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Thread: What if everything you know is wrong?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Butterfly Woman.
    I'm not very well practiced on meditating and it has been a long time since the last time I purposely had a lucid dream...but if there's something that I'm quite good at is putting effort to not doing so . And it has proven to be a good way of learning things for me. It might not have all the cool perks like talking with angels or healing powers. But that is fine with me.

    I was using the word "anchor" because IA had used it earlier on another post here and so I was just using that word. But I completely know what you mean by being okay but not necessary without pain.

    PS. I don't know how to use the quote sistem yet so I apologize if any of my answers are a bit strange.

  2. #22
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    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by ButterflyWoman View Post
    That's a fine way to put it. I'll remember that. Next time I get worked up about something, gotta fix it, gotta change it, whatever it is I'm still attached to enough to fret over, I'm just going to remind myself: I'm a lazy human. Effort without effort.


    Not everyone understands it. Some do. Some of us understand but are not always able (or willing, maybe) to put it into practice. Or, rather, to NOT practice, and just let it spontaneously be what it will be. I sometimes still get stuck in "doing and being" and all that. But I'm lazy. I need to cut back on the effort. (I know exactly what you meant.)

    Actually, here's a paradox again. The now doesn't need nor even have an anchor. It's just... now. It's awareness of the present moment, of what's happening right now. Not what happened a week ago or ten years ago or just a second ago. What is the situation RIGHT NOW? I have found that right now, I'm always perfectly okay. I may not be pain-free (long story, too much to go into, and too private for now, anyway), but I am always OKAY, in this moment. And then if I just wait, it's another moment, and I'm still okay. And so on. Doing this can turn the most ordinary things into extraordinary experiences. A cup of tea, the feeling of sliding into bed, the way the light glints on a windowsill, anything and everything becomes kind of strangely amazing. At least, it does for right now.
    What I meant by anchor in the now, is that our mind is all the time dragging us or at least me from the now...sedusing with thougths of important I at least need me to anchor in the NOW for not be dragged out of it.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #23

    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Enjoying this thread, I too would appreciate someone explaining how to use quotes please

  4. #24
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    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eyeswideopen View Post
    Enjoying this thread, I too would appreciate someone explaining how to use quotes please
    Lower right corner of the post, there's an option to "Reply With Quote". Click that, and it'll bring up the contents of the post in the appropriate tags to show it as a quote.

    What I do to get the multiple quotes is just basically copy the code for first quote (where it has the user's name and thread number) and paste down, and then copy and paste the bits I want to respond to, and close by manually typing the quote quote code. All of the codes are easily visible (and copyable) when you use Reply With Quote.

    Just one note, though, it's NOT good practice to just quote an entire long post. Probably best to copy the part(s) you specifically want to comment on, rather than copying a big block of text. There are many reasons, social and technical, why that's not the greatest idea. It's okay if it's a really short post and you intend to reply to pretty much all of it (as I did just up there ), but for a long post, please don't. It doesn't always cause problems, but it can (can get flagged as spam by the board's algorithms, for example).

    I might copy this to a general information post in the appropriate section, but I haven't got time right at this particular moment. Might do it later, though, if people find it helpful.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  5. #25

    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Recently, I came up for myself with a new definition of "being human" or the human experience, an unusual one admittedly, but I believe it is even the most correct one. And it goes like this:


    This collector of useless clutter.

  6. #26
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    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinera View Post
    Recently, I came up for myself with a new definition of "being human" or the human experience, an unusual one admittedly, but I believe it is even the most correct one. And it goes like this:


    I like it. And if we are all truly perfect beings then the more reason to make a video game where we play as a Human ( "THE STATE OF NOT KNOWING A F..... THING FOR SURE") because really it must be a bit boring to know everything in the universe (I know that, that is not true. But for the sake of this conversation I will say that).

  7. #27

    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    And that's what makes it so much fun. The art of searching,getting confused, excited, disappointed, trying new ways, failing, hoping, feeling successful in discovering , and still in the end feeling your discovering something that you can not physically prove therefore ' not knowing for sure' .
    I'm having a ball discovering, as I'm sure you are and many more.

  8. #28

    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by MooSaysTheCat View Post
    I like it. And if we are all truly perfect beings then the more reason to make a video game where we play as a Human ( "THE STATE OF NOT KNOWING A F..... THING FOR SURE") because really it must be a bit boring to know everything in the universe (I know that, that is not true. But for the sake of this conversation I will say that).
    Yes. And there is the view (metaphorically meant or not) that it is indeed all a virtual or holographic reality. Just look at Tom Campbell's work (My Big T.O.E.).

    The human person/ego is seemingly the AVATAR in a computer game we call EARTH LIFE.

    The AVATAR can evolve and become a bit self-aware sometimes, escape the matrix a bit and know or if only intuitively feel that it's all 'just' a game and there is another reality 'out there'. However, it seems most avatars (people) here don't know even that (... not knowing a thing ).

    The PLAYER behind the screen using the software is the Higher Self or God-Source or whatever you call it. It's a kind of game, for whatever purpose.

    And we are avatars.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  9. #29
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    Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinera View Post
    Yes. And there is the view (metaphorically meant or not) that it is indeed all a virtual or holographic reality. Just look at Tom Campbell's work (My Big T.O.E.).

    The human person/ego is seemingly the AVATAR in a computer game we call EARTH LIFE.

    The AVATAR can evolve and become a bit self-aware sometimes, escape the matrix a bit and know or if only intuitively feel that it's all 'just' a game and there is another reality 'out there'. However, it seems most avatars (people) here don't know even that (... not knowing a thing ).

    The PLAYER behind the screen using the software is the Higher Self or God-Source or whatever you call it. It's a kind of game, for whatever purpose.

    And we are avatars.

    *RANT follows, strongly worded, not intended to offend anyone etc*

    In my view I'd say YOU are the Higher Self or God Source, and any of us can experience that perspective, here and now, while being aware of your local self at the same time. I play loads of video games, and yes avatar is quite a good way of seeing it, because you are the avatar and WITNESSING the avatar at the same time. Therefore you KNOW you are not it, because you are watching it.

    It's not a matter of being evolved, or doing some kind of work or earning anything, it's just a matter of focus.

    If you have a TV with 100 channels, and you only watch 4 of them and are unaware of the other 96, when someone shows you how to see those those other channels, your mind explodes a bit, then you settle down and one day someone says oh "by the by mate, God's channel is # 73 or whatever" and you have not bothered to look at that channel and say "oh there is no God, woe is me, it's all meaningless"

    But then one day you think ♥♥♥♥ it, I'll take a look at that channel, and hey your mate was not talking a load of rubbish, and knowing your-self as a multidimensional being whose primarily reality and state of being is what we sometimes call love (but often mistake for egoic attachment, rather than actual love which never makes demands, accepts everyone as they are now and accepts that even "Evil" people are still God in disguise).

    Anyway, it's the most natural thing in the world to experience yourself "as you are", without all the layers of conceptual bull♥♥♥♥ that we put up with in modern society, and all the distractions from TV and and media and time wasting nonsense.

    If we put all that aside, sit down every day and meditate and say right "I know there is god, and I'm going to experience this state on my own terms, free of dogma, religion and spiritual mumbo jumbo, and all labels and conceptualisations.

    If anyone, or any age or background actually INTENDS to experience god, self, the living universe in a deeply personal, way, and keep thinking that thought, and feeling that feeling EVERY DAY, then they will experience that, there is no way NOT to experience that if you actually persist.

    Most people, they try say for example meditating /praying or whatever for a few weeks in a half-arsed way, then nothing happens, they say "oh there is no god, it's a load of rubbish" and then they give up and go back to being miserable, content with their "proof".

    But no, that is not the way in my view. If were unemployed and went out for four weeks and DID NOT get a job, you would not STOP and go "oh it's a waste of time, I don't believe in jobs, they are a myth, I give up".

    You would keep looking for a job for 3 months or 6 months or 12 months or however long it takes, you don't stop until you actually get the job.

    But that's how it often is, most people put more effort into washing their car than looking for a direct personal experience of god, that has NOTHING to do with religion or ANY belief system or dogma, not mine, not anyone's, only your own experience, free of any of the nonsense "spiritual" gurus and such talk about.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  10. Re: What if everything you know is wrong?

    Seems like every time you think you know how something is, you realize you don't. It seems like knowing comes in iterations, each time improving upon the foundation, but resetting itself over and over so its still fresh. Its hard to find the foresight to notice this whenever breakthroughs are made, though.

    It's rather frustrating to realize that every major leap won't ever be the last, but I suppose that's the glory in it. I don't know, and it seems like every time I try to say something worthwhile, I'm still missing a huge amount of the picture and unintentionally mislead people in the places I'm still missing. It's still encouraging to share your "struggles" with other people doing the same, which seems to make talking to people worth it.

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