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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #671
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    We were driving, my hubby, son and I. Some man (I think he might have been naked) wandered out in the middle of the street, acting insane, and caused an accident. We didn't hit him but he jumped in front of us and we narrowly missed him. We were physically unhurt, and ended up in some place like a hospital or administrative office of some sort. The man's family were there, being very apologetic and assigning blame to the man himself- apparently he had escaped some sort of asylum. As we waited for him some people came out and started interviewing us, and I was asked to go to Texas with some of the man's family members to talk to someone. I believe we were in Austin and had to go to Dallas (or vice-versa, I remember having to take an airplane to go from one city to the other, but not why we were there or where we started from.) When we were there, I found myself in the 'green room' of a talk show, and Bill Hader came out to talk to me, he apparently knew someone where I was sitting (waiting) and we struck up a conversation. In the space of a few hours we became great friends and started going somewhere, I remember being photographed by paparrazi as I sat with him- he kept telling people I was his new best friend. I was flustered about this because I always have found him to be one of the best comedians I've seen. So I was thrilled to be friends with him. Then the family came back and I was on my way back to (Dallas?) where my family was waiting for me. I woke up as I was arriving home.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #672
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    2 Dreams: The 'spy' dream (recurring)-Someone watching me, the blinds are open at night and I'm trying to close them, there is someone out there spying on me and I can't seem to keep things closed up. I must have had an astral visitor last night and will take measures today to rectify that.

    -and another dream in which I was at a job (old boss new job) and someone mentioned that they were going to make eating meat in the workplace forbidden. I then witnessed the employees discussing the relative merits of meat vs. other foods and what should be prohibited. I was just flabbergasted as these dumb people were failing to grasp the wrongness of what was happening, and were discussing the wrong points. My anger finally reached its limits and I proceeded to tell my boss (who in reality was one of the best bosses I ever had) why I would resign my position if anyone who employed me could presume to tell me what foods I should be allowed to eat, and I then directed my verbal barrage (not abuse, just pointing out what seemed to be going over their heads) that it didn't matter what foods were good or bad for them, that it should be their choice of whether they wanted to eat garbage and that no employer could take that right away from them adn the fact that they were accepting losing their power so stupidly just really made me angry. I woke up spitting mad and had to take deep breaths before waking up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #673
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I was having a 'recurring' dream about being trapped somewhere with others, in danger, and tryiing to figure out how to escape and help others escape too. I'm pretty sure this has been part of the background of my dreams in the past few days, except maybe on the night before, the first non-nightmare dreaming night in what has to be four or five days. In here we were in an environment and I was trying to figure out how to save the others and myself, although I knew I couldn't be harmed. I was half-lucid and started to fly. Unfortunately when I started flying I found the environment becoming 'unrealistic' and the sky turned into a dome, and there were people (the 'bad' guys over the dome) were armed, and were shooting at me (and the others.) After being shot a few times and realizing this wasn't really affecting me, I realized it was a simulation, and found myself in a sort of 'after the game' experience, in a kitchen ready for lunch, as if we had all been actors in a stage, and had stopped for lunch break. Then I woke up to the statue of liberty projection.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #674
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    A different take on a recurring dream
    I had the recurring dream about my grandfather's farm and house, the one in which I walk around telling people I used to stay there, it used to be my grandpa's house. As usual, it's some sort of public venue, like a hotel or a museum. This time it's more like a historic citadel. I notice it's seaside. I think it may be because my grandmother's house is on the beach, and I've combined them. I have a room there but it's not my room (as in real life) and the surf pounds so hard it is a miracle it doesn't break through the window. The scenery is beautiful, but the sound of the surf is very loud.
    I go for a walk with the young man I was touring the house/citadel earlier, and we walk on the beach outside of the citadel walls. I want to go into the sea as usual, but as usual, something holds me back. Then when we get to the other side I realize we have wandered away and are no longer 'at my grandfather's house.' I stay in someone's house, maybe the young man's family's house. I am not sure if I should be there, but am made to feel welcome. I try to get back, but things are different. At some point I wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #675
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I went to bed worried about the young'un and spent most of the night having frustrating 'can't do this' or 'can't solve that' dreams.
    I hate when that happens.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #676
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Symbolic dream- Started out as one of those 'theme park' dreams, where I was told by a man 'in charge' to do something to a little box- it was rectangular, had a small platform with a circle in it and had a strawlike stick that worked as some sort of ocular aid to see whatever was in the little box. He told me to put a coin (dime or quarter) in the slot. Then I went outside of a place called Trader Joe's- I had been inside and walked out with a parcel with some things I had picked up but not yet paid for. Now I'm with an old friend who had a large bag of stuff she had bought- a big bag. She then tells me that the things in that store are expensive, and offers to 'help me' with them. I say no, if they're too expensive I'll just go back into the store and bring them back. I start to worry about the objects (even though I'm already outside) and decide to go back into the store. I then wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #677
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    2 nights ago: My grandmother & mother came to pick me up, I was happy, it's been so long since I saw them. They dropped me off at a house, that looked like the house I used to live in before this one. Only there was a treehouse in the backyard. When I walked in the house there were some relatives in it that I now don't know, but I knew they were relatives. I was treated very nicely, but my grandmother wasn't there. Then I went to the backyard and into the treehouse. There were other people I didn't know, and they also welcomed me. They were black and I understood that they were ancestors. I didn't know why they were in the treehouse, but they were very hospitable too. I was glad to know them but was angry at my grandmother for leaving me alone with them instead of visiting with me, since it was her I missed (and my mom.) At the end of the dream my mom showed up and I complained to her about wanting to visit with them, not distant relatives. As I was waking up I heard a female voice saying "you can always visit us". I woke up.

    Yesterday there was some other angsty dream which I have forgotten.

    Last night a nightmare: A friend of mine from high school, who I've lost touch with, came by to visit, and brought a young man with her. He claimed to be interested in the occult but actually was a satanist. I immediately recognized this by the symbols and writing I could see around him. I could see blackness in the air around him, and my friend seemed to be oblivious to this. I at first thought I'd play dumb and see what he was up to, but I soon realized he was quickly filling the atmosphere with dark clouds, and this made me realize he either had a demon or was a demon, and started praying. The praying caused a bit of light to happen to counteract the darkness, but he was powerful and was darkening the atmosphere faster than I could lighten it up with my prayers. Then I asked St. Michael for help, and started doing a 'dream version' of the LBRP, calling the corners for the Archangel St. Michael and doing air pentagrams while I did. The minute I started evoking the Archangel St. Michael, the air started to clear up until it was completely clear and the sky was blue, and I could see circles with crosses in the air all around along with the pentacles, and I knew all was well. I then checked on my son, who was safe, and was on the way to evict my friend and her nephew when I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #678
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Another dream about my grandfather's house. We're touring it, and start living there. About half of the house seems tilted and bent and 'magical' things happen there, the other half still looks museum-y. I meet people I'm supposed to be related to, but there is something strange about them, nordic-ethnic (I have some Dutch ancestry besides the English ancestry from this particular grandfather, so they looked ethnically right, but culturally 'wrong'. However, I "know" these are relatives living in this house in the "present" (in the present there is no house, it was torn down when the land was used for a subdivision.)
    I used to feel these "grandfather's house" dreams were quaint and sweet recollections of a time gone by from my childhood, but they have taken on a distorted recurrence ever since my mother passed away. I want to know what they are about so they stop. They only make me sad.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #679
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    The night before last night I was having a dream about a strange man in my car- in the dream I was driving a car full of people, and when we got to our destination I was sleepy and wanted to take a nap- so I was waiting for everyone to get out of the car and take a nap-when this one man went from the back of the car to the front (middle between the seats, way too close to me). I couldn't get to my purse which was in the back (I don't know why this is important, but it seemed to be at the time) so I asked the man to please get out of the car already so I can get to my purse (I was really waiting so I could take a nap) and he said something about his glasses- something like 'do my glasses bother you?' and I asked him again to get out of my car. I waited and still he didn't move. So then I looked at him and he was speechless and just staring at me-like a dream character that is 'nothing' but image- and somehow this frightened me- so I started screaming at him to get out of my car- the more I screamed the more frightened I got- which made me wake up, laying down sideways in a ver uncomfortable way, feeling 'squished' as if there was someone sitting too close to me like in the car. I then changed positions, realized the 'wedged' feeling was from my body.
    I dismissed the dream as confabulation, and later on received an unpleasant surprise, when I saw this man in FB, trying to get into one of the groups I admin. So I'm not sure what this was about, my mind playing tricks on me, or a rare look into the immediate future combined with SP.
    Last night I had some interesting dreams too, but coming back to this one made me forget it. When it comes back to me I'll write it down.
    There was some skating happening, high-speed skating, a common theme in my earlier dreams, usually as a precursor to flying, although I wasn't flying (or had lucidity) in this one. I think I was dragging something or was dragged. Will come back if I remember more.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 25th September 2014 at 08:32 PM.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #680
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    That's really an interesting dream! I wonder if maybe you happened to see his request before the dream, even subconsciously, just a peek? and did you end up approving his request at the end, if I may ask? I wonder if that was some kind of telepathic connection, you dreaming about him.
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