out so to speak.
    I do see it as a very important to cut off the family chain to stop it and give place for a change and new approach to enter.

    Last edited by IA56; 2nd April 2014 at 07:08 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #20

    Re: how can a mystic function in this world?

    My being bullied happened at school mostly. My parents were oblivious, neither contributing nor helping. I was not able to release much of it until I got an updated perspective at my 10 year high school reunion. The tables of fortune had turned. Those who did the bullying had not made much of their lives, those who had been bullied mostly were well on their way to success. This confirmed my suspicions that the fundamental 'problem' was not mine but lay inside the bullies. All that abuse still hurt, but I realized I didn't have an internal problem. I'm not sure I forgave. I did come to accept that there was not much to do about it other than to let it and to try to keep others from having to go through that.

    It took me a while to realize that everyone is were everyone is. Accepting that allows one to deal with others (and other things) according to their nature. Now that I have grown and am no longer a defenseless kid, those monsters are not so threatening. Still, I treat snakes (and ill behaved humans) with a degree of caution. Its not so comforting to live in a land with dangers, but most of them can be managed to avoid causing you harm.

    There is a lot of fear in society today. From that fear flow a multitude of ills. Addressing those fears would make everyone's life better. I can't fix anyone else's fears, only my own. Still it would be nice if they did.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

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