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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #651
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Some more weird-assed dreams. I was in some sort of lecture hall, and was going to give a lecture (about religion) when I suddenly started to levitate. I tried to stop it, concerned that it would freak people out and they would misunderstand, when I then went somewhere and got kidnapped by a terrorist for religious reasons. He told me that I was only a woman and was not fit to be a preacher, and proceeded to urinate on all the religious paraphernalia I had (which consisted of some sort of box that looked like one of those boxes they have in catholic altars, and some other receptacles. At that moment instead of fighting him (because he was crazy) I acted submissive and said something about 'emptying his chamberpot', I grabbbed one of the receptacles and somehow got out of the building he had held me in. I then flashed on a different environment and woke up quickly, with no resolution. (Escaping through waking up instead of escaping through escaping- was not satisfying.)
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #652
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Nightmare. Was at my grandparent's house, but it wasn't their 'real' house. It was kind of like a hotel, with bugs and hauntings. When I was there something tried to possess me, not like something coming in, but like someone invisible trying to grab my wrists to control me. I was pretending to be scared but wasn't- Then the entity tried to levitate me (horror-story style) so I let go and let it, and it all stopped. It was kind of stupid, I was more concerned about the bugs than the ghosts. I woke up kind of grossed out.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #653
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    UFO school

    UFO School- I am attending a class that is supposed to be about UFOs- I attend it because I'm curious what it's going to be about. In the hallway to the classroom there is a group that has congregated, waiting for class time. I lean against a wall with everyone else to wait. I observe a small group of guys that look like they came from a frathouse, and see how they're acting- chatting up girls. I get approached by a good looking guy and he starts to talk to me, asking me questions. I surmise that these 'leading' questions are either a way to see if I'm a 'believer'- it is apparent to me that the guy is perfecting a pickup line. Eventually he starts going on about recruiting for a 'voyage to his planet'- yes, he's trying to get me to his dorm room. As I can tell what he's up to, I already have answers (neutral, uncommitted) to his questions and when he finally gets around to trying to get me to his room I laugh and decline. He leaves, kind of good-naturedly. Then there are a group left (after the guys leave, taking their 'catch' with them) and I'm left with a small group of people. Then they start to leave. One portly young girl admires the shoes I'm wearing. I see there's a pile of shoes by the door, some left by the people that got 'abducted'. I give her my shoes and prepare to get my taichi slippers, when I notice there is only one and a half (someone had ripped it.) Even though there were other shoes there, I feel that the guy had ripped my slipper (although it makes no sense)and I proceed to make it through the campus without shoes. Then on the way I see my grandfather (not the one I dream about all the time) tending what looks like a water garden. He tells me to maneuver through the garden and I'll get through easily. I look at the bottom of the garden under the water and it looks like dog poop on the bottom. I tell him, and he said that sometimes dogs use the area as a toilet, it makes 'good fertilizer'. I am disgusted at this and decline the offer and go around the garden, and promptly wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #654
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Dream: We were in a bar area, getting ready to go out: An old friend I used to go out with, an actress I don't know, and a performer I don't know. I then found my mother, went to introduce her to my 'actress friend', and she sort of ignored her. I then took my mother back to where we were, where my old friend mentioned "she had forgotten her seal " (she used to be a notary) and I woke up. Later in the morning I went to my recliner and had a short projection.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #655
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    Visions/trance within a dream

    Dream within a dream
    I was in a house where my son (who appeared younger) was at a party. They had gone somewhere (like a field trip) and I was left at the host's house. I got sleepy and closed my eyes, as in meditating.
    After a while I began to have visual hallucinations, like the hypnopomps I used to get. They were of pieces of paper, like scrolls. I began to manipulate the visions, moving the papers, and for a bit I tried to invoke images in them, but it was too difficult, so I settled for turning and rotating the pages- playing with the pages themselves, not the content.
    Then I woke up in the house, and the kids were back- the host (a man, the father of one of them) told me next year they would be going to India. When I expressed concern about the distance, he said that it would be only for a few hours, like a ride at a theme park.
    I then woke up.
    No hypnopomps, unfortunately.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #656
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    2 dreams.
    1-I'll come back to it.
    2-Was in another place like a resort and was given a"special" tea to drink. I was given a book that read like a primer, but the info in it was'secret' for me or an aspect. He gave me the tea with instructions. I downed the tea and woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #657
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    Back to school, new teacher, new attitude

    Back to School
    I was in a new school, and was meeting the teacher of one of the classes- I gave him my experience and the name of my previous teacher (head of a dept. IRL from my college days) and he outlined the classes I was supposed to take.
    As I was walking towards the classes I realized I had missed some of the classes already on the day before because of my being unaware. I went to see the teachers and no problem.
    Then I got 'home' to find that my partner had taken the 'girls' to where we were supposed to meet, and had left me a list of what I was supposed to bring. I checked and realized I had everything, and started going to wherever we were supposed to meet, and I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #658
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I was in some sort of theater or class. I was in the middle of the lesson when the teachers started talking about the history of the group, stories about the 'founders' of the group or class- when they showed us old pictures my parents both were there, and according to them, they, along with my two aunts (one a 'real' aunt and another one a very close friend of the family who is still living) had started this company/institution. I wanted to tell them that the people in it were my parents, but I felt a bit self-aggrandizing if I did. I woke up in wonderment and still considering whether to let them know who I was.
    Since one of my aunts was really in the theatre in her youth, this didn't surprise me about her. But 'knowing' that my parents were also in it (not IRL) was a surprise-a pleasant and proud surprise.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #659

    Re: CF's dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I was in some sort of theater or class. I was in the middle of the lesson when the teachers started talking about the history of the group, stories about the 'founders' of the group or class- when they showed us old pictures my parents both were there, and according to them, they, along with my two aunts (one a 'real' aunt and another one a very close friend of the family who is still living) had started this company/institution. I wanted to tell them that the people in it were my parents, but I felt a bit self-aggrandizing if I did. I woke up in wonderment and still considering whether to let them know who I was.
    Since one of my aunts was really in the theatre in her youth, this didn't surprise me about her. But 'knowing' that my parents were also in it (not IRL) was a surprise-a pleasant and proud surprise.
    I am not sure if you have read this book, but I found that it was immensely helpful with dream interpretation - It is called 'Inner Work' by Robert Johnson. The book tells us mainly that (hopefully I am not telling you something that you didn't already know) dream images/stories don't usually refer to outside circumstances, only occasionally. Most of the images refer to a part of our own psyche and what that portion would represent to us.

    Anyway - I don't want to step on toes as maybe you already have your own method, but I thought that I would try to help out

  10. #660
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Tells me you are grounded, you have roots, and you are center stage standing on the shoulders of the family that has gone before you. Hey, it is aggrandizing just as you deserve.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

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